Old Is Gold
Rahvaan tytär, miljoonain hallitsija: Historiallinen kertomusRahvaan tytär, miljoonain hallitsija: Historiallinen kertomusI. Ennustus II. Houkuttelia III. Martta kasvatusvanhempainsa luona IV. Ensiminen rakkaus V. Marienburg hvitetn. Aksel ja Martta eroavat VI. Martta vankeudessa VII. Keisari ja Kenraali VIII. Sotamarskin Scheremetewin pidot IX. Miksi Menzikow aikoo Martan X. Martta muuttaa Kremliin XI....
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Journal d'une femme de cinquante ans (1/2)Journal d'une femme de cinquante ans (1/2)I. Dessein de l'auteur.II. Milieu o Mlle Dillon passa ses premires annes.Son grand-oncle Arthur Dillon, archevque de Narbonne.Son pre Arthur Dillon, 6e colonel propritaire du rgiment de Dillon.Sa mre, dame du Palais.Sa grand'mre Mme de Rothe: son caractre...
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Scenas da FozScenas da FozLi, como editor, e reli, como critico, as SCENAS DA FOZ do snr. Joo Junior. Declaro que encontrei uma serie de scenas, que tanto podiam ser de S. Joo da Foz como de Freixo-de-Espada--Cinta. Entretanto, os quadros comicos so desenhados com um...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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A Christmas Accident and Other StoriesA Christmas Accident and Other StoriesOf the stories included in this volume, the first originally appeared in the Hartford Courant; "Afterthe Deluge," in the Atlantic Monthly; "Mary A. Twining," in the Home Maker; "A Postlude" and "Her Neighbor's Landmark," in the Outlook; "The 'Daily...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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A Likely StoryA Likely StoryMrs. Campbell: "Now this, I think, is the most exciting part of the whole affair, and the pleasantest." She is seated at breakfast in her cottage at Summering-by-the-Sea. A heap of letters of various stylish shapes, colors, and superscriptions lies beside her...
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The Smart Set: Correspondence and ConversationsThe Smart Set: Correspondence & Conversations You did well to stay West. Would to God I had! Julia's big party came off last night. I told her weeks ago, when she began insinuating it, that if it must be it must be, of course,...
- ¥942 JPY
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Rozmowa Pòlocha z KaszëbąRozmowa Pòlocha z KaszëbąP. Ja sliszalem o vjelorakich Kaszubach. K. Jo, Panje; e moj wjc, co bel bgati, b mjel sztere wle e sztere knje, a mjeszkel vjele lat v jedni vsi Kaszebski, dze bel przeseznim, narachvel dwjakich: jedni sa grebi, a dregi sa...
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Väsyneen haudalla: Alkuperäinen novelliVäsyneen haudalla: Alkuperäinen novelliKulkiessa N:n avaraa ulappata, ern lahden rannalla vet huomiota puoleensa komeasti rakennettu talo. Sen etlle ulottuneet, laajat vainiot ovat silmn pistvt, sill niiss huomaat paljon tyn ja toimen jlki. Talo itse on rakennettu nykyajan sivistyksen ja vaatimusten mukaan rikkaalta nyttvksi: kaksi...
- ¥942 JPY
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Les Contemporains, 6ème SérieLes Contemporains, 6ème Série - Études et Portraits LittérairesIl y a, dans une Revue illustre, un crivain que je respecte et que j'admire infiniment. Depuis quelque temps, il ne peut plus crire une page sans marquer son ddain et son antipathie pour ce qu'il...
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A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth CenturyA Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century - Fourth EditionSince the third edition of the present work issued from the press, the nineteenth century has run its course and finished its record. A new era has dawned, not by chronological prescription alone,...
- ¥942 JPY
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Pan TadeuszPan Tadeusz - Or, the Last Foray in Lithuania; a Story of Life Among Polish Gentlefolk in the Years 1811 and 1812 No European nation of our day has such an epic as Pan Tadeusz. In it Don Quixote has been fused with the...
- ¥942 JPY
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Veljekset: UuteloVeljekset: UuteloKuin joskus satut, suomalainen, kvelemn Pietarsaaren kirkkomaalla, niin silmile itpuolelle kirkkoa, seisahda ja ajattele "kukahan tuollekin suurelle koivulle ruumiillaan hystett antaa?" Mene sitten liiemmksi, kaiva koivun juurella tuuman maahan, pyhi pois multa ja hautaa merkitsev kivi kohtaa sinua ja sana sattuu silmiisi; sana...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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Possession: A Peep-Show in ParadisePossession: A Peep-Show in ParadiseThis playoriginally intended to form part of Angels and Ministerswas separated on an after-thought as a concession to those who do not like to have their politics and their religion mixed. And, as the Victorian age was eminently successful in...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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NinnoliNinnoliVi , non vero? un certo coraggio sui generis, cos detto della paura, il quale, alle volte, spinge anche i timidi a compiere prodigi di valore. Ebbene, lo credereste? Domenico Ghegola non ebbe mai neppure il coraggio della paura. Tuttavia, per, non bisogna credere...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 12 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 12 (de 12)O que eram frades Quem desterrou Jos de Seabra da Silva? D. Joo 4. e as regateiras Fielding Mania e hypocondria Aos diplomatas descontentes Bibliographia O ultimo carrasco, pelo exc.mo snr. visconde...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 11 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 11 (de 12)O ultimo carrasco, pelo exc.mo snr. visconde de Ouguella O desastroso fim de Damio de Goes A menina perdida O heroe da ilha Terceira O nariz Joo Baptista Gomes Auto da f......
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 10 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 10 (de 12)Beatriz de Vilalva Se o poeta Bernardim Ribeiro foi commendador Resposta de Jos Anastacio Prefacio ao sonho do Arcebispo O ultimo carrasco Curiosidades artisticas Cantada e Carpida Bibliographia Isto so cousas antigas....
- ¥942 JPY
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Rahan valtaa: Huvinäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessäRahan valtaa: Huvinäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessäANNA-MAIJA (Tulee vasemmalta, seisahtuu ovella, puhuu itsekseen). Aina yht surullinen on Liina. Tuo Antti on hnell viel mieless! Mik uppiniskaisuus! Muistella nyt ijn kaiken moista renkinahjusta, vaikka iskin on sen pois ajanut. Jos olisin Liinan siassa, en olisikaan noin itsepinen....
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 09 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 09 (de 12)Os sales, pelo exc.mo visconde de Ouguella Condemnao de corpo e alma O doutor Botija O palco portuguez em 1815 Bibliographia (Senna Freitas, Cunha Vianna, Monsenhor Joaquim Pinto de Campos) Que segredos...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 08 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 08 (de 12)Os sales, pelo exc.mo visconde de Ouguella Subsidios para a historia da serenissima casa de Bragana O pao real da Ribeira As Cruas entranhas de D. Maria 1., a Piedosa D. Maria...
- ¥942 JPY
¥1,884 JPY- ¥942 JPY
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