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Le livre des visions et instructions de la bienheureuse Angèle de FolignoLe livre des visions et instructions de la bienheureuse Angèle de Foligno - Traduit par Ernest Hello avec avertissement de Georges Goyau, de l'Académie françaiseIl y a juste un demi-sicle lorsque la France vaincue faisait effort pour se reconstruire et cherchait dans la tradition...
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A szellemi erők gyüjtése és pazarlásaA szellemi erők gyüjtése és pazarlásaA takarkossg elve a termszetben. Szervezetnk energija. Lelknk vltozsai. Kpzetvilgunkrl. A lelki tnemnyek localisatija. Az agysejt tulajdonsgai. Kpzeteink klnflesge. Kpzeteink, fogalmaink klnbz agysejtekben vannak elhelyezve. A feleds menete. A tanulnivgys agyszerkezeti szksglet, mely kielgtsre vr. A talentumok eredete s...
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Ruysbroeck and the Mystics: with selections from RuysbroeckRuysbroeck and the Mystics: with selections from RuysbroeckMany works are more correctly beautiful than this book of Ruysbroeck LAdmirable. Many mysticsSwedenborg and Novalis among othersare more potent in their influence, and more timely. It is very probable that his writings may but rarely meet...
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Stained Glass Windows: An Essay: With a Report to the Vestry on Stained Glass Windows for Grace Church Lockport New YorkStained Glass Windows: An Essay: With a Report to the Vestry on Stained Glass Windows for Grace Church Lockport New YorkThe first edition of the Report on Stained Glass Windows for Grace Church, Lockport, which appeared in January, 1897, is now exhausted; as there...
- ¥969 JPY
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Tükör darabok az önismeret és emberismeret világábólTükör darabok az önismeret és emberismeret világábólIsmerd meg magadat s magad ltal az embereket; ez ismeret nlkl tudomnyod holt tudomny. Thalestl napjainkig e szavak viszhangzottak a blcsek ajkain: s valljon mi sikerrel? Az ember klns lny: feledve nmagt a klvilg forradalmaiba sovrg, dltl jig,...
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A babonák könyveA babonák könyveMert a romlatlan npben minden jra meg van a hajlam; csak legyen, aki elmjt a mvelds al megmunklja; s megszabadtja lelkt s kedlyt az elfogultsgtl, az elitletektl s egyb szz fajta burjntl, melyek szivben minden nemes helyet elfoglalva tartanak. Ezen tudattl volt...
- ¥969 JPY
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Az élet értelme és értékeAz élet értelme és értékeAz let rtelme s rtke felli krds ppensggel nem magtl rtetd: olyan idkben tmad fel, a mikor az egyes ember kezd zavarba jnni a krnyezete ltal nyujtott lettartalom fell s ez a ktsg azt jelenti, hogy a hagyomnyos sszefggsek nem...
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The History of Philosophy in IslamThe History of Philosophy in Islam1. In olden time the Arabian desert was, as it is at this day, the roaming-ground of independent Bedouin tribes. With free and healthy minds they contemplated their monotonous world, whose highest charm was the raid, and whose intellectual...
- ¥969 JPY
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Psyche: The Cult of Souls and Belief in Immortality among the GreeksPsyche: The Cult of Souls and Belief in Immortality among the GreeksTHE publication of a second edition of this book affords me a welcome opportunity of making my account more exact and to the point in certain places; of adding some points that had...
- ¥969 JPY
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The omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cureThe omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cureNature has granted to all to be happy if we but knew how to use her gifts.Claudius. Many people, while not considering themselves as suffering from any nervous ailment, nor desiring the services of a physician,...
- ¥969 JPY
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The Doctrines and Discipline of the Colored Methodist Episcopal ChurchThe Doctrines and Discipline of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church - Revised Edition 1918The text is divided into fifty eight Chapters, which are grouped into nine Parts. The Chapters are not identified in the Contents pages: they mostly coincide with the topics noted there,...
- ¥969 JPY
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Rev. T. Connellan, to his dearly beloved brethren, the Roman Catholics of the diocese of ElphinRev. T. Connellan, to his dearly beloved brethren, the Roman Catholics of the diocese of ElphinFor seven years and three months I laboured among you. Thousands of you knew me in the Confessional; almost all of you have heard my voice from the pulpit;...
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A Magician Among the SpiritsA Magician Among the SpiritsGladly would I embrace Spiritualism if it could prove its claims, but I am not willing to be deluded by the fraudulent impositions of so-called psychics, or accept as sacred reality any of the evidence that has been placed before...
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Im-ígyen szóla ZarathustraIm-ígyen szóla ZarathustraMikoron Zarathustra harminc ves vala, odahagy hazjt s hazjnak tavt s a hegyekbe mne. Itt lvez lelkt s magnossgt s nem fradt bel tiz ll esztendeig. Vgezetre azonban elvltozk szvben, egy reggel hajnal hasadtval kelvn, szembella a napnak s im-gyen szlt meg:...
- ¥969 JPY
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The Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation Treatise 3Astronomy and General Physics Considered with Reference to Natural TheologyThe examination of the material world brings before us a number of things and relations of things which suggest to most minds the belief of a creating and presiding Intelligence. And this impression, which arises...
- ¥969 JPY
¥3,102 JPY- ¥969 JPY
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Dead Men Tell TalesDead Men Tell TalesCopyright 1939 by Research Science Bureau, Incorporated Printed in the United States of America All rights in this book are reserved No part of the book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. For information address the publishers....
- ¥969 JPY
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Az élet könyveAz élet könyveA knyv alig remlt sikere arnylag rvid id alatt msodik kiadst tette szksgess. Szt sem rdeml apr igaztsokat nem szmtva, vltozatlanul adom az olvas kezbe s vele egytt rlk a magyar filozfiai gondolkozs terjedsnek. Minden koreszme a trsadalom gondolkozsnak egy-egy hatalmas emcija....
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A General History of the Sabbatarian ChurchesA General History of the Sabbatarian Churches - Embracing Accounts of the Armenian, East Indian, and Abyssinian Episcopacies in Asia and Africa, the Waldenses, Semi-Judaisers, and Sabbatarian Anabaptists of Europe; with the Seventh-day Baptist Denominaton in the United StatesAt the present time, when the...
- ¥969 JPY
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A Prose English Translation of VishnupuranamA Prose English Translation of Vishnupuranam - (Based on Professor H. H. Wilson’s translation.)That Purna in which Parsara, beginning with the events of Varha Kalpa, expounds all duties, is called Vaishnava and is said to consist of twenty-three thousand stanzas. But the actual number...
- ¥969 JPY
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The Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama: Their Leaders and Their WorkThe Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama: Their Leaders and Their WorkIn turning to the subject under consideration it seems fitting that we should first review those facts and events which gave us our denominational existence. Such a course, it seems to the...
- ¥969 JPY
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