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Die TraumdeutungDie TraumdeutungSchreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. nderungen sind im Text so gekennzeichnet. Der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Eine Liste der vorgenommenen nderungen findet sich am Ende des Textes. Indem ich hier die Darstellung der...
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Philosophes et Écrivains ReligieuxPhilosophes et Écrivains ReligieuxTu as le grand honneur d'tre prtre et le grand avantage de ne pas crire. Tu agis sur les mes de plus haut que nous, vulgaires crivains... Voil pourquoi je te ddie ce livre sur les philosophes et les philosophies de...
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Demonology and Devil-loreDemonology and Devil-loreThree Friars, says a legend, hid themselves near the Witch Sabbath orgies that they might count the devils; but the Chief of these, discovering the friars, saidReverend Brothers, our army is such that if all the Alps, their rocks and glaciers, were...
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Synopsis of Jewish HistorySynopsis of Jewish History - From the Return of the Jews from the Babylonish Captivity, to the Days of Herod the GreatGiving an account of the different Sects of those days; the introduction and use of Synagogues and Schools; the origin and introduction of...
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Studies in Logical TheoryStudies in Logical TheoryThis volume presents some results of the work done in the matter of logical theory in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Chicago in the first decade of its existence. The eleven Studies are the work of eight different...
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Fiends, Ghosts, and SpritesFiends, Ghosts, and Sprites - Including an Account of the Origin and Nature of Belief in the SupernaturalTo trace the origin of this belief, the causes of the various modifications it has undergone, and the phases it has assumed, is, perhaps, one of the...
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A History of the Reformation (Vol. 1 of 2)A History of the Reformation (Vol. 1 of 2)This History of the Reformation has been written with the intention of describing a great religious movement amid its social environment. The times were heroic, and produced great men, with striking individualities not easily weighed in...
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Notes on the Book of LeviticusNotes on the Book of LeviticusThe rapid sale of a large edition of this volume evidences an amount of interest in the study of the book of Leviticus for which I unfeignedly bless the Lord. Too many, even of the people of God, seem...
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Memoir of Rev. Joseph BadgerMemoir of Rev. Joseph Badger - Fourth EditionThe present volume is the Memoir of a man and a minister whose character was strikingly individual, whose services to Religion in its more liberal and unsectarian form were large and successful; and in the denomination to...
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Der Fall Otto Weininger: Eine psychiatrische StudieDer Fall Otto Weininger: Eine psychiatrische StudieDie Bedeutung der physikalischen Chemie fr die medizinischen Wissenschaften ist in den letzten Jahren gelegentlich von Rezensionen in diesem Blatte fters hervorgehoben worden. Professor Hamburger steht in der vordersten Reihe von denjenigen Forschern, welche durch umfassende und kritische...
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Notes on the book of ExodusNotes on the book of ExodusThe writer cannot suffer a new edition of this volume to issue from the press without a line or two of deep thankfulness to the Lord for His grace in making use of such a feeble instrumentality in the...
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The Great Commission. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IVThe Great Commission. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IVThe first chapter of first Thessalonians presents a very striking and beautiful picture of what we may truly call genuine conversion. We propose to study the picture in company with the reader. If we...
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The Lord's Coming. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IIThe Lord's Coming. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IIFIRST EDITION 1898 TENTH PRINTING 1960 LOIZEAUX BROTHERS, Inc., PUBLISHERS A Nonprofit Organization, Devoted to the Lord's Work and to the Spread of His Truth 19 West 21st Street, New York 10, N. Y....
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The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, June 1835The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, June 1835 Mr. Isaac Wyke, surgeon, late of Abergavenny, was born at Leominster, July 25th, 1770. His parents were pious members of the Baptist Church in that town, then under the pastoral care of the late Rev. Joshua Thomas....
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Elijah the Tishbite. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. VElijah the Tishbite. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. VFIRST EDITION 1898 TENTH PRINTING 1960 LOIZEAUX BROTHERS, Inc., PUBLISHERS A Nonprofit Organization, Devoted to the Lord's Work and to the Spread of His Truth 19 West 21st Street, New York 10, N. Y....
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The Missing Link in Modern SpiritualismThe Missing Link in Modern SpiritualismIt is not that the history of Spiritual Manifestations in this century and country has not again and again been written, nor that a library of the splendid literature of Spiritualismnarrative, philosophical, and religiousdoes not already exist, that I...
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The Meaning of FaithThe Meaning of FaithA book on faith has been for years my hope and intention. And now it comes to final form during the most terrific war men ever waged, when faith is sorely tried and deeply needed. Direct discussion of the war has...
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Expositor's Bible: The Book of JobExpositor's Bible: The Book of JobThe Book of Job is the first great poem of the soul in its mundane conflict, facing the inexorable of sorrow, change, pain, and death, and feeling within itself at one and the same time weakness and energy, the...
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Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and OldHurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old - A Complete Life of Christ Written in Simple Language, Based on the Gospel NarrativeIn order that this book may not lead its younger readers or listeners away from the Bible, but directly toward it, no...
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The Real Jesus of the Four GospelsThe Real Jesus of the Four GospelsThe first part of this work is a collation of all that is said, and just what is said, in each of the four Gospels, regarding the more important incidents of Jesus' life. Every statement in the text,...
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