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Lanagan, Amateur DetectiveLanagan, Amateur DetectiveJACK LANAGAN of the San Francisco Enquirer was conceded to have arrived as the premier police reporter of San Francisco. This honour was his not solely through a series of brilliant newspaper feats in his especial field, but as well by reason...
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The Comic Poems of Thomas HoodThe Comic Poems of Thomas Hood - A New and Complete EditionIf the general public, acquainted only with the comic works of Thomas Hood, were taken by surprise when they found how he could handle serious and solemn themes; those who saw him in...
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Oeuvres de Arthur Rimbaud: Vers et prosesOeuvres de Arthur Rimbaud: Vers et proses - Revues sur les manuscrits originaux et les premières éditions mises en ordre et annotées par Paterne Berrichon; poèmes retrouvésArthur Rimbaud fut un mystique l'tat sauvage, une source perdue qui ressort d'un sol satur. Sa vie, un...
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The Victories of Wellington and the British ArmiesThe Victories of Wellington and the British ArmiesIntroduction.State of England, military and political.India.Critical situation of British interests.Marquis Wellesley appointed to the Government.His measures.War declared.Tippoo attacks the army of Cannanore.Seringapatam invested.Stormed by General Baird.Death, character, and anecdotes of the Sultaun of Mysore.Military observations.Acts of cruelty.Tippoo...
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Tales and StoriesTales and Stories - Now First CollectedIt is customary to regard Mary Shelleys claims to literary distinction as so entirely rooted and grounded in her husbands as to constitute a merely parasitic growth upon his fame. It may be unreservedly admitted that her association...
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Honeycomb: Pilgrimage, Volume 3Honeycomb: Pilgrimage, Volume 3 When Miriam got out of the train into the darkness she knew that there were woods all about her. The moist air was rich with the smell of treeswet bark and branchesmoss and lichen, damp dead leaves. She stood on...
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Hangok a vihar utánHangok a vihar utánEzek ama mess aranyhegyek, a fldnek ve, melyek a pars mythologiban az istensg ltal rz idegekkel vannak elltva; itt beszl Isten a flddel, midn azt akarja, hogy az megrzkdjk az emberi bnk terhe alatt, s tvisekkel, szrazsggal, viharokkal raszsza el a...
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Egy játékos, a ki nyer: RegényEgy játékos, a ki nyer: RegényVge volt a nagy eurpai hbornak, a nagy vilghdt ott lt mr szent Ilona szigetn, a szvetsgesek pedig Prisban restaurltk Francziaorszgot. A sok jonnan teremtett kirlysg, respublika visszatrt a maga rgi gazdjhoz. Az illyriai kirlysg pnksd-napja is elmult, s...
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La Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième annéeLa Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième annéeTel qui sesjouit lire Rabelais, ce grand et vrai gnie franais, accueillera, je crois, avec plaisir, ce livre qui, malgr son titre, ne sadresse ni aux petits enfants, ni aux jeunes pucelles. Foin des pudeurs (toutes...
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Le poète assassinéLe poète assassinéTous ces peuples ont plus ou moins modifi le nom sonore de Croniamantal. Les Arabes, les Turcs et autres peuples qui lisent de droite gauche n'ont pas manqu de le prononcer Latnamanorc, mais les Turcs l'appellent bizarrement Pata, ce qui signifie oie...
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Auswahl aus den Dichtungen Eduard MörikesAuswahl aus den Dichtungen Eduard MörikesEine Auswahl aus Mrike und insbesondere eine Auswahl aus Mrikes Gedichten ist sie gerechtfertigt, da doch der Dichter selbst bei der Sammlung seiner Gedichte so sorgfltig whlte und schied? Der Zweck unserer Ausgaben, die in erster Linie fr die...
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Kárpáthy Zoltán: RegényKárpáthy Zoltán: RegényLttatok-e mr j gazdt, ki az seitl elhanyagolt rkt tvve, ers akarattal, kedvvel, szorgalommal hozzfog ismt elpusztult si telke helyrelltshoz? pletet rak, cserjt irt, fkat ltet. Mint rl aztn, ha szorgalma, buzg fradsga nyomain megltszanak az Isten ld kezei, milyen rmmel mutogatja...
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Szélcsend alatt Az életből ellesveSzélcsend alatt; Az életből ellesveA kurucz nv nem jelentett mr semmi nagyot, legfeljebb mg holmi torzonborz, elhanyagolt klsej alakok kignyolsra hasznlgattk azt. A nemes urak iparkodtak a szatmri bke ta a fnyes hivatalokban megersdni, s a rodosti srnak egyedli ltogatja volt a pontuszi raply...
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Correspondance: Les lettres et les artsCorrespondance: Les lettres et les artsLes lettres qu'on va lire ont t crites par mile Zola au dbut de sa carrire. Il avait nou des relations d'amiti, Aix-en-Provence, avec le pote Antony Valabrgue, g alors de dix-neuf ans et qui faisait ses premiers essais...
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Aurora LeighAurora LeighThe words cousin and friend are constantly recurring in this poem, the last pages of which have been finished under the hospitality of your roof, my own dearest cousin and friend;cousin and friend, in a sense of less equality and greater disinterestedness than...
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Musical StudiesMusical StudiesA preface to the third edition can in the nature of things be little more than a repetition of that to the second. While in one way it is regrettable that the article on Strauss does not carry us further than the Symphonia...
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The Fortunes of the Colville Family or, A Cloud with its Silver LiningThe Fortunes of the Colville Family; or, A Cloud with its Silver Lining Words, of course, in themselves good and well-chosen, and embodying a wish which all who love their neighbour should feel and communicate;God in his mercy grant there may be very many...
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Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of ItHarry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of It If our readers, gentle or simple, will obligingly stretch their imaginations sufficiently to depict for themselves the happiness of Alice and Harry during the first month of their married life, popularly denominated the honeymoon, and...
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Vieras veri: RakkausnovellejaVieras veri: RakkausnovellejaHn muisti yht'kki uuden sairaan olevan tulossa ja ryhtyi valmistamaan tuliaiskoria, samoin miehens tahdosta, jolla oli sairaalan ylin johto. Hn otti tammisesta, hopeahelaisesta kirstusta palttinaisia siteit ja levitti niit kerroksen korin pohjalle, sairaan haavoja varten; niitten plle kaksi valkeasta villasta tehty kdenmuotoista...
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