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A Colonial Reformer, Vol. 2 (of 3)A Colonial Reformer, Vol. 2 (of 3)Mr. Neuchamp was disposed to be wroth with himself when he discovered that he was looking forward with considerable interest to a much-talked-of ball, by which the Count von Schtterheims had resolved to mark his appreciation of the...
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Fekete gyémántokFekete gyémántokVan egy nagy knyvnk: a fld krge. Annak valsgos lapjai vannak, mint a knyvnek a levelei, egyik a msikra fektetve; minden lap tizezer, szzezer (ki tudja, mennyi?) vet kpvisel. A vakmer emberi tudsszomj keresztlfrta e lapokat, sval kalapcscsal, vsvel, frval. Minden lap tele...
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The Valley of Gold: A Tale of the SaskatchewanThe Valley of Gold: A Tale of the SaskatchewanThe east wind blew furiously, beating gray sheets down the streaming panes. Along the village street flowed a turbid torrent, the squalid wash of an "old-timer-three-days'-blow" from the Great Lakes. Threshing was hung up. Every wheel...
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Goose-Quill PapersGoose-Quill PapersFOR the sake of an apple Atalanta lost her nigh-won victory; and that other apple, thrown for the fairest, moved all Olympus into discord. Bragi, the north-god, and his peers renewed their youth with one touch of its cool juices. Dragons circled it...
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Vadon virágaiVadon virágaiA hegytetk koprak; rendetlenl felmeredez sziklaleiken itt-ott nylik fel egyes stt fenyszl, vagy tveibl flig kicsavarva, szrazan lg le a meredekbe. A hegyoldalakat szntelen szraz avarf s pfrn fedi, mely sttzld, de semmi llatot nem tpll. Ms brczeken a kszli sas keresi fszkt,...
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Webster and TourneurWebster & TourneurThe first Globe Theatre, on the Bankside, Southwark, "the summer theatre of Shakespeare and his fellows," is believed to have been built in 1594, partly of materials removed from the Theatre in Shoreditch, "the earliest building erected in or near London purposely...
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Murtoviivoja: NovellejaMurtoviivoja: NovellejaHn avasi ikkunan ja kurkisti ulos. Kaikki oli hiljaista, kaikki ennallaan. Pienen pihamaan tukevarunkoiset palmut katsoivat hneen hievahtamattomin viuhkoin ja nurmikon keskell kihelmivn suihkulhteen vesi pisaroi laiskasti maahan pitkin sammaltuneen kivialustan kuvetta. Kummallista! Hn nki tuon saman joka piv ja aina oli se...
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Bálványos-vár: Történeti regényBálványos-vár: Történeti regényMg csak a negyedik szzad jrta, hogy a magyar np rpd alatt elfoglalta Magyarorszgot. Kt kirly lt egyszerre a magyar trnon: II. Endre s fia IV. Bla. Tros is volt annak a lnak a hta. Akkor is nagy volt a panasz az...
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Lovers' Saint Ruth's, and Three Other TalesLovers' Saint Ruth's, and Three Other TalesThe contents of this book have, hitherto, never been printed nor published. One chapter among them, The Provider, is based very literally on a tragic thing which happened, some years ago, in Dublin, and which, figuring as a...
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Uhkapeli: Arnold Bromanin papereistaUhkapeli: Arnold Bromanin papereista Peli myty, petti kortit. Umpeen lyty unten portit. Vihdoinkin on hetki koittanut, jolloin hmr ainakin osaksi sielustani katoaa ja salaiset aavistukseni ja epilyni muuttuvat kylmksi todellisuudeksi. Lhes kaksi vuotta olenkin saanut kitua tietmttmyydess. Olen ollut kuin pimess kallioluolassa, josta pois...
- ¥958 JPY
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My Opinions and Betsey Bobbet'sMy Opinions and Betsey Bobbet's - Designed as a Beacon Light to Guide Women to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, But Which May Be Read by Members of the Sterner Sect, without Injury to Themselves or the BookWhich is to be read,...
- ¥958 JPY
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Erdélyi képekErdélyi képekA j reg Petki Farkas nem utols ember vala a maga idejben, a mit mindazok, a kik t valaha ismertk, bizonyra tudni fognak. Miutn azonban lehetsges dolog, miszerint ezen sorokat olyan emberek is olvasni fogjk, a kik t nem ismertk, jnak tallom t...
- ¥958 JPY
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Das wandernde Licht: NovelleDas wandernde Licht: NovelleEs war keiner von den Kurierzgen; wenige Fahrgste nur saen in den Wagen verteilt; auf der Station stiegen nicht mehr als zwei Reisende aus. Dies waren zwei Mnner, von denen der eine, der bejahrter und dicker als der andre war, sogleich...
- ¥958 JPY
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Der letzte Sommer: Eine Erzählung in BriefenDer letzte Sommer: Eine Erzählung in Briefen Lieber Konstantin! Ich habe mein Amt angetreten und will Dir berichten, wie sich mir die Lage darstellt. Da mir gelingen wird, was ich vorhabe, bezweifle ich nicht, es scheint sogar, da die Umstnde gnstiger sind, als man...
- ¥958 JPY
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Whom God Hath Joined: A Question of MarriageWhom God Hath Joined: A Question of MarriageTranscriber's Notes: 1. Page scan source: Google Books, https://books.google.com/books/ about/whom_god_hath_joined.html?id=qaJBAQAAMAAJ. [University of Illinois Library] 2. Lower left corner of page 144 (start of Chapter XVIII.) is torn off, partially affecting three lines of text. Lacunae indicated by...
- ¥958 JPY
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Calligrammes: Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre (1913-1916)Calligrammes: Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre (1913-1916) LIENS Cordes faites de cris Sons de cloches travers l'Europe Sicles pendus Rails qui ligotez les nations Nous ne sommes que deux ou trois hommes Libres de tous liens Donnons-nous la main Violente pluie...
- ¥958 JPY
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Das WeiberdorfDas WeiberdorfRomane: Rheinlandstchter / Dilettanten des Lebens / Es lebe die Kunst / Das tgliche Brot / Das Weiberdorf / Die Wacht am Rhein / Vom Mller-Hannes / Das schlafende Heer / Einer Mutter Sohn / Novellen: Kinder der Eifel / Vor Tau und...
- ¥958 JPY
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Lustra of Ezra PoundLustra of Ezra PoundNote.Il sagit dun jeune pote qui a suivi le culte de Gauguin jusqu Tahiti mme (et qui vit encore). tant fort bel homme, quand la princesse bistre entendit quil voulait lui accorder ses faveurs elle montra son allegresse de la faon...
- ¥958 JPY
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El amigo MansoEl amigo MansoYo no existo... Y por si algn desconfiado terco maliciosillo no creyese lo que tan llanamente digo, exigiese algo de juramento para creerlo, juro y perjuro que no existo; y al mismo tiempo protesto contra toda inclinacin tendencia suponerme investido de los...
- ¥958 JPY
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Frank Reade, Jr.'s Search for the Silver WhaleFrank Reade, Jr.'s Search for the Silver Whale - Or, Under the Ocean in the Electric "Dolphin"A submarine boat? Do you really mean it, Frank? I trust you are not becoming mentally unbalanced with the success of your inventive efforts. Not content with the...
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