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The Phantom Death, etcThe Phantom Death, etc.No other writer so effectually carries his readers down to the sea in ships, and even in steamers he never fails to give us the true salt atmosphere.... The Lazarette of the Huntress is undoubtedly one of the most exciting tales...
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Kun valkenee—Kun valkenee—Iltahmy liihotteli hiljaa. Se leijaili joen kaislikossa ja rantapensastossa, hipaisi harmaita paasia ja kri koivujen nuoret, hennot lehdet hienoon harsoonsa. Lnnen taivaalle asti se tuskin jaksoi siipens kehottaa. Kuulakka rusotus kajasti viel, vaikka hetki oli myhinen. Eihn Mauri Koivu tosin ensi kertaa yksin...
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Les Bains de Bade: Petit Roman d'aventures Galantes et moralesLes Bains de Bade: Petit Roman d'aventures Galantes et moralesVoici un petit conte moral et romanesque qui ne saurait manquer de trouver, pour le moins, de l'indulgence prs de tous ceux qui ont du got pour l'aimable homme que fut Pogge. Ce bon Florentin...
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Kovalle ottaaKovalle ottaaTrmln rannasta oli tynnetty vesille vene, jossa istui Trmln torpan isnt Perttu vaimonsa Liisan ja pienen poikansa Jaakon kanssa. He olivat tulleet verkkoja laskemaan. Isnt istui perss, emnt etuteljolla ja Jaakko ylll keulan nokassa. Perttu nosti verkkovasusta pllimmisen verkon, jonka pn hn otti...
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Les naufragésLes naufragésOrpheline et fille unique, n'ayant connu ni pre ni mre, elle sortait alors du couvent, o son enfance et sa jeunesse avaient grandi dans une longue pit. Elle ne savait rien du monde, mais elle possdait sur les choses -4-des ides catgoriques, qui...
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Népvilág: ElbeszélésekNépvilág: ElbeszélésekMsok a kltszetet az gben keresik, mi keressk azt a fldn. Mskor a klt tantotta a npet, most tants te engem, lelkem hajlamaitl lelt np! Jjjetek elm ti rtek, mezk, dlibbos rnk, csendes fehr hzak, pusztai karmok; lljatok ki vidm piros lnykk hzaitok...
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Das Lyzeum in Birkholz: RomanDas Lyzeum in Birkholz: RomanDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1918 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch...
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The Black Troopers, and other storiesThe Black Troopers, and other stories I. A MEETINGTHE RIDE ROUND THE RUN II. 'OLD MAN TOBY' III. THE NIGHT ATTACK IV. THE CONFESSION V. PREPARATIONS FOR PURSUIT VI. ON THE TRAIL VII. THE END OF THE CHASE The drays with which I was...
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Szegény gazdagok: RegénySzegény gazdagok: RegényA krdez egy nyolczvan v fel jr reg r, pomps virgos selyem kaftnban, fejn gyapot hlsveggel, lbain meleg poszt-harisnyk, kezein brillintos, turquoisos, rubinos gyrk; gy fekszik hanyatt az atlasz ottomnon, arcza olyan cserfak, mint a mumik, egyik rncz a msikat ri rajta;...
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Set Down in Malice: A Book of ReminiscencesSet Down in Malice: A Book of ReminiscencesVery many of the following pages were written in the trenches and dug-outs of Greece and Serbia. I added a chapter or two in Port Said, Alexandria and Marseilles. That is to say, I wrote far away...
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Shylock reasons with Mr. Chesterton, and other poemsShylock reasons with Mr. Chesterton, and other poemsThe plan by which individual Viennese are allowed to obtain their own wood supplies has already been described by more than one observer. It will, however, in time to come appear so incredible, and it so completely...
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Joan and Peter: The story of an educationJoan and Peter: The story of an educationEarly one summer morning in England, in the year 1893 in the reignwhich seemed in those days to have been going on for ever and to be likely to go on for evermoreof Queen Victoria, there was...
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La glèbeLa glèbeIl pense Trouville, aux mois des dernires vacances, Denise. Son cousin, ce noceur, les avait unis solennellement, un matin, devant la mer plumete, tandis que ruisselait l'harmonieuse voix des eaux, tandis que riait cette fille aux cheveux teints. Et suivit une folle excursion...
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A Kont-eset: Fantasztikus regény a XXI. századbólA Kont-eset: Fantasztikus regény a XXI. századbólVmhzy, a vilghir tuds elmeslte (vagy hetvenedszer), hogy a londoni llatkertben nem egyszer stlt karonfogva az angol kirlynvel s egyben szemre hnyta a magyar arisztokrczinak, hogy a tudomnyt nem becsli meg benne az rtke szerint. Klimanczy vgre, a...
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JoyceJoyceBY MRS. OLIPHANT AUTHOR OF THE SECOND SON, A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, THE WIZARDS SON, EFFIE OGILVIE, ETC. London MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1891 All rights reserved First Edition (3 Vols. Crown 8vo), 1888 Second Edition (1 Vol. Crown 8vo), 1889 Reprinted 1891...
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Les Bourgeois de WitzheimLes Bourgeois de WitzheimL'Allemand dit: Ia; l'Alsacien dit: I. Ia est net, tranchant, affirmatif; I est tranant, ironique, dubitatif. Tout est l, et vous pouvez aller de Bischwiller Mulhouse si vous prononcez I comme il faut. Les mots franais, sems dans la phrase alsacienne...
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Argonaut and JuggernautArgonaut and Juggernaut My thanks are due to Messrs. Blackwell for permission to reprint certain poems which first appeared in the anthology "Wheels," and to the editors of The Times, the Nation, Art and Letters, the Cambridge Magazine, Everyman, Colour, New Paths, and Poetry...
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Out of the FlameOut of the Flame Five Portraits and a Group I. The General's Wife Refuses II. Aux Bords de la Mer III. Giardino Pubblico IV. Ultimate Judgment V. An Old-Fashioned Sportsman Group: English Tea-rooms My thanks are due to the Editors of The Nation, The...
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The Armies of EuropeThe Armies of EuropeThe matter contained in the following pages has been corrected up to date. The Corrigenda at the end of Germany, France, Italy, and Russia, refer to the alterations that have taken place during the progress of this work through the press....
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La leçon d'amour dans un parcLa leçon d'amour dans un parcIl a t tir de cet ouvrage: Trois exemplaires sur Chine, hors commerce et quinze exemplaires numrots, savoir: Trois exemplaires sur Japon, de 1 3 et douze exemplaires sur vlin des Papeteries du Marais fabriqu spcialement pour les ditions...
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