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Wireless PossibilitiesWireless PossibilitiesThe effects of history upon the advance of science are often noted, but the result of the march of progress is more often entirely neglected. It would seem desirable that the future should be studied with reasonable accuracy if we are to protect...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Goblin Groom: a Tale of DunseThe Goblin Groom: a Tale of DunseThe Author of the Goblin Groom can, on no consideration, be induced to follow the example of the amiable and justly celebrated Madame de Genlis, who, in her Historical Romance of the Chevaliers du Cygne, observes,Enfin lide de...
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Las Helénicas ó, Historia griega desde el año 411 hasta el 362 antes de JesucristoLas Helénicas; ó, Historia griega desde el año 411 hasta el 362 antes de JesucristoJenofonte ha sido siempre conocido y admirado por tres de sus obras: la Anbasis, o expedicin de Ciro, la Ciropedia y las Memorias socrticas; pero la gloria que estas obras...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Garnet Story Book: Tales of Cheer Both Old and NewThe Garnet Story Book: Tales of Cheer Both Old and NewAbout the middle of the last century there was printed in England a childrens story with the attractive title, The Good Natured Bear. This story, written by Robert H. Horne, was reviewed by William...
- ¥994 JPY
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Een DroomEen DroomSedert de verschijning van dit boek, eerst in de Gids en toen in boekvorm, in 1899, is in Tosari veel veranderd, vooral wat de inrichting der htels aldaar en in den omtrek aangaat. Het verwondert mij dat hij mij dit stuk van zijn...
- ¥994 JPY
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Summer Morning: A poemSummer Morning: A poem Morning again breaks through the mines of Heaven, And shakes her jewelled kirtle on the sky, Heavy with rosy gold. Aside are driven The vassal clouds, which bow as she draws nigh, And catch her scattered gems of orient dye,...
- ¥994 JPY
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Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-third Regiment, County of Dublin, from 1793 to 1907Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-third Regiment, County of Dublin, from 1793 to 1907 - Including the Campaigns of the Regiment in the West Indies, Africa, the Peninsula, Ceylon, Canada, and IndiaThis Memoir of the Services of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment, now...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Principle of RelativityThe Principle of RelativityLord Kelvin writing in 1893, in his preface to the English edition of Hertzs Researches on Electric Waves, says many workers and many thinkers have helped to build up the nineteenth century school of plenum, one ether for light, heat, electricity,...
- ¥994 JPY
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 105, Vol. III, January 2, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 105, Vol. III, January 2, 1886About one oclock in the morning, by a flickering fire of half-dead embers, young men of twenty-five are very apt to grow confidential. Now, it was one oclock...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Building in JapanThe Building in Japan The pictures here depicted, show the whole process of building a middle class house, from the selection and sawing of timbers until they are formed into a complete house. The head carpenter conferring with the owner, plans the form and...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Life, Trial, Confession and Execution of Albert W. HicksThe Life, Trial, Confession and Execution of Albert W. Hicks - The Pirate and Murderer, Executed on Bedloe’s Island, New York Bay, on the 13th of July, 1860, for the Murder of Capt. Burr, Smith and Oliver Watts, on Board the Oyster Sloop E....
- ¥994 JPY
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In a Yellow WoodIn a Yellow WoodNo Part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in magazine or newspaper or...
- ¥994 JPY
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Egy magános sétáló álmodozásaiEgy magános sétáló álmodozásaiRousseau, aki klnben is neuropathikus termszet volt, letnek utols 12 esztendejben elmezavarban, kombinatrikus ldzsi mniban (paranoia) szenvedett. Mr Vallomsai (17651770) egy elmebeteg vdirata; az a meggyzds uralkodik bennk, hogy rgi bartai, akik ellensgeiv vltak, lkn Grimm-mel, Diderot-val s DEpinaynval, nagy sszeeskvst...
- ¥994 JPY
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A fragment of the prison experiences of Emma Goldman and Alexander BerkmanA fragment of the prison experiences of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman - In the State Prison at Jefferson City, Mo., and the U. S. Penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga. February, 1918–October, 1919There was a timeand that not so very long agowhen popular ignorance and...
- ¥994 JPY
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Ealing and Its VicinityEaling and Its VicinityThe purpose of this brochure is not an ambitious one. It does not aspire to rank in antiquarian or topographical interest with the work of Mr. Falkener; its modest claim is to tell briefly and in simple words such facts connected...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 3, April 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 3, April 1836)This hackneyed distich is most frequently used to convey an idea of that arrogant confidence which attends the first superficial acquisitions in knowledge, and the characteristic diffidence of the profound mind. Whether this is the...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 6, August 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 6, August 1836)There is a tendency to regard the commotions of society, which have taken place of late years, as the results of modern diplomacy, or of notions concerning human rights, which have received birth and risen...
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,989 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 5, July 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 5, July 1836)Great men are always simplestrikingly so; simple in their thoughts and feelings, and in the expression of them. Nor is this an unimportant characteristic. For to one who reflects how few artless men there arehow...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 4, June 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 4, June 1836)What is truth? Truth, says a standard logician, signifies nothing but the joining or separating of signs, as the things signified by them do agree or disagree with one another; that is, in making propositions....
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,989 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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The Woman of Knockaloe: A ParableThe Woman of Knockaloe: A ParableThe Woman of Knockaloe is first of all a love story. In our opinion it is a charming and natural love story, beautiful in its purity, and irresistible in its human appeal; so simple in its incidents that it...
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,989 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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