Political Science
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Du suffrage universel et de la manière de voterDu suffrage universel et de la manière de voterParmi les lois que va faire l'Assemble nationale, l'une des premires et la plus importante est certainement celle qui concerne les lections. Comment seront nomms les dputs de l'Assemble future?Sur cette question capitale, il est utile...
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Manual of Parliamentary PracticeManual of Parliamentary Practice - Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies43. The proceedings of a deliberative assembly, in reference to any particular subject, are ordinarily set in motion, in the first [p35] instance, by some one of the members either presenting a...
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The Footprints of TimeThe Footprints of Time - And a Complete Analysis of Our American System of Government, with a Concise History of the Original Colonies and of the United States, in Chronological OrderIt is our happiness to live in an age whose master-pieces of accomplishment, in...
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Americans by ChoiceAmericans by ChoiceIt would require a very long list of names to give specific mention of all those who have rendered substantial aid in gathering the information on which this volume is based. The Commissioner of Naturalization, Mr. Richard K. Campbell; the former Director...
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Hume's Political DiscoursesHume's Political DiscoursesRegretting the meagre records of the life of Adam Smith, the Right Hon. R. B. Haldane, M.P.,[1] remarks:We think of him, in the main, and we think of him rightly, as the bosom friend of David Hume (b. 1711, d. 1777). Naturally,...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works on Women's SuffrageIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works on Women's Suffrage - Four volumes edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage Individualism rather than AuthorityPersonal appearance of AbolitionistsAttempt to silence WomanDoable battle against the tyranny of sex and colorBigoted AbolitionistsJames G....
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The Road Away from RevolutionThe Road Away from RevolutionIn these doubtful and anxious days, when all the world is at unrest and, look which way you will, the road ahead seems darkened by shadows which portend dangers of many kinds, it is only common prudence that we should...
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Washington and the Riddle of PeaceWashington and the Riddle of PeaceThese twenty-nine papers do not profess to be a record or description of the Washington Conference. They give merely the impressions and fluctuating ideas of one visitor to that conference. They show the reaction of that gathering upon a...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alexis de TocquevilleIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alexis de Tocqueville Origin and Character of these RecollectionsGeneral aspect of the period preceding the Revolution of 1848Preliminary symptoms of the Revolution3 The BanquetsSense of security entertained by the GovernmentAnxiety of Leaders of the OppositionArraignment of Ministers19...
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War—What For?War—What For?Justice soothes. Justice heals the wounds and sores in the social body. Justice strikes down all robberyillegal and legal. Justice calms. Injustice stings. Injustice burns, irritateskills sociability and creates conflict. Injustice prevents brotherhood. Injustice is unsocialanti-socialand is thus a social sore. Injustice, organized...
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La séparation des Églises et de l'ÉtatLa séparation des Églises et de l'État - Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Chambre desMessieurs, En 1778, quelques annes peine avant la Rvolution, il existait dans le royaume de France une moyenne de 130.000 ecclsiastiques. On pouvait les rpartir ainsi:...
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Popular misgovernment in the United StatesPopular misgovernment in the United StatesGreat numbers of discerning Americans must by this time have been brought to realize that something practical must shortly be done in this country by the believers in private property and private property rights to safeguard the nation from...
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The Legislative Manual, of the State of ColoradoThe Legislative Manual, of the State of Colorado - Comprising the History of Colorado, Annals of the Legislature, Manual of Customs, Precedents and Forms, Rules of Parliamentary Parliamentary Practice, and the Constitutions of the United States and the History of Colorado, Annals of the...
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Democracy in France. January 1849Democracy in France. January 1849I venture to believe that nothing will be found in the following pages which bears the impress of my personal situation. While events of such magnitude are passing before his eyes, a man who did not forget himself would deserve...
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Imported AmericansImported Americans - The Story of the Experiences of a Disguised American and His Wife Studying the Immigration QuestionThat there was a tremendous increase in immigration in prospect was announced by the agents of the great immigrant-carrying lines of steamships as early as January...
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Social-Democracy and Woman SuffrageSocial-Democracy and Woman Suffrage - A Paper Read by Clara Zetkin to the Conference of Women Belonging to the Social-Democratic Party Held at Mannheim, Before the Opening of the Annual Congress of the German Social-Democracy A Paper Read by Clara Zetkin to the Conference...
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GorgiasGorgiasLopulla Lokakuuta 1897 pantiin Seuran Taloustoimikunnassa vireille kysymys, eik Seuran tulisi jollakin erityisell tehtvll ilmaista kiitollisuuttaan kansalaisten sille osottamasta suuresta suosiosta ja luottamuksesta, jota yh karttuneet lahjat ja testamentit, yh lisntyv Seuran jsenten lukumr nyttivt todistavan, tehtvll semmoisella, joka kuten sihteeri lausui "tyttisi tuntuvan...
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The PrinceThe PrinceOf all Machiavelli's works The Prince is undoubtedly the greatest; and a new English edition of it is likely to be welcome to all those who have not the advantage of reading it in the classical Italian original. For a true appreciation of...
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The Story of the Woman's PartyThe Story of the Woman's PartyIn 1912 the situation in the United States in regard to the enfranchisement of women was as follows: Agitation for an amendment to the National Constitution had virtually ceased. Before the death of Susan B. Anthony in 1906, Suffragists...
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Presidential ProblemsPresidential ProblemsIn considering the propriety of publishing this book, the fact has not been overlooked that the push and activity of our peoples life lead them more often to the anticipation of new happenings than to a review of events which have already become...
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