Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Hypnosis: How To Hypnotize Anyone: Discover The Secret Hypnotic Techniques And Language Patterns To Hypnotize And Persuade AnyonLearn The Real Techniques To Hypnotize People And Talk To Their SubconsciousIf you have ever wondered about the mysteries of hypnosis, you are not alone. It's something that has always been surrounded by wonder and mystery. However hypnosis it's a natural phenomenon that people...
- ¥3,632 JPY
- ¥3,632 JPY
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400 Friends and No One to Call: Breaking Through Isolation and Building CommunityA friendly, candid, and comforting guide for isolating times when we have no one to count on.Despite the inclusive promise of social media, loneliness is a growing epidemic in the United States. Social isolation can shatter our confidence. In isolating times, we're not only...
- ¥4,116 JPY
- ¥4,116 JPY
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La Manera En Que Yo Lo Veo: Spanish Edition of the Way I See ItEn el querido libro clásico The Way I See It (ahora en español!), la Dra. Temple Grandin aborda los problemas REALES del autismo, los que enfrentan los padres, maestros e individuos en el espectro todos los días. En esta quinta edición actualizada, Temple ofrece...
- ¥4,951 JPY
- ¥4,951 JPY
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The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and LongevityIt's the reason why spending time on Facebook makes us feel sad and lonely. Why expensive name-brand medicines provide better pain relief than the generic stuff, even if they share the same ingredients. And why a hospital room with a good view speeds up...
- ¥4,548 JPY
- ¥4,548 JPY
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Offline Journal: An Illustrated Guide for a More Connected, Creative LifeHow would you spend a day offline? Nowadays, being offline is a state of mind. It is a choice we can make each day--an opportunity to be present and awake. Artist Jaya Nicely's Offline Journal helps you experience the world around you. Designed as...
- ¥3,690 JPY
- ¥3,690 JPY
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Darla the Elephant has Bipolar DisorderOften when people are given a mental health disorder diagnosis the weaknesses are clear and overwhelmingly emphasized, while the strengths are ignored or forgotten. The mental health children's book series 'What Mental Disorder?' challenges the stigma against therapy and diagnosis. It enlists the reader...
- ¥5,608 JPY
- ¥5,608 JPY
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Shadows & Light - Volume 1 (Principles & Practices): Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal PsychologyShadows & Light: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology is a groundbreaking 2-volume series updating many essential topics in transpersonal psychology. It builds upon traditional topics to cover vital contemporary transpersonal psychological issues ranging from mindfulness and spirituality through social justice and sexuality....
- ¥7,156 JPY
- ¥7,156 JPY
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Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy Written for Autistic Students from Autistic AdultsLeaving high school and going to college is complicated for everyone. But if you're a student on the autism spectrum who is about to enter higher education for the first time, it might be a little bit more complicated for you. Maybe you're worried...
- ¥4,964 JPY
- ¥4,964 JPY
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Visual Techniques for Developing Social Skills: Activities and Lesson Plans for Teaching Children with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's SyndromeThis book provides practical, hands-on strategies for teaching social skills to children with high-functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome. For use in both general education and special education classrooms, each chapter includes a detailed description of the social deficits of these children and ways to...
- ¥3,246 JPY
- ¥3,246 JPY
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Bright Adults: Uniqueness and Belonging across the LifespanExplore unique challenges faced by bright and gifted adults throughout their life stages, beginning with age 18. These individuals often do not see themselves for the complex adults they are. This book addresses their needs to belong, to remain authentic to their identities, to...
- ¥6,827 JPY
- ¥6,827 JPY
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The Collected Writings of Robert J. Neborsky, MD, Expanded Edition: A Companion Volume to the Collected Writings of Josette Ten Have-de Labije, PsyDOver two decades, on two continents, Robert J. Neborsky, MD, and Josette ten Have-de Labije, PsyD, have struggled to define and perfect the psychotherapeutic methods of Habib Davanloo, MD.Author: Robert J. NeborskyPublisher: Tasora BooksPublished: 11/01/2017Pages: 418Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 1.65lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 1.10dISBN:...
- ¥16,471 JPY
- ¥16,471 JPY
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Hunting the Killer IdeaKiller Ideas. They're out there. Wild, unpredictable and dangerous. So powerful they can stop a person in their tracks, turn a life around, start a revolution, or even change the world. Hunting the Killer Idea takes the intrepid reader through the jungle of the...
- ¥5,418 JPY
- ¥5,418 JPY
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Cosmic ConsciousnessCosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind is Richard Bucke's theory that our mental states are evolving and that to date we have experienced three stages in the development of consciousness: the 'simple consciousness' of animals, the 'self-consciousness' of the...
- ¥8,944 JPY
- ¥8,944 JPY
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Living with Voices: 50 Stories of RecoveryThis book is a groundbreaking development in modern mental health because it recognises the importance of the first hand experience and argues that hearing voices is not a sign of madness but a reaction to serious problems in life. Must-read book for all concerned...
- ¥9,846 JPY
- ¥9,846 JPY
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My Name Is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western CivilizationWhen it came out in 1994, My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization quickly became a classic of the ecopsychology movement. It is a book about roots which reach back millennia to a time when humans lived in and honored...
- ¥5,418 JPY
- ¥5,418 JPY
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Connecting Across Differences: Finding Common Ground with Anyone, Anywhere, AnytimeIn this fully revised second edition, Dr. Dian Killian and Dr. Jane Marantz Connor offer a comprehensive and accessible introductory guide to exploring the concepts, applications, and transformative power of the Nonviolent Communication process. Providing research-based insight into the psychology of communication, this reference...
- ¥5,053 JPY
- ¥5,053 JPY
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The Heart of Social Change: How to Make a Difference in Your WorldThe tenets of Nonviolent Communication are applied to a variety of settings, including the classroom and the home, in these booklets on how to resolve conflict peacefully. Illustrative exercises, sample stories, and role-playing activities offer the opportunity for self-evaluation, discovery, and application. This insightful...
- ¥1,760 JPY
- ¥1,760 JPY
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Rilke, a Soul History: In the Image of OrpheusIn the Image of Orpheus tells the inner story of Rilke's literary career, tracing--step by step--the mythopoetic journey inscribed in the interweaving lines of the poet's life and art. Blending biography with in-depth analyses of Rilke's poetry and prose (from his little-known Visions of...
- ¥14,542 JPY
- ¥14,542 JPY
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A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with AutismA cornucopia of ideas, strategies, and concepts that will apply to virtually any situation The authors address sensory, communication, physical, and social-emotional issues by increasing desired behaviors and decreasing unwanted behaviors. You will learn how to build sensory diets into everyday activities use antecedent...
- ¥9,915 JPY
- ¥9,915 JPY
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Burnout: The Cost of CaringThis book shows how to recognize, prevent and cure burnout syndrome for nurses, teachers, counselors, doctors, therapists, police, social workers, and anyone else who cares about and for people. Christina Maslach, the leading pioneer in research on burnout, offers help using illustrative examples and...
- ¥3,907 JPY
- ¥3,907 JPY
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