Old Is Gold
Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 4 October 1848Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 4 October 1848I was loitering beside my mother's chair, in her drawing-room, one day on my return from school, listening to the conversation between her and some morning visiters; they were discussing most earnestly the merits of a reigning...
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Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 3 September 1848Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 3 September 1848"Yes, and how badly he waltzes," said Angila. "Mary Morton is too pretty a girl for such an awkward, ugly man. How lovely she looked last night. I hope it's not an engagement, for I quite like...
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Bom-senso e bom-gostoBom-senso e bom-gosto - Folhetim a proposito da carta que o senhor Anthero do Quental dirigiu ao senhor Antonio Feliciano de CastilhoA carta do sr. Anthero do Quental ao sr. CastilhoMotivo por que tomo a palavraO sr. Anthero apanhado em negligVem a proposito o...
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Medical Investigation in Seventeenth Century EnglandMedical Investigation in Seventeenth Century England - Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, October 14, 1967Although the collection of scientific literature in the Clark Library has already served as the background for a number of seminars, in the most recent of them the...
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Home University Library of Modern Knowledge, No. 77Shelley, Godwin and Their CircleThe history of the French Revolution in England begins with a sermon and ends with a poem. Between that famous discourse by Dr. Richard Price on the love of our country, delivered in the first excitement that followed the fall...
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Tre DonneTre DonnePare che l'avesse in cuore, povera Giulia! Non ci voleva andare al lavoro stamattina!... Le doleva il capo; aveva bisogno di stare in casa a riposare qualche ora di pi. Ma la sua cognata le ramment ch'era di turno alla macchina, che il...
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Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 2 August 1848Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 2 August 1848This remarkable woman was not only one of the first writers of her country, but she deserves to be ranked with the most celebrated persons of her sex who have lived in any nation or age. Within...
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InfernoInferno Det var med en knsla av vild gldje jag tervnde frn Nordbanans station, sedan jag dr avlmnat min lilla hustru, vilken skulle fara till vrt barn, som insjuknat i fjrran land. Fullbordat var allts offret av mitt hjrta! Vra avskedsord: Nr ses vi...
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Les Contemporains, Quatrième SérieLes Contemporains, Quatrième Série - Etudes et Portraits LittérairesL'excuse de Stendhal, c'est que, bien rellement, il n'crivait son journal que pour lui et non point, comme ont fait tant d'autres, avec une arrire-pense de publication. Et si, quelque bonne volont qu'on apporte cette lecture,...
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Viribus unitis: Wie könnte die europäische Cultur nach Bosnien verpflanzt werden?Viribus unitis: Wie könnte die europäische Cultur nach Bosnien verpflanzt werden?Es wird eine Actiengesellschaft mit einem Actiencapitale von 30 Millionen Gulden unter der Firma Zadruga mit dem Sitze in Wien gebildet; die Actien lauten auf den Betrag von 200fl. und auf den Inhaber. Es...
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Nos femmes de lettresNos femmes de lettresCette version lectronique reprend l'intgralit du texte de la version papier. Seuls quelques mots ont t corrigs. Ils sont souligns par des tirets. Passer la souris sur le mot, pour voir le texte original. La Femme-auteur, notre poque, ne se manifeste...
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Jacquine VanesseJacquine Vanesse...Vous me demandez qui est Mme Sauvigny et s'il est vrai que le fameux docteur Oserel ait conu l'ide bizarre.... Le bruit court, dites-vous, qu'ils s'pouseront avant peu. N'en croyez rien, madame. Le docteur n'est pas un homme qu'on pouse, et Mme Sauvigny...
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Les contemplations: Aujourd'hui, 1843-1856Les contemplations: Aujourd'hui, 1843-1856 Tout est plein d'mes. Or, la premire faute Et, d'abord, sache Viens, si tu l'oses! ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 29844 Author: Hugo, Victor Release Date: Aug 29, 2009 Format: eBook Language: French
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Les contemplations: Autrefois, 1830-1843Les contemplations: Autrefois, 1830-1843Si un auteur pouvait avoir quelque droit d'influer sur la disposition d'esprit des lecteurs qui ouvrent son livre, l'auteur des Contemplations se bornerait dire ceci: Ce livre doit tre lu comme on lirait le livre d'un mort. Vingt-cinq annes sont dans...
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DianaDianaI am thinking of a little brown house, somewhere in the wilds of New England. I wish I could make my readers see it as it was, one June afternoon some years ago. Not for anything very remarkable about it; there are thousands of...
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The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 2, August, 1863The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 2, August, 1863 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy OUR FUTURE. GOD'S HARP. AUTUMN LEAVES. ACROSS MAINE IN MID-WINTER. DIARY OF FRANCES KRASINSKA. THE SLEEPING PERI. MY LOST DARLING. REASON, RHYME, AND RHYTHM. THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA....
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Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 1 July 1848Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 1 July 1848There was a mighty stir in the streets of Paris, as Paris' streets were in the olden time. A dense and eager mob had taken possession, at an early hour of the day, of all the environs...
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A Neta do ArcediagoA Neta do ArcediagoNo livro impresso a partir do qual foi feita esta transcrio, existia um grave erro de impresso na pgina 179, no pargrafo que comea com a frase: "No obstante a escaramua, a cohorte estendia por longe o terror." Este erro de...
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Stille Helden: RomanStille Helden: RomanEine Frhlingsnacht endete, und das neue Tagewerk begann. Droben im sehr gerumigen Erker lie sich der alte Herr in seinen Stuhl helfen. Er lag jetzt die Nchte oft wachend und verzehrte sich voll Ungeduld, bis zwischen den Spalten der Vorhnge ein grauer...
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Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No IV, April 1863Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No IV, April 1863 - Devoted to Literature and National PolicyEvery nation has its legend of a 'golden age'when all was young and fresh and fair'comme les couleurs primitives de la nature'even before the existence of this gaunt shadow of...
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