Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Psychotherapy Grounded in the Feminine PrincipleThis groundbreaking book offers an exciting proposal for approaching therapeutic work from a perspective that emphasizes the feminine principle of holding and containment, while also recognizing a necessary place for the masculine. Sullivan demonstrates the real possibility of an integrated practice with the potential...
- ¥11,005 JPY
- ¥11,005 JPY
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Lautr AmontThe famous French scientist-psychologist-literary critic provides a virtual bestiary for depth psychology and literary criticism in his study of Isidore Ducasse, known by the pen-name Lautreamont. Includes essays by James Hillman "Bachelard's Lautreamont, or Psychoanalysis without a Patient," and Robert Scott Dupree, "Bachelard as...
- ¥4,344 JPY
- ¥4,344 JPY
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People Connectors: Elevating Communication for EducatorsTeaching in any form, anywhere, under any circumstances, has its ups and downs-as does life. One of the greatest teacher ups is the ah-ha moment. The moment when you see the light come on. When a student gets it. It's that special moment when...
- ¥3,710 JPY
- ¥3,710 JPY
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Experimente El Corazon de Jesus: Conozca Su Corazon, Sienta Su Amor = Experiencing the Heart of Jesus = Experiencing the Heart of JesusLa gu a de estudio de Experimenta el coraz n de Jes s est dise ado de una manera muy particular para traer a las personas m s cerca del coraz n y alma de Jes s, y para ayudarlas a tener un entendimiento...
- ¥3,797 JPY
- ¥3,797 JPY
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Difícil de Creer: El Alto Costo E Infinito Valor de Seguir a JesúsLa creencia popular acerca de Jesucristo es la de un hombre gentil y de buen carácter que caminó en esta tierra, ofreciendo a sus seguidores pequeñas enseñanzas de sabiduría. Pero a veces fallamos en reconocer que si bien Jesucristo ofreció un mensaje de perdón,...
- ¥3,241 JPY
- ¥3,241 JPY
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Drag: Combing Through the Big Wigs of Show BusinessDrag celebrates the fabulous current and historical influence of drag, and its talented and inspiring performers. Since man first walked the heels, no other art form has wielded as unique an influence on pop culture as Drag. Drag artists have now sashayed their...
- ¥10,136 JPY
- ¥10,136 JPY
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The Elements of Counseling Children and AdolescentsThis unique, user-friendly text distills essential and up-to-date guidelines for students and practitioners of child and adolescent counseling. Featuring concise, step-by-step protocols supported by evidence-based practice, the book is organized in a logical sequence, from setting the stage for the counseling process to the...
- ¥24,821 JPY
- ¥24,821 JPY
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Religious Affects: Animality, Evolution, and PowerIn Religious Affects Donovan O. Schaefer challenges the notion that religion is inextricably linked to language and belief, proposing instead that it is primarily driven by affects. Drawing on affect theory, evolutionary biology, and poststructuralist theory, Schaefer builds on the recent materialist shift in...
- ¥8,580 JPY
- ¥8,580 JPY
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Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health MovementIn this seminal work, Dr. Szasz examines the similarities between the Inquisition and institutional psychiatry. His purpose is to show "that the belief in mental illness and the social actions to which it leads have the same moral implications and political consequences as had...
- ¥4,332 JPY
- ¥4,332 JPY
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Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression (Revised)This intriguing book undercuts everything you thought you knew about psychotherapy. "Szasz extends the conviction he first expressed in The Myth of Mental Illness that the concept of mental illness is both erroneous and immoral; ergo, the treatment thereof must also be immoral. Moreover,...
- ¥4,332 JPY
- ¥4,332 JPY
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You're Wearing That?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in ConversationDeborah Tannen's #1 New York Times bestseller You Just Don't Understand revolutionized communication between women and men. Now, in her most provocative and engaging book to date, she takes on what is potentially the most fraught and passionate connection of women's lives: the mother-daughter...
- ¥4,923 JPY
- ¥4,923 JPY
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In the Spirit of the Studio: Learning from the Atelier of Reggio EmiliaThis critically acclaimed, lavishly illustrated book will help educators create the highest quality learning opportunities for a new generation of children. The Second Edition features substantial and important changes, including the addition of new chapters by pioneers of the work that happens in the...
- ¥14,914 JPY
- ¥14,914 JPY
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Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury After WarThe first book to explore the idea and effect of moral injury on veterans, their families, and their communities Although veterans make up only 7 percent of the U.S. population, they account for an alarming 20 percent of all suicides. And though treatment of...
- ¥4,632 JPY
- ¥4,632 JPY
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Phenomenological Research MethodsIn this volume, Clark Moustakas clearly discusses the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology, based on the work of Husserl and others, and takes the reader step-by-step through the process of conducting a phenomenological study. His concise guide provides numerous examples of successful phenomenological studies from...
- ¥14,661 JPY
- ¥14,661 JPY
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Wired That Way Companion Workbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Maximizing Your Personality TypeThis study guide dives deeper into the Wired That Way book and DVD, helping readers take a comprehensive and scriptural look into their own personalities, in ten interactive sessions.Author: Marita Littauer, Florence LittauerPublisher: Fleming H. Revell CompanyPublished: 05/28/2006Pages: 136Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.50lbsSize: 9.00h x...
- ¥4,964 JPY
- ¥4,964 JPY
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Dark Night, Early DawnArgues that philosophical reflection today must include the findings of depth psychology and the critical study of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Combining philosophical reflections with deep self-exploration to delve into the ancient mystery of death and rebirth, this book emphasizes collective rather than individual...
- ¥11,674 JPY
- ¥11,674 JPY
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Mood Swings: Understand Your Emotional Highs and Lowsand Achieve a More Balanced and Fulfilled LifeSeventeen million people in the United States suffer from clinical depression, and more than fifty million people find themselves in prolonged emotional lows. Now, for every sufferer, there is hope. Not only are effective counseling methods available to treat depression, but also researchers have...
- ¥3,282 JPY
- ¥3,282 JPY
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Success For DummiesZig Ziglar has inspired and motivated hundreds of thousands of people the world over, through his wildly popular seminars and bestselling books and audiotapes. One reason for Zig's continuing popularity is that his message is so simple and obvious once you've really heard it:...
- ¥4,961 JPY
- ¥4,961 JPY
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Integrating Play Therapy and Emdr with ChildrenThis book has international appeal and information on therapeutic techniques combining experiential play therapy and EMDR with children in a simple, comprehensive format. This workbook provides safe, creative and effective training for clinicians working with children and their families.Author: Victoria McGuinnessPublisher: 1st Book LibraryPublished:...
- ¥4,300 JPY
- ¥4,300 JPY
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The Dissociative Identity Disorder SourcebookFinally, a book that addresses your concerns about DID From Eve to Sybil to Truddi Chase, the media have long chronicled the lives of people with dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder. The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook serves as a...
- ¥5,644 JPY
- ¥5,644 JPY
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