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Earth's Maginot LineEarth's Maginot LineJimmy Lorre saw the Earth spinning away from under him. It was odd, this sensation of having nothing under you, nothing to keep you from falling back upon the world from which the sleek grey space ship had lifted you. Lorre felt...
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La ManifestanteLa ManifestanteM. et Mme Dovrigny taient des gens d'honneur. Leur ascendance se composait de magistrats et d'officiers. L'on y citait de hauts grades, mais pas de noms illustres, pas de grands personnages. Dans leurs familles, on avait cultiv le devoir et la lgalit consciencieusement,...
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Parassiti: Commedia in tre attiParassiti: Commedia in tre atti Secondo i termini della legge sulla propriet letteraria, vietato a tutte le Compagnie drammatiche italiane e forestiere, a tutte le Societ Filodrammatiche e private, di rappresentare questi lavori senza l'autorizzazione formale dell'Autore, o del Direttore della Societ degli autori...
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Marsin sotavaltiasMarsin sotavaltiasDorin laaksossa, unohdetun Korus-jrven tulipunaisia rantaniittyj reunustavan metsn pimennossa, Marsin kuiden kiitess meteorimaista rataansa alhaalla kuolevan thden taivaalla, hiivin varovasti aavemaisen hahmon jless, joka ilmeisesti liikkui huonoilla asioilla, sill hn pysytteli huolellisesti synkimpien varjojen peitossa. Kuuden pitkn marsilaisen kuukauden ajan olin harhaillut kammottavan...
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The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His AchievementsThe Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His AchievementsThe calumniators and traducers of the Negro are to be found, mainly, among two classes. The first and most relentless are those who have done them the greatest injury, by being instrumental in their enslavement...
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The Servile StateThe Servile StateThis book is written to maintain and prove the following truth: That our free modern society in which the means of production are owned by a few being necessarily in unstable equilibrium, it is tending to reach a condition of stable equilibrium...
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When Time Rolled BackWhen Time Rolled BackLong before Rog found the mysterious, shining ball back in the mountains, he knew he was far different from the rest of his tribe that lived along the river. He knew it because he didn't think the same way they did,...
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The Facts of LifeThe Facts of Life"The ability to profit by past experience and to use this knowledge as a guide to future action may, ladies and gentlemen, be taken as the primary differentiation between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms." Thus Professor Melchizedek Hobbs, principal of...
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The Spiritual Improvement of the CensusThe Spiritual Improvement of the Census - A Sermon, Preached in the Parish Church of All Saints, Fulham, 30th March, 1851And Davids heart smote him after that he had numbered the people. And David said unto the Lord, I have sinned greatly in that...
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The Truth about Church ExtensionThe Truth about Church Extension - An exposure of certain fallacies and misstatements contained in the census reports on religious worship and educationThe entire absence of criticism on the decennial tables contained in the report of Mr. Horace Mann on the Census of Religious...
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A Tract for the Times: The Church and the CensusA Tract for the Times: The Church and the CensusI desire to say what follows, in all earnestness, to my fellow-countrymen who have been, through Gods goodness, baptized into the Church of England. I shall be thankful, also, if others will patiently consider what...
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"The Numbering of the People""The Numbering of the People" - A Sermon in conjunction with the census of 1861 preached in St. Thomas' Church, Islington, on Sunday Evening, April 7This Sermon was not written with a view to publication. I have consented to its being printed at the...
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Derelicts of UranusDerelicts of UranusLonny Higgens, once of the earthly planet, stretched out in the conning-tower of his mud-submarine, an aquatic monstrosity of globular reinforced steel that was at home either above or below the surface of the squirming mud seas of Uranus, and sighed lazily....
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Space BlackoutSpace BlackoutLove of their homes and the soil beneath them and the life they had achieved. It's a story I believe Earthmen could ponder, and benefit from. For we are the youngest of terrestrial civilizations within the space orbit the Martians have shown us....
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Ice PlanetIce Planet"If it's going to happen," thought Bill Ricker, "it's got to be quick." Lounging deep in his red-leather chair, he peered out of the port as the sleek space ship streamed through the darkness. He could see nothing outside but a big, humorous-eyed...
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Magyar írók: Irodalmi arcképek és tollrajzokMagyar írók: Irodalmi arcképek és tollrajzokE ktetben sszegyjttt munkim nem azzal a szndkkal rattak, hogy valamikor knyvben sszelltva is kiadom ket. Folyirat-cikkeknek kszltek annak idejn, egy-kett kivtelvel mind valami alkalomra; egy knyv vagy knyvgyjtemny megjelense, egy r jubileuma, halla, vagy ms mdon aktuliss vlsa...
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Gene Stratton Porter, Best-SellerGene Stratton Porter, Best-SellerAlthough Gene Stratton Porter resided in this city only a few weeks in 1913, her life was closely associated with the Fort Wayne area. Born in rural Wabash County and educated in Wabash, the noted Hoosier author established residence successively in...
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St. Clair's Defeat, 1791St. Clair's DefeatThe members of this Board include the members of the Board of Trustees of the School City of Fort Wayne (with the same officers) together with the following citizens chosen from Allen County outside the corporate City of Fort Wayne: Several survivors...
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Auf dem Mississippi Nach dem fernen WestenAuf dem Mississippi; Nach dem fernen WestenDas Becken des Mississippi ist sozusagen der Leib der Nation. Alle anderen Teile des Landes sind nur die Glieder, zwar wichtig an sich selbst, aber noch wichtiger in ihrer Beziehung zu jenem. Mit Ausschlu des Seebeckens und der...
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The Booke of the Universall Kirk of ScotlandThe Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland - Wherein the Headis and Conclusionis Devysit Be the Ministers and Commissionaris of the Particular Kirks Thereof, Are Specially Expressed and Contained.BOOKE OF THE UNIVERSALL KIRK. The printing of this, the earliest Record of the Reformed...
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