Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Supporting Adolescents with Autism in Secondary SchoolsIn a convenient large-size format, this book presents the first research-based, comprehensive program designed to support high school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Developed and tested in public schools by the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA), the...
- ¥13,397 JPY
- ¥13,397 JPY
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Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with LaPlanchePrimal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche presents the first comprehensive study of Rousseau's thought on the possibility of philosophy and the responsibility of the philosopher. Through a close reading of texts from throughout Rousseau's entire corpus, together with inspiration from Jean Laplanche's seminal work on...
- ¥13,026 JPY
- ¥13,026 JPY
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So, We Only Have a Few More MinutesA long letter, with chapters, from Dr. John Stuhl to his patients at the time of his retirement. Full of the beliefs by which he practiced therapy, the guidelines for life he found and taught that lead to healing and healthy living, this small...
- ¥8,593 JPY
- ¥8,593 JPY
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Mandela Effect: A Beginners Guide to the Rising Phenomenon (The Epic Conclusion to the Worldwide Phenomenon)This memorable line and other shared memories have seemingly changed from what a group of people remember.The mandela effect encompasses a mysterious set of mismatching memories and is known to cause a surreal feeling.Let's explore the possibility of these mismatching memories being caused by...
- ¥4,330 JPY
- ¥4,330 JPY
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Comprehensive Assessment for Paratransit and Transit Skills ManualThe Comprehensive Assessment for Paratransit and Transit Skills (CAPTS) provides a reliable measure of a person's cognitive abilities and learned skills needed to independently both public transit and paratransit services. One Assessment for all Paratransit and Fixed Route Public Transit based on Dr. Cecilia...
- ¥24,797 JPY
- ¥24,797 JPY
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Systemische Begeleiding & Systemische TherapieSystemische counseling & systeemtherapie: Systemische coaching - Wanneer veranderingsprocessen beginnen buiten de psychotherapie. Het concept van de systemische benadering is voor veel mensen een mysterie, en daarom is de gedachte aan systemische therapie, systemische begeleiding of systemische supervisie een gedachte die maar bij weinigen...
- ¥2,602 JPY
- ¥2,602 JPY
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Rethinking Intelligence: A Radical New Understanding of Our Human PotentialA genetics expert and professor challenges our understanding of intelligence, explaining what it truly means to be "smart," why conventional assessments are misleading, and what everyone can do to optimize their potential.Growing up in middle-class suburban Los Angeles in the 1980s, Rina Bliss was...
- ¥6,511 JPY
- ¥6,511 JPY
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Critical Issues in Occupational Health PsychologyAn interdisciplinary area of psychology that is concerned with the health and safety of workers is referred to as occupational health psychology. It deals with the impacts of psychosocial workplace factors on the development, maintenance and promotion of workers' health. Occupational health psychology addresses...
- ¥34,686 JPY
- ¥34,686 JPY
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Understanding Developmental and Educational PsychologyThe branch of science which studies the changes occurring in humans that take place over time is called developmental psychology. It attempts to understand the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development in humans across their entire lifespan. Some of the important aspects of this...
- ¥44,868 JPY
- ¥44,868 JPY
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Crazy Faith, Unexplainable Peace: A Lesson My Mother Taught MeA Lesson My Mother Taught Me is an in-depth look at my journey oflosing the most important person in my life, my rock, foundationand covering, my beautiful mother. This book depicts howwatching my mother transition from earthly labor to Heavenlyreward, built my faith to...
- ¥7,857 JPY
- ¥7,857 JPY
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Near Death Experiences: The Ultimate Guide to the Nde and Its Aftereffects (Verified Paranormal Phenomena From Near-death Experiences)This book contains over 100 reliable, often firsthand accounts of perceptions during ndes that were later verified as accurate by independent sources. These near-death experiencers were everyday people from all over the world-many of whom were clinically dead, unable to see or hear, and...
- ¥4,949 JPY
- ¥4,949 JPY
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Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: The Emotional Intelligence Competencies Every Leader NeedsYour Customers Will Never Stop to Use this Awesome Guide!If you want to know yourself more deeply, improve your people skills, and how to use emotional intelligence to live a happy life and fulfilled, then keep reading... We are all working towards becoming better...
- ¥7,429 JPY
- ¥7,429 JPY
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Bipolar Disorder: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Bipolar DisorderBIPOLAR DISORDERBipolar Disorder is an often severe, greatly misunderstood, and lifelong mental condition that is in simple terms considered to be an emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs.The ups and downs on this roller coaster are called mania and depression. The extreme mood swings...
- ¥3,254 JPY
- ¥3,254 JPY
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Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Workplace: A Guide to Developing Emotional Intelligence and Ensuring Psychological SafetyDid you know that psychological safety is one of the main differences between high-functioning teams and low-functioning teams?Being unable to identify and manage emotions in the workplace is a recipe for failure: both for the business as well as the workforce.Having emotionally-intelligent leaders will...
- ¥3,470 JPY
- ¥3,470 JPY
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Unveiling the Heart of Awareness: Contemplative Meditations on the Journey of AwakeningUnderneath the waves of daily thought is our ocean of being. As the world pulls on our attention, occupying our awareness, there is the ocean of our awareness without busy thought to explore and receive. There is the great silence within our heart. This...
- ¥4,302 JPY
- ¥4,302 JPY
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Aconselhamento Sistémico, Treino Sistémico e Terapia sistémicaAconselhamento sistémico & terapia sistémica: Coaching sistémico - Quando os processos de mudança começam fora da psicoterapia. O conceito de abordagem sistémica é um mistério para muitas pessoas, e é por isso que o pensamento de terapia sistémica, aconselhamento sistémico ou supervisão sistémica é...
- ¥2,890 JPY
- ¥2,890 JPY
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The Healthy Compulsive: Healing Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and Taking the Wheel of the Driven PersonalityGary Trosclair explores the power of the driven personality and the positive outcomes those with obsessive compulsive personality disorder can achieve through a mindful program of harnessing the skills that can work, and altering those that serve no one. If you were born with...
- ¥7,237 JPY
- ¥7,237 JPY
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Verantwortung Wahrnehmen ALS Verantwortung Aus LeidenschaftIst Verantwortung als Pflicht zu verstehen - oder auch als Leidenschaft, als Passion für den Nächsten? Der hier gewagte Versuch plädiert für solch ein leidenschaftliches Verständnis von Verantwortung. Denn der Ruf nach Verantwortung kommt immer schon zu spät: wenn sie nicht wahrgenommen wurde. Wo...
- ¥5,856 JPY
- ¥5,856 JPY
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The Path to Soul ImmunityDr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett, a Radiation Oncologist, has dedicated this book, Path to Soul Immunity, to people diagnosed with and suffering with Cancer - The Big C. This book serves to uplift and encourage us to see past their diagnosis, and move on to the...
- ¥7,835 JPY
- ¥7,835 JPY
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Der Begriff der Religion im System der PhilosophieDieses Buch ""Der Begriff der Religion im System der Philosophie "" wurde in der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte als wichtig angesehen, und damit dieses Werk niemals vergessen wird, haben wir uns bemüht, es zu bewahren, indem wir dieses Buch in einem modernen Format für gegenwärtige und...
- ¥4,030 JPY
- ¥4,030 JPY
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