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The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, and one of the best astronomers that ever wereThe true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, and one of the best astronomers that ever were. - A work full of curiosity and learning. Translated and commented by Theophilus de Garencieres,...
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Le livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l'enseignement de ses fillesLe livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l'enseignement de ses fillesLe livre du chevalier de La Tour a joui dune grande vogue au moyen ge. Souvent transcrit par les copistes, il obtint de bonne heure les honneurs de limpression. Publi dabord par...
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Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire: His Life and WorkBishop Joseph Blount Cheshire: His Life and WorkFrom my earliest memories I can recall the annual visits of Bishop Cheshire to the home of my parents. As very young boys my brothers and I were fond of looking at him, for with his flowing...
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Le sentiment religieuxLe sentiment religieuxOn a toujours fait de la psychologie, quand ce ne serait que de la faon dont M. Jourdain faisait de la prose sans le savoir. Il nen reste pas moins que la psychologie nest gure devenue une science vritable quau XIXe sicle,...
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Sto jisker ethickýchSto jisker ethických Kdy jsem dne 4. dubna 1919 poprv vystoupil na Staromtskmu nmst a poprv zaal kzati, byla ve mn zprvu zkost a nejistota. Nebyl jsem jist, jak mne pijmete. Ale el jsem prost proto, e jsem k tomu ctil vnitn posln. Byl...
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Happiness: Essays on the meaning of lifeHappiness: Essays on the meaning of lifeGreat numbers of thoughtful people are just now much perplexed to know what to make of the facts of life, and are looking about them for some reasonable interpretation of the modern world. They cannot abandon the work...
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The inquisition in the Spanish dependenciesThe inquisition in the Spanish dependencies - Sicily—Naples—Sardinia—Milan—the Canaries—Mexico—Peru—New GranadaThe scope of my History of the Spanish Inquisition precluded a detailed investigation into the careers of individual tribunals. Such an investigation, however, is not without interest, especially with respect to the outlying ones, which...
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The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 05 (of 32)The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 05 (of 32) The text may show quotations within quotations, all set off by similar quote marks. The inner quotations have been changed to alternate quote marks for improved readability. This book was written in a...
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The Independent Church of God of the Juda Tribe of Israel: The Black JewsThe Independent Church of God of the Juda Tribe of Israel: The Black Jews - As a fade from black to pure whiteIt is hereby certified that the Certificate of Incorporation of The Independent Church of God of the Juda Tribe of Israel: The...
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History of the Sabbath and first day of the weekHistory of the Sabbath and first day of the weekThe history of the Sabbath embraces the period of 6000 years. The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord. The acts which constituted it such were, first, the example of the Creator; secondly, his...
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Isis unveiled, Volume 1 (of 2), ScienceIsis unveiled, Volume 1 (of 2), Science - A master-key to mysteries of ancient and modern science and theologyThe work now submitted to public judgment is the fruit of a somewhat intimate acquaintance with Eastern adepts and study of their science. It is offered...
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A True Interpretation of the Witch of EndorA True Interpretation of the Witch of Endor1. How She and all other Witches do beget or produce that Familiar Spirit they deal with, and what a Familiar Spirit is, and how those Voices are procured, and Shapes appear unto them, whereby the Ignorant...
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The American missionary — volume 42, no. 9, September, 1888The American missionary — volume 42, no. 9, September, 1888In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass.,...
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Samuel Reynolds House of Siam, pioneer medical missionary, 1847-1876Samuel Reynolds House of Siam, pioneer medical missionary, 1847-1876Quaint, old-time title pages sought to present an epitome of the contents of the volume. While the name of Dr. House occupies the sole post of honour on this present title page, none would be more...
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Hours with the Mystics: A Contribution to the History of Religious OpinionHours with the Mystics: A Contribution to the History of Religious OpinionIt was on the evening of a November day that three friends sat about their after-dinner table, chatting over their wine and walnuts, while the fire with its huge log crackled and sparkled,...
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Faiseurs de peines et faiseurs de joiesFaiseurs de peines et faiseurs de joiesCe livre, que je ddie aux lecteurs dAmes dormantes, sadresse, comme le prcdent, tous ceux qui cherchent la justice et voudraient trouver le bonheur dans lharmonie de leur tre avec les ralits de la vie et les vrits...
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Saint PaulSaint PaulSi nous ne cherchions en son histoire que la destine dun homme, elle semblerait dj prodigieuse: ce jeune Pharisien, anim par le zle de la Loi lextermination dune secte impie, et qui se fait brusquement laptre irrductible de la doctrine excre, ce Juif,...
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En Pénitence chez les Jésuites: Correspondance d'un lycéenEn Pénitence chez les Jésuites: Correspondance d'un lycéenJe nai pas t lev sur les genoux de la Compagnie de Jsus. Cest lUniversit qui sest applique la premire dgrossir ma jeune intelligence et la former. Je lui sais gr de ses louables intentions. Mais la...
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Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Derde deelGereformeerde dogmatiek. Derde deelOnder de bewerking der uitgebreide stof is het m onmogelk gebleken, om de belofte te houden, welke ik in de voorrede van het eerste deel afgelegd had. Deze Gereformeerde Dogmatiek is niet in drie, maar wordt in vier deelen compleet. Het...
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Young Grandison, volume 1 (of 2)Young Grandison, volume 1 (of 2) - A series of letters from young persons to their friendsIndeed any instruction which has not evidently this tendency, will be found not only useless but pernicious; if it be allowed that a smattering of knowledge can never...
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