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Outlines of a Critical Theory of EthicsOutlines of a Critical Theory of EthicsAlthough the following pages have taken shape in connection with class-room work, they are intended as an independent contribution to ethical science. It is commonly demanded of such a work that its readers shall have some prefatory hint...
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The Seven Purposes: An Experience in Psychic PhenomenaThe Seven Purposes: An Experience in Psychic PhenomenaTwenty-five years or more ago my attention was attracted to the entertaining possibilities of a planchette, and, like other young persons, I played with one at intervals for several years. Like others, also, I speculated concerning the...
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Famous Scots seriesThomas ReidThis little book is an attempt to present Reid in a fresh light, and in his relations to present-day thought. It deals with the Scottish chapter in that enduring alternation between agnostic despair and endeavour after perfect insight which seems to be a...
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The Following of Christ, in Four BooksThe Following of Christ, in Four Books - Translated from the Original Latin of Thomas a Kempis 1. He that followeth me, walketh not in darkness, saith our Lord, John viii. 12. These are the words of Christ, by which we are admonished that...
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Der Wille zur Macht: Eine Auslegung alles GeschehensDer Wille zur Macht: Eine Auslegung alles GeschehensNietzsche hatte die Absicht, in einem zusammenhngenden Werke den Gesamtertrag seiner Lehre darzustellen. Die Titel des beabsichtigten Werkes und die Gesichtspunkte seiner Ordnung wechselten, aber die einheitliche Idee, seine Philosophie bersichtlich darzustellen, blieb bestehen. Es sollten keine...
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Professor W. G. Elmslie, D.D.: Memoir and SermonsProfessor W. G. Elmslie, D.D.: Memoir and SermonsMY share in this book has been the writing of the brief introductory Memoir, with the exception of the pages relating to Regent Square and Willesden. These have been contributed by Mr. A. N. Macnicoll, who has...
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 2, February, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 2, February, 1883John H. Washburn, Chairman; A.P. Foster, Secretary; Lyman Abbott, Alonzo S. Ball, A.S. Barnes, C.T. Christensen, Franklin Fairbanks, Clinton B. Fisk, S.B. Halliday, Samuel Holmes, Charles A. Hull, Samuel S. Marples, Charles L. Mead, Wm....
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The Message and Mission of QuakerismThe Message and Mission of QuakerismThe two addresses which compose this book were delivered at the Five Years Meeting of the Society of Friends held in Indianapolis, Indiana, from October15th to 22nd, 1912. They were listened to with profound interest and appreciation, and were...
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 1, January, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 1, January, 1883The Gospel in All Lands was commenced in February, 1880, and was continued during 1880 and 1881 as a 48 page monthly. The only numbers of these years that can now be furnished are as...
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Five Minute Sermons, Volume IIFive Minute Sermons, Volume II. - For Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year by Priests of the Congregation of St. Paul Repeated and urgent requests from both clergy and laity have induced the publication of this second volume of Five-Minute Sermons. They...
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The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 02 of 12)The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 02 of 12) 1. Tree-spiritsGreat forests of ancient Europe; tree-worship practised by all Aryan races in Europe; trees regarded as animate; tree-spirits, sacrifices to trees; trees sensitive to wounds; apologies for cutting...
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The Seventy's Course in Theology, First YearThe Seventy's Course in Theology, First Year - Outline History of the Seventy and A Survey of the Books of Holy ScriptureTo become a Seventy means mental activity, intellectual development, and the attainment of spiritual power. The first three opening lessons of this year's...
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The Physical Basis of MindThe Physical Basis of Mind - Being the Second Series of Problems of Life and Mind.The title indicates that this volume is restricted to the group of material conditions which constitute the organism in relation to the physical worlda group which furnishes the data...
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Letture sopra la mitologia vedicaLetture sopra la mitologia vedica Io non avrei bisogno di spiegare i motivi, per i quali desidero inscritto al nome di Ernesto Renan questo mio modesto volume, quando la gloria di un tal nome tanta, che ogni studioso potrebbe stimarsi lieto di raccoglierne un...
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How to SucceedHow to SucceedThose acts which go to form a persons influence are little things, but they are potential for good or bad in the lives of others. Though they are as fleeting as the breath which gave them, their influence is as enduring as...
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History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. Vol. 2 (of 8)History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. Vol. 2 (of 8)Calvin's FriendThe Students at OrleansPierre de l'EtoileOpinions concerning HereticsCalvin received in the Picard NationCalvin nominated ProctorProcession for the Maille de FlorenceDistinguished by the ProfessorsHis Friends at OrleansDaniel and his FamilyMelchior...
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Edith and Her Ayah, and Other StoriesEdith and Her Ayah, and Other Stories Edith and Her Ayah; The Butterfly; The Penitent; The Reproof; The Vase and the Dart; The Jewel; The Storm; The Sabbath-Tree; The White Robe; Crosses; The Two Countries; Do You Love God?; The Imperfect Copy; A Story...
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Isis very much unveiled, being the story of the great Mahatma hoaxIsis very much unveiled, being the story of the great Mahatma hoaxTourists at Pompeii are shown a temple of Isis. The impartial cinders have preserved for us there, not only the temple, but the secret passage which the priests used in the production of...
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Five Minute Sermons, Volume IFive Minute Sermons, Volume I. - For Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year by Priests of the Congregation of St. Paul These short sermons were commenced in St. Paul's Church, New York, toward the close of the year 1876. The motive for...
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Le stregheLe streghe - dono del folletto alle signore Trent'anni or sono quel brioso ingegno di Defendente Sacchi dedicava alle Signore gentili, come strenna nuovissima, l'illustrazione del vecchio mondo quando si credeva ancora alle streghe. Quel suo spiritoso lavoro era accolto come un benefico presagio...
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