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Outline Studies in the New Testament for Bible TeachersOutline Studies in the New Testament for Bible TeachersThere is no book in the world which repays earnest study so abundantly as the Holy Bible. Even the cursory reader who possesses a candid mind can gather many precious thoughts from its pages; and he...
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Notes on the Book of Deuteronomy, Volume IINotes on the Book of Deuteronomy, Volume IIAs several persons in America have, without any authority whatever from me, undertaken to publish my four[1] volumes of "Notes," I deem it my duty to inform the reader that I have given full permission to Messrs....
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The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 04 of 12)The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 04 of 12)With this third part of The Golden Bough we take up the question, Why had the King of the Wood at Nemi regularly to perish by the hand of his...
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Notes on the Book of Deuteronomy, Volume INotes on the Book of Deuteronomy, Volume IThe value and importance of the Word of God cannot be over-estimated at the present moment. Its integrity and authority are being assailed from almost every quarter and in every form of attack. "If the foundations be...
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Curiosities of Superstition, and Sketches of Some Unrevealed ReligionsCuriosities of Superstition, and Sketches of Some Unrevealed ReligionsTo my mind there is no study more absorbing than that of the Religions of the World,the study, if I may so call it, of the various languages in which man has spoken to his Maker,...
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The New Christianity or, The Religion of the New AgeThe New Christianity; or, The Religion of the New AgeThis little book is only a sketch. Some suggestions of the kind that is too exclusively regarded as practical, I hope, may be found in it. On the whole, its aim is, as from Mt....
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The Bible and LifeThe Bible and LifeBy the courteous invitation of the President, Faculty, and Trustees of DePauw University, the writer had the privilege of delivering the first series of lectures under the foundation as endowed by his friend, the Rev. Marmaduke H. Mendenhall. The following comments...
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Thought-Culture Or, Practical Mental TrainingThought-Culture; Or, Practical Mental TrainingIn the past few years a widespread mental and spiritual awakening has taken place among the people of this country. And this new awakening has been very aptly called THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY MOVEMENT, because it has to do with the...
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Picture-WorkPicture-Work A friend of the writer, who has since attained to the dignity of a teacher of teachers, relates to the honor of his wise mother that when he was a boy she did not make him promise not to smoke or chew or...
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The All-Sufficiency of Christ. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IThe All-Sufficiency of Christ. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IOh, the blessedness! transgression forgivensin covered! This truly is blessedness; and without this, blessedness must be unknown. To have the full assurance that my sins are all forgiven is the only foundation of...
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How to Read Human Nature: Its Inner States and Outer FormsHow to Read Human Nature: Its Inner States and Outer Forms"Human Nature" is a term most frequently used and yet but little understood. The average person knows in a general way what he and others mean when this term is employed, but very few...
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A Layman's Life of JesusA Layman's Life of JesusEvery book should have a purpose. The object of this little volume is to try and harmonize, in a sense, and bring nearer to us, the story of the Master. It is free from the fog of creed, and the...
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La SorcièreLa SorcièreSprenger dit (avant 1500): Il faut dire l'hrsie des sorcires, et non des sorciers; ceux-ci sont peu de chose.Et un autre sous Louis XIII: Pour un sorcier, dix mille sorcires. Nature les fait sorcires.C'est le gnie propre la Femme et son temprament. Elle...
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History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 5History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 5 - The Reformation in EnglandIn the four previous volumes the author has described the origin and essential development of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century on the Continent; he has now to relate the...
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Christmas Evans, the Preacher of Wild WalesChristmas Evans, the Preacher of Wild Wales - His country, his times, and his contemporariesMy Dear Friend,I believe there is no man living to whom I could so appropriately inscribe an attempt to give some appreciation of the life and labours of Christmas Evans...
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Memory: How to Develop, Train, and Use ItMemory: How to Develop, Train, and Use ItIn the past few years a widespread mental and spiritual awakening has taken place among the people of this country. And this new awakening has been very aptly called THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY MOVEMENT, because it has to...
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History of the Reformation in the 16th Century, Volume 2History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 2Luther's DangersGod saves LutherThe Pope sends a ChamberlainThe ChamberlainLegate's JourneyBriefs of RomeCircumstances favourable to the ReformationMiltitz with SpalatinTezel's TerrorCaresses of MiltitzA Recantation demandedLuther refuses, but offers to be silentAgreement between Luther and the NuncioThe Legate's...
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The Project Gutenberg Collection of Works by FreethinkersThe Project Gutenberg Collection of Works by Freethinkers - With Linked On-line and Off-line Indexes to 157 Volumes by 90 Authors; Plus Indexes to 15 other Author's Multi-Volume Sets. DETAILED CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. THE GODS HUMBOLDT. THOMAS PAINE INDIVIDUALITY. HERETICS AND...
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The Protestants Plea for a SocinianThe Protestants Plea for a Socinian - Justifying His Doctrine from Being Opposite to Scripture or Church Authority; and Him from Being Guilty of Heresie, or SchismMarginal notes indicating the start of individual sections have been converted into section headings. Other notes have been...
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A History of Philosophy in EpitomeA History of Philosophy in EpitomeSchweglers History of Philosophy originally appeared in the Neue Encyklopdie fr Wissenschaften und Knste. Its great value soon awakened a call for its separate issue, in which form it has attained a very wide circulation in Germany. It is...
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