Old Is Gold
The Black Riders, and Other LinesThe Black Riders, and Other LinesYou provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt...
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Ossian in GermanyOssian in Germany - Bibliography, General Survey, Ossian's Influence upon Klopstock and the BardsWhen the subject of Ossians influence in Germany first occurred to me, it seemed a simple matter to exhaust the topic in the limits set by a work of this character....
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Dodo's Daughter: A Sequel to DodoDodo's Daughter: A Sequel to DodoNadine Waldenech's bedroom was a large square apartment on the ground floor at her mother's cottage at Meering in North Wales. It was rather a large cottage, for it was capable of holding about eighteen people, but Dodo was...
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Béla, a butaBéla, a butaElek a zsibbaszt s tompa dlutnon elaludt, lt helyben. Mire flbredt, mr este volt, haldokl violafnnyel senki se lt az elsosztly flkben. A vonat alacsony falak kzt rikkantott s ugrlt, egy kzeled lloms eltt, annak a vrosnak az aljban, melynl t kellett...
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The Battle of Life: A Love StoryThe Battle of Life: A Love StoryOnce upon a time, it matters little when, and in stalwart England, it matters little where, a fierce battle[4] was fought. It was fought upon a long summer day when the waving grass was green. Many a wild...
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Dodo Wonders--Dodo Wonders--Dodo was so much interested in what she had herself been saying, that having just lit one cigarette, she lit another at it, and now contemplated the two with a dazed expression. She was talking to Edith Arbuthnot, who had just returned from...
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The Story of a Round-House, and Other PoemsThe Story of a Round-House, and Other PoemsShips Truth They closed her Eyes The Harp I saw the Ramparts That Blessed Sunlight Song The Ballad of Sir Bors Spanish Waters Cargoes Captain Stratton's Fancy An Old Song re-sung St. Mary's Bells London Town The...
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The White House (Novels of Paul de Kock Volume XII)The White House (Novels of Paul de Kock Volume XII) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII It...
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Midi à quatorze heuresMidi à quatorze heures - Histoire d'un voisin—Voyage dans Paris—Une visite à l'Arsenal—Un homme et une femmeHonfleur est une jolie ville en face du Havre de Grce et btie en amphithtre au pied dune colline trs-leve; les arbres qui en couronnent le sommet se...
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The Life of Daniel De FoeThe Life of Daniel De FoeThe ensuing Life was written for amusement, during a period of convalescence in 1785; and published anonymously by Stockdale, before The History of the Union, in 1786. As the Author fears no reproach for such amusement, during such a...
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Dandy Dick: A Play in Three ActsDandy Dick: A Play in Three ActsDandy Dick was the third of the farces which Mr. Pinero wrote for the old Court Theatrea series of plays which, besides giving playgoers a fresh source of laughter, and the English stage a new order of comic...
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Sport Royal, and Other StoriesSport Royal, and Other StoriesHeidelberg seems rather a tourist-ridden, hackneyed sort of place to be the mother of adventures. Nevertheless, it is there that my story begins. I had been traveling on the Continent, and came to Heidelberg to pay my duty to the...
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Esik a hó: NovellákEsik a hó: NovellákNagyapm szemei sttek s nyugalmasok voltak, az ajka keskeny s mozdulatlan. Egy flszigetrl jtt, tl a vizen, hol a flsziget msik rsze eltnik a lthatr mgtt, ott, hol grbl a fld s a msik flteke az jbe borul mr. Nagyapm ifju...
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A Will and No Will or, A Bone for the Lawyers. (1746) The New Play Criticiz'd, or the Plague of Envy. (1747)A Will and No Will; or, A Bone for the Lawyers. (1746) The New Play Criticiz'd, or the Plague of Envy. (1747) The manuscript copies of these two plays by Charles Macklin, A WILL AND NO WILL, OR A BONE FOR THE LAWYERS (1746)...
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Christmas Roses and Other StoriesChristmas Roses and Other Stories HEY were coming up everywhere in their sheltered corner on the wall-border, between the laurustinus and the yew hedge. She had always loved to watch their manner of emerging from the wintry ground: neck first, arched and stubborn; heads...
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The Gentle Shepherd: A Pastoral ComedyThe Gentle Shepherd: A Pastoral ComedyThe Publisher being desirous to present the American public with a correct edition of the "Gentle Shepherd," considerable pains have been taken to ascertain the best or standard text. Fortunately, there were, within reach, several of the best editions,...
- ¥951 JPY
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Apró regények és esetekApró regények és esetekEgyszerre csak abbahagyta Balzs a magolst. Nem a Cicka miatt. A nyitott ablakon t zrzavaros hangok csapdtak a szobba. Odafigyelt. Mg soha sem hallott efle hangversenyt. Mintha a levegbl bgott volna al, vagy a fld mhbl trt volna el ezernyi hangszerszm...
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The Bee's Bayonet (a Little Honey and a Little Sting)The Bee's Bayonet (a Little Honey and a Little Sting) - Camouflage in Word PaintingNewspaper Item, Athens, Pa., July 29: The archaeologists who are traversing the Susquehanna River Valley, visiting sites of Indian villages and digging up aborigines and other relics, are said to...
- ¥951 JPY
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La lucha por la vida: Aurora rojaLa lucha por la vida: Aurora rojaLos dos, vestidos de negro, imberbe el uno, rasurado el otro, tenan aire de seminaristas; el alto, grababa con un cortaplumas en la corteza de una vara una porcin de dibujos y de adornos; el otro, con las...
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The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Appendix to Volume XII: Tales, Sketches, and other Papers by Nathaniel Hawthorne with a Biographical Sketch by George Parsons LathropThe Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Appendix to Volume XII: Tales, Sketches, and other Papers by Nathaniel Hawthorne with a Biographical Sketch by George Parsons Lathrop - Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel HawthorneThe Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, with Introductory Notes by George Parsons Lathrop...
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