Public Domain
Turkish fairy tales and folk talesTurkish fairy tales and folk talesTHESE stories were collected from the mouths of the Turkish peasantry by the Hungarian savant Dr. Ignatius Kunos, during his travels through Anatolia,[1] and published for the first time in 1889 by the well-known Hungarian Literary Society, A Kisfaludy...
- ¥982 JPY
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Kauhujen taloKauhujen talo Sit en voi sinulle sanoa; seuraava on kaikki, mink siit tiedn: Noin kuusi viikkoa sitten hain vaimoni kera kalustettuja huoneita. Kuljimme yksinist katua ja huomasimme erss ikkunassa ilmoituksen: "Kalustettuja huoneita vuokrattavana." Kaupunginosa miellytti meit, menimme taloon, huoneet olivat hauskat, vuokrasimme ne viikon...
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¥3,143 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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L'amour fesséL'amour fesséVoici, Lecteur, un rcit assez baroque pour tre vrai ou possible (ce qui est tout un). D'ailleurs, je te le donne comme copi sur les mmoires d'un mien parent, et quelles raisons aurais-tu de suspecter sa bonne foi ou la mienne? Le titre...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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What Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation?What Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation? - Great Auction Sale of Slaves, at Savannah, Georgia, March 2d & 3d, 1859The largest sale of human chattels that has been made in Star-Spangled America for several years, took place on Wednesday and Thursday...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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In the Earth's ShadowIn the Earth's ShadowFerris was in the tiny cupola, admiring the immense sphere of Earth above him, when the bell sounded. Galsworth again, no doubt. It had been Galsworth every time for twenty-four hours. What did he want now? It took a few minutes...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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Hajnali szerenád: VersekHajnali szerenád: Versek KISVENDGLBEN. Nagy Zoltnnak. Sett csbrk s olcs szkek kztt tballagok nyugodtan: odabenn Bgyadt gzlngok gnek csendesen. Vrnak lehajtott fk, gyrt kzelk S a falra pinglt , fekete rzsk. Krl szomor dli zaj csrg. J nkem ez a zaj, s e sok...
- ¥982 JPY
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The Warwickshire AvonThe Warwickshire AvonIn the stubble the crack! crack! of a stray gun speaks, now and again, of partridge-time. Over the pastures, undulating with ridge and furrow, where the black oxen feed, patches of gloom and gleam are scurrying as the windwesterly, with a touch...
- ¥982 JPY
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Buffalo Bill border stories, no. 44Buffalo Bill's Still Hunt; Or, The Robber of the RangeIt is now some generations since Josh Billings, Ned Buntline, and Colonel Prentiss Ingraham, intimate friends of Colonel William F. Cody, used to forgather in the office of Francis S. Smith, then proprietor of the...
- ¥982 JPY
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Equation for TimeEquation for TimeThere is no one today who has seen a living horse. The creature became extinct a couple of centuries ago, about the year 2,800. Man, who betrayed the horse into what he became, hardly regretted the passing. However, and I speak with...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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La MaternelleLa MaternellePar une grce, dit-on, assez rare, le surmenage des tudes classiques n'avait rien dtraqu en moi, la longue attente virginale n'avait pas perverti mon imagination. leve sans mre depuis l'ge de douze ans, j'tais trs simple, trs saine, trs nature: de visage color,...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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The OversightThe OversightJohn C. Hastings, senior medical student in the Nebraska State University Medical School at Omaha, looked out of the window of the Packard sedan he was driving down the road along the top of the bluff, and out in the middle of the...
- ¥982 JPY
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Spanish PaintingSpanish Painting HE exhibition of Spanish Painting held in London in the galleries of the Royal Academy from November to January last, excited a lively interest in the English public and inspired numerous articles on the subject in English journals and reviews. If all...
- ¥982 JPY
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The Ultimate ImageThe Ultimate ImageIt was Bill Porter's voice. I put one hand on the balustrade and vaulted into the garden. From behind a mass of shrubbery came sounds of a struggle, and Bill's voice rose again. I plowed through where someone had gone before. Bill,...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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Betsy Baker! or, Too Attentive by Half A Farce, in One ActBetsy Baker! or, Too Attentive by Half; A Farce, in One Act Box and Cox, Two Bonnycastles, Who stole the Pocket Book, The Midnight Watch, Poor Pillicoddy, Going to the Derby, Old Honesty, Grimshaw, Done on both Sides, Young England, The King and I,...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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H. G. Hawker, airman: his life and workH. G. Hawker, airman: his life and workWith his words still fresh in my memory, that, should anything ever happen to him, the one thing to do was to get work which would occupy my mind, I took upon myself the task of writing...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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Anagramméana, poëme en huit chantsAnagramméana, poëme en huit chantsDans un intrieur assez dlabr un homme assis, pensif, appuy sur une mauvaise table garnie d'un encrier; sur les murs sont colls en guise d'estampes, des critaux sur lesquels on lit: anagrammes, charades, rebus, logogriphes; sur le pav un bac...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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Tickets to ParadiseTickets to ParadiseIt all started at Bandar Shahpur. You see, I'm a railroad construction man. Our job was finished, and the whole outfit was waiting at Bandar Shahpur, which is on the inlet Khor Musa of the Persian Gulf, for a boat to take...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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Lord of the Silent DeathLord of the Silent DeathSamuel Morton found the box in Asia Minor, in a niche in the tomb of a forgotten Sumerian king, and not being able to open it, brought it back to this country with him. Morton was an archeologist, on the...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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Bratton's IdeaBratton's IdeaOld Bratton, janitor at the studios of Station XCV in Hollywood, was as gaunt as Karloff, as saturnine as Rathbone, as enigmatic as Lugosi. He was unique among Californians in professing absolutely no motion picture ambitions. Once, it is true, a director had...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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The Secret Dispatch or, The Adventures of Captain BalgonieThe Secret Dispatch; or, The Adventures of Captain Balgonie I need scarcely inform the reader of history, that most of the events narrated in the subsequent pages actually occurred in the manner stated; and I have done much to soften, or subdue, the actual...
- ¥982 JPY
¥1,965 JPY- ¥982 JPY
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