Old Is Gold
Mr. FaustMr. FaustThrough all the work of Arthur Davison Ficke runs a note of bigness that compels attention even when one feels that he is still groping both for form and thought. In "Mr. Faust" this note has assumed commanding proportions, while at the same...
- ¥953 JPY
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Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 2 of 3), Essay 4: Joseph de MaistreCritical Miscellanies (Vol. 2 of 3), Essay 4: Joseph de MaistreOwing to causes which lie tolerably near the surface, the remarkable Catholic reaction which took place in France at the beginning of the present century, has never received in England the attention that it...
- ¥953 JPY
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Léonore, ou l'amour conjugalLéonore, ou l'amour conjugal - fait historique en deux actes et en prose mêlée de chantesLe thtre reprsente une cour entoure de btimens, dont les fentres sont grilles. Sur chaque ct de la scne est une arcade grille qui conduit dans diffrens pavillons. Celle...
- ¥953 JPY
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Country NeighborsCountry NeighborsAmelia Maxwell sat by the front-chamber window of the great house overlooking the road, and her own "story-an'-a-half" farther toward the west. Every day she was alone under her own roof, save at the times when old lady Knowles of the great house...
- ¥953 JPY
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The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 - Devoted To Literature And National PolicyThis has been a pet phrase, in certain quarters, ever since the rebellion broke out. The men who use it are doubtless well aware of the prodigious power of...
- ¥953 JPY
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Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 5 (of 10)Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 5 (of 10)progress of the lord of the isles. correspondence with mr. joseph train. rapid completion of the lord of the isles. "refreshing the machine." "six weeks at a christmas." publication of the poem, and...
- ¥953 JPY
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Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 1 (of 10)Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 1 (of 10)London, December 20, 1836. In obedience to the instructions of Sir Walter Scott's last will, I had made some progress in a narrative of his personal history, before there was discovered, in an...
- ¥953 JPY
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The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864 - Devoted To Literature And National PolicyBefore the enlightenment derived from the sad experiences of our present civil contest, upon the incidents of protracted warfare, probably most persons conceived of war as a scene of...
- ¥953 JPY
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Noites de insónia, oferecidas a quem não pode dormir. Nº 02 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 02 (de 12) Aquella casa triste... (romance) -- Soluo do problema historico -- Dous preconceitos -- Lisboa -- Ferreira Rangel -- As joias de um ministro de D. Joo 5.o no prego -- O...
- ¥953 JPY
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Noites de insónia, oferecidas a quem não pode dormir. Nº 01 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 01 (de 12) Proemio -- Consolao a santos Nazareth -- As ostras -- Rehabilitao do snr. visconde de Margaride -- A Rival de Brites de Almeida -- Egas Moniz -- Dous poetas ineditos do...
- ¥953 JPY
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Queen Summer Or, The Tourney of the Lily and the RoseQueen Summer; Or, The Tourney of the Lily and the RoseWhen Summer on the earth was queen She held her court in gardens green Fair hung with tapestry of leaves, Where threads of gold the sun enweaves With checquered patterns on the floor Of...
- ¥953 JPY
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PiratesPiratesTime, though a good Collector, is not always a reliable Historian. That is to say, that although nothing of interest or importance is lost, yet an affair may be occasionally invested with a glamour that is not wholly its own. I venture to think...
- ¥953 JPY
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La NianiaLa NianiaAntonine Karzof venait d'avoir dix-neuf ans; les violons du bal donn l'occasion de cet anniversaire rsonnaient encore aux oreilles des parents et amis; la toilette blanche, orne des traditionnels boutons de rose, n'avait pas eu le temps de se faner, et cependant mademoiselle...
- ¥953 JPY
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Rosmersholm: Dramo en kvar aktojRosmersholm: Dramo en kvar aktoj(La sidambro en Rosmersholm; spaca, antikveca kaj hejmeca. Antae e la muro dekstre estas kahelforno ornamita per freaj branoj de betulo, kaj per kampofloroj. Pli malantae estas pordo. Sur la fona muro estas duflugila pordo al la antaambro. Sur la...
- ¥953 JPY
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Suzanne Normis: Roman d'un pèreSuzanne Normis: Roman d'un pèreIl se retourna vers moi, et me serra les deux mains... Ses bons yeux gris clair, pleins de piti et de douleur, me firent l'effet de deux couteaux de boucher qu'il m'aurait brusquement enfoncs dans la poitrine; je rptai machinalement:...
- ¥953 JPY
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Das Stunden-BuchDas Stunden-Buch [7]Da neigt sich die Stunde und rhrt mich an mit klarem metallenem Schlag: mir zittern die Sinne. Ich fhle: ich kann und ich fasse den plastischen Tag. Nichts war noch vollendet, eh ich es erschaut, ein jedes Werden stand still. Meine Blicke...
- ¥953 JPY
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Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VIII (of 8)Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VIII (of 8)"Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away."Prov. iv. 14, 15 "And the Lord said unto...
- ¥953 JPY
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Endymion: A Poetic RomanceEndymion: A Poetic Romance Knowing within myself the manner in which this Poem has been produced, it is not without a feeling of regret that I make it public. What manner I mean, will be quite clear to the reader, who must soon perceive...
- ¥953 JPY
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Das Schönste von Max DauthendeyDas Schönste von Max DauthendeyEinen Dichter von Wert charakterisieren heit, die Stelle im Mosaikbilde der Dichtkunst suchen, die dem Poeten, kraft seiner Leistung, zukommt. Wenn im Bilde der germanischen Dichtkunst Goethes Schaffen das Innerste des einen Auges der erhabenen Dichtkunstgestalt darstellt, deren zweites Auge...
- ¥953 JPY
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Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VII (of 8)Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VII (of 8)"Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls; for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."Matt. xi. 29,...
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