Old Is Gold
Wise Saws and Modern Instances, Volume 2 (of 2)Wise Saws and Modern Instances, Volume 2 (of 2)Those words "odd," and "singular," and "eccentric," what odd, singular, eccentric sort of words they are, reader! How often they mean nothing,being thrown out, as descriptions of character, by drivelling Ignorance, who scrapes them up as...
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Histoire de ma Vie, Livre 1 (Vol. 1 - 4)Histoire de ma Vie, Livre 1 (Vol. 1 - 4)Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Pourquoi ce...
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Horace ChaseHorace ChaseIN a mountain village of North Carolina, in the year 1873, the spring had opened with its accustomed beauty. But one day there came a pure cold wind which swept through the high valley at tremendous speed from dawn to midnight. People who...
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La dégringoladeLa dégringoladeD'un quart de lieue, le soir, on voyait resplendir ses becs de gaz au plus bel endroit du boulevard Clichy, presqu'en face de la place Pigalle. C'est vers 1865 qu'il fut fond, au rez-de-chausse d'une maison neuve, par un certain Justus Putzenhofer, Prussien...
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La coucaratcha (II/III)La coucaratcha (II/III)Mais comme cette nouvelle volont ne faisait pour ainsi dire que de natre, elle n'tait pas encore assez forte pour vaincre l'autre, qui avait toute la force qu'une longue habitude peut donner. Cependant ces deux volonts, l'une ancienne et l'autre nouvelle, l'une...
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Social Transformations of the Victorian Age: A Survey of Court and CountrySocial Transformations of the Victorian Age: A Survey of Court and CountryIt may be well very briefly to explain the relation in which the present work stands to a survey, not a history, of modern England undertaken by the same author some years ago....
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SolomonSolomonMIDWAY in the eastern part of Ohio lies the coal country; round-topped hills there begin to show themselves in the level plain, trending back from Lake Erie; afterwards rising higher and higher, they stretch away into Pennsylvania and are dignified by the name of...
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Paris and the Parisians in 1835 (Vol. 1)Paris and the Parisians in 1835 (Vol. 1)From the very beginning of reading and writingnay, doubtless from the very beginning of speaking,Truth, immortal Truth has been the object of ostensible worship to all who read and to all who listen; and, in the abstract,...
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Ovington's BankOvington's Bank It was market day at Aldersbury, the old county town of Aldshire, and the busiest hour of the day. The clock of St. Julianas was on the point of striking three, and the streets below it were thronged. The gentry, indeed, were...
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La coucaratcha (I/III)La coucaratcha (I/III)Vers la fin de la guerre d'Espagne, je me trouvais Chiclana, charmant village peu loign de Cadix, et renomm par l'efficacit de ses sources minrales;on m'avait conseill ces eaux pour parfaire la gurison d'une blessure assez dangereuse, et mon excellent hte don...
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Der TeemeisterDer Teemeister Haus brannte, auch papierner Lampion fing Feuer, Nachthimmel war gar nicht so schwarz, eher blulich, nun goss Rot von unten in gischtender Garbe hoch, Zikaden zirpten erwachend auf, ungeheuer leise, doch gleichwohl schrill fr glserne Ohren, verzweifelter Greis fiel zu Boden und...
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Life and Writings of Maurice MaeterlinckLife and Writings of Maurice Maeterlinck"Maurice Maeterlinck.Il dbuta ... dans La Pliade par un chef-d'uvre: Le Massacre des Innocents. Albert Mockel devint plus tard son patient et infatigable aptre Paris. C'est lui qui nous fit connatre Les Serres Chaudes et surtout cette Princesse Maleine...
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For the CauseFor the CauseParis had never seemed to the eye more peaceful than on a certain November evening in the year 1589: and this although many a one within its walls resented the fineness of that night as a mockery, a scoff at the pain...
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Spiritual AdventuresSpiritual AdventuresI am afraid I must begin a good way back if I am to explain myself to myself at all satisfactorily. I can see how the queer child I was laid the foundation of the man I became, and yet I remember singularly...
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Browning and His CenturyBrowning and His CenturyDuring the nineteenth century, which has already receded far enough into the perspective of the past for us to be able to take a comprehensive view of it, the advance guard of the human race found itself in a position entirely...
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My Lords of Strogue, Vol. 3 (of 3)My Lords of Strogue, Vol. 3 (of 3) - A Chronicle of Ireland, from the Convention to the UnionIf the cits of Dublin during this time were in the throes of apprehension and suspense, the Lords and Commons were enduring the agonies of evil...
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My Lords of Strogue, Vol. 2 (of 3)My Lords of Strogue, Vol. 2 (of 3) - A Chronicle of Ireland, from the Convention to the UnionThe dowager's words produced their effect upon Doreen, despite her virtuous indignation. She no longer committed herself by indiscreet communings with the 'scatter-brained young men.' She...
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My Lords of Strogue, Vol. 1 (of 3)My Lords of Strogue, Vol. 1 (of 3) - A Chronicle of Ireland, from the Convention to the UnionSo sang all Dublin in a delirium of triumph on the 9th of November, 1783. From the dawn of day joy-bells had rung jocund peals; rich...
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Second StringSecond StringPunctuation has been regularized. The following typographical corrections were made: p. 517 "dumurely" changed to "demurely" p. 536 "that's he" changed to "that he's" p. 539 "thing" changed to "think" Jack Rock stood in his shop in High Street. He was not very...
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For the Major: A NoveletteFor the Major: A NoveletteEDGERLEY the first lay on the eastern flank of Chillawassee Mountain; Edgerley the second six hundred feet above. The first Edgerley, being nearer the high civilization of the state capital, claimed the name, and held it; while the second Edgerley...
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