Old Is Gold
A Mere AccidentA Mere AccidentNearly twenty years have gone since first we met, dear friends; time has but strengthened our early affections, so for love token, for sign of the years, I bring you this bookthese views of your beautiful house and hills where I have...
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Life of Johnson, Volume 6Life of Johnson, Volume 6 - Addenda, index, dicta philosophi, etc.In my notes I have often given but brief references to the authors whom I quote. The following list, which is not, however, so complete as I could wish, will, I hope, do much...
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RobertaRobertaSarebbe difficile dire quali fossero esattamente le intenzioni dell'autore di Roberta allorch egli scrisse, tra il 1896 e il 1897, quel romanzo. Certo, non intendeva compiere una rivoluzione letteraria, n fondare una scuola; scriveva allora cos sinceramente, per impeto di passione e per commozione...
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Fenton's QuestFenton's Quest"No one can be dull who has a novel by Miss Braddon in hand. The most tiresome journey is beguiled, and the most wearisome illness is brightened, by any one of her books." A warm summer evening, with a sultry haze brooding over...
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The Palmy Days of Nance OldfieldThe Palmy Days of Nance OldfieldSurely a star, possibly Venus, must have danced gaily on a certain night in the year of grace 1683, when the wife of Captain Oldfield, gentleman by birth and Royal Guardsman by profession, brought into the busy, unfeeling world...
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Contes de la BecasseContes de la BecasseLe vieux baron des Ravots avait t pendant quarante ans le roi des chasseurs de sa province. Mais, depuis cinq six annes, une paralysie des jambes le clouait son fauteuil, et il ne pouvait plus que tirer des pigeons de la...
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The Three BrontësThe Three BrontësWhen six months ago Mr. Thomas Seccombe suggested that I should write a short essay on "The Three Bronts" I agreed with some misgiving. Yet that deed was innocent compared with what I have done now; and, in any case, the series...
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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03 - Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty VolumesProfessor of Comparative Literature, Leland Stanford University William Tell is the last complete drama written by Schiller, finished February 18, 1804, in the...
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George Eliot a Critical Study of Her Life, Writings and PhilosophyGeorge Eliot; a Critical Study of Her Life, Writings and PhilosophyThe publication of a new edition of this work permits me to say that the essay on "The Lady Novelists," quoted in the seventh chapter, was written by George Henry Lewes. Its opinions, however,...
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La belle Gabrielle — Tome 2La belle Gabrielle — Tome 2Ds l'aube, on entendait au loin dans la campagne les voles mugissantes des cloches de Saint-Denis qui vibraient en passant sur chaque clocher de village, et allaient, jointes au bruit du canon, solliciter Paris et ses faubourgs dfiants et...
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The Rudder Grangers Abroad and Other StoriesThe Rudder Grangers Abroad and Other StoriesThe sun shone warm and soft, as it shines in winter time in the semi-tropics. The wind blew strong, as it blows whenever and wherever it listeth. Seven pelicans labored slowly through the air. A flock of ducks...
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Collections and RecollectionsCollections and RecollectionsIt has been suggested by Mr. Reginald Smith, to whose friendliness and skill the fortunes of this book have been so greatly indebted, that a rather fuller preface might be suitably prefixed to this Edition. When the book first appeared, it was...
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La Niña de LuzmelaLa Niña de LuzmelaEn tales ocasiones, pareca don Manuel un delirante. Todo su cuerpo se conmova con el huracn de aquel extrao gozo que le haca cantar, correr, tocar el piano y reirse a carcajadas. Mirbanle entonces, compadecidos, los criados, y la vieja Rita,...
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The Wrong TwinThe Wrong TwinAn establishment in Newbern Center, trading under the name of the Foto Art Shop, once displayed in its window a likeness of the twin sons of Dave Cowan. Side by side, on a lavishly fringed plush couch, they confronted the camera with...
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The House of Cobwebs and Other StoriesThe House of Cobwebs and Other Stories 'Les gens tout fait heureux, forts et bien portants, sont-ils prpars comme il faut pour comprendre, pntrer, exprimer la vie, notre vie si tourmente et si courte?' In England during the sixties and seventies of last century...
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Mademoiselle Fifi: nouveaux contesMlle Fifi: Nouveaux ContesLe major, commandant prussien, comte de Farlsberg, achevait de lire son courrier, le dos au fond d'un grand fauteuil de tapisserie et ses pieds botts sur le marbre lgant de la chemine, o ses perons, depuis trois mois qu'il occupait le...
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La Maison TellierLa Maison TellierIls s'y retrouvaient six ou huit, toujours les mmes, non pas des noceurs, mais des hommes honorables, des commerants, des jeunes gens de la ville; et l'on prenait sa chartreuse en lutinant quelque peu les filles, ou bien on causait srieusement avec...
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L'argent des autres: 1. Les hommes de pailleL'argent des autres: 1. Les hommes de pailleL, pas de voitures, jamais de foule. A peine le silence y est rompu par les sonneries rglementaires de la caserne des Minimes, par les cloches de l'glise Saint-Louis ou par les clameurs joyeuses des lves de...
- ¥958 JPY
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People of the WhirlpoolPeople of the Whirlpool - From The Experience Book of a Commuter's WifeFebruary 2. Candlemas and mild, gray weather. If the woodchuck stirs up his banked life-fire and ventures forth, he will not see his shadow, and must straightway arrange with winter for a...
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The Life and Letters of Elizabeth PrentissThe Life and Letters of Elizabeth PrentissThis memoir was undertaken at the request of many of Mrs. Prentiss' old and most trusted friends, who felt that the story of her life should be given to the public. Much of it is in the nature...
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