Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Told by the Northmen: Stories from the Eddas and SagasTold by the Northmen: Stories from the Eddas and Sagasnce upon a time, before ever this world was made, there was neither earth nor sea, nor air, nor light, but only a great yawning gulf, full of twilight, where these things should be. To...
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Grace, Actual and Habitual: A Dogmatic TreatiseGrace, Actual and Habitual: A Dogmatic Treatise Humanity was reconciled to God by the Redemption. This does not, however, mean that every individual human being was forthwith justified, for individual justification is wrought by the application to the soul of grace derived from the...
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Achtundvierzig Briefe von Johann Gottlieb Fichte und seinen VerwandtenAchtundvierzig Briefe von Johann Gottlieb Fichte und seinen VerwandtenIst seit der Fichte-Feier auch schon mehr als ein Monat verflossen, so ist doch nicht zu befrchten, da damit auch schon die Theilnahme der Gemther fr diesen groen Mann verschwunden sei. Hat doch die Allgemeinheit, Gehobenheit...
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VergänglichkeitVergänglichkeitVor einiger Zeit machte ich in Gesellschaft eines schweigsamen Freundes und eines jungen, bereits rhmlich bekannten Dichters einen Spaziergang durch eine blhende Sommerlandschaft. Der Dichter bewunderte die Schnheit der Natur um uns, aber ohne sich ihrer zu erfreuen. Ihn strte der Gedanke, da all...
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An Essay on the Beautiful, from the Greek of PlotinusAn Essay on the Beautiful, from the Greek of PlotinusIt may seem wonderful that language, which is the only method of conveying our conceptions, should, at the same time, be an hindrance to our advancement in philosophy; but the wonder ceases when we consider,...
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Hymns from the MorninglandHymns from the Morningland - Being Translations, Centos and Suggestions from the Service Books of the Holy Eastern ChurchThis sixth series of hymns from the Greek Offices is sent forth in the hope that some of the flowers that bloom in the gardens of...
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A Letter to DionA Letter to Dion The Letter to Dion, Mandeville's last publication, was, in form, a reply to Bishop Berkeley's Alciphron: or, the Minute Philosopher. In Alciphron, a series of dialogues directed against "free thinkers" in general, Dion is the presiding host and Alciphron and...
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Embéo e Majaró LucasEmbéo e Majaró Lucas17. Presas chalar anglal de sa la suncai y sila de Elias, somia querelar limbidiar os carlochines es batuces os chabores, y os sos na pachiblan al drun es majars, somia preparar al Era una sueti perfecta. 15. Y anac, que...
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The Romance of the SoulThe Romance of the SoulWhat am I? In my flesh I am but equal to the beasts of the field. In my heart and mind I am corrupt Humanity. In my soul I know not what I am or may be, and therein lies...
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The Prodigal ReturnsThe Prodigal ReturnsSunshine and a garden path . . . flowers . . . the face and neck and bosom of the nurse upon whose heart I lay, and her voice telling me that she must leave me, that we must part, and immediately...
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The Golden FountainThe Golden Fountain - or, The Soul's Love for God. Being some Thoughts andHow many of us inwardly feel a secret longing to find God; and this usually accompanied by the perception that we are confronted by an impenetrable barrierwe cannot find Himwe can...
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The Project Gutenberg Works of Plato: An IndexThe Project Gutenberg Works of Plato: An Index Follow these instructions if you would like to have your own copy of this index and all the volumes of PLATO, on your hard disk. Doing so will allow this index to be used with all...
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Lotus BudsLotus BudsIt was only a child after all, and it had not anticipated having to find its way alone among strangers. It had thought of nothing further than a very short walk among familiar faces. If it had understood beforehand how far it would...
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Things as They AreThings as They Are - Mission Work in Southern IndiaI do not think the realities of Hindu life have ever been portrayed with greater vividness than in this book; and I know that the authoress's accuracy can be fully relied upon. The picture is...
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D. António Alves Martins: bispo de Viseu: esboço biográficoD. Antonio Alves Martins: bispo de Vizeu: esboço biographico{5} agradavel e no commum esboar alguns traos da vida de um varo benemerito, cujos antepassados, praticando obscuramente o bem, nos no intimam o dever de lhes attribuir ou inventar proezas civicas. Em tempos no remotos,...
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¥1,974 JPY- ¥986 JPY
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The Phantom World or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c, &cThe Phantom World; or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c, &c.Every age, every nation, every country has its prejudices, its maladies, its customs, its inclinations, which characterize them, and which pass away, and succeed to one another; often that which has appeared admirable at...
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ClairvoyanceClairvoyanceClairvoyance means literally nothing more than "clear-seeing," and it is a word which has been sorely misused, and even degraded so far as to be employed to describe the trickery of a mountebank in a variety show. Even in its more restricted sense it...
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The Ministry of Intercession: A Plea for More PrayerThe Ministry of Intercession: A Plea for More PrayerIhave been asked by a friend, who heard of this book being published, what the difference would be between it and the previous one on the same subject, With Christ in the School of Prayer. An...
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The Unknown Life of Jesus ChristThe Unknown Life of Jesus Christ - The Original Text of Nicolas Notovitch's 1887 DiscoveryAfter the Turkish War (1877-1878) I made a series of travels in the Orient. From the little remarkable Balkan peninsula, I went across the Caucasus to Central Asia and Persia,...
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