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MonsterMonsterThere was a faint scratching at the door, so faint that Alice Kidd, who had been listening fearfully for precisely that sound, was at first not certain that she heard it. But, as she came close to the doorway, it was no longer possible...
- ¥989 JPY
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The Convict Ship, Volume 1 (of 3)The Convict Ship, Volume 1 (of 3)I was in my twenty-fourth year when I underwent the tragic and amazing experiences which, with the help of a friend, I propose to relate in these pages. I am now seventy-seven; but I am in good health...
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Mercy FlightMercy FlightIt was a lesson you learned in the Space-Forces, and you learned it good: Out in the lonely void, when you get in a jam, you're on your own ... it's you against everything and everybody. Anything goes.... Jake was sitting back in...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Ashes (Cenere): A Sardinian StoryAshes (Cenere): A Sardinian StoryIt was the night of Midsummer Eve. Ol came forth from the white-walled Cantoniera[1] on the Mamojada road, and hurried away across the fields. She was fifteen, well-grown and beautiful, with very large, very bright, feline eyes of greenish grey,...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Viisaus ja kohtaloViisaus ja kohtalo TEILLE, MADAME GEORGETTE LEBLANC, omistan tmn kirjan, joka niin sanoakseni onkin teidn tytnne. On olemassa ylevmpi ja todellisempi yhteisty kuin kynn, nimittin ajatuksen ja esimerkin. Minun ei ole tarvinnut vaivalloisesti kuvitella viisauden ihanteen ptksi ja toimia, ei mys pusertaa sisimmstni kauniin,...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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The Rebel of ValkyrThe Rebel of Valkyr... From the Dark Ages of Space emerged the Second Empire ... ruled by a child, a usurper and a fool! The Great Throne of Imperial Earth commanded a thousand vassal worldsbleak, starved worlds that sullenly whispered of galactic revolt.... At...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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The Harim and the Purdah: Studies of Oriental WomenThe Harim and the Purdah: Studies of Oriental WomenThis is the creed of the woman of the East to-day. It is the same as it has been for centuries; it will continue the same for centuries to come. Indeed, it is a question whether...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Lao-tzu, A Study in Chinese PhilosophyLao-tzu, A Study in Chinese PhilosophyA considerable portion of the following pages has already appeared in The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, and its reappearance in its present form requires an apology. The subject of the work is one in which very few take...
- ¥989 JPY
¥3,167 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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The Salem Belle: A Tale of 1692The Salem Belle: A Tale of 1692The following letter addressed to the author, will explain the circumstances which led to the publication of this little work. The foregoing letter speaks for itself; and in conformity to the writer's suggestions, we shall now introduce to...
- ¥989 JPY
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Queen of the Martian CatacombsQueen of the Martian CatacombsGaunt giant and passionate beauty, they dragged their thirst-crazed way across the endless crimson sands in a terrible test of endurance. For one of them knew where cool life-giving water lapped old stones smootha place of secret horror that it...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Waldmüller: Bilder und ErlebnisseWaldmüller: Bilder und ErlebnisseDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1916 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Told at twilight storiesMostly About Nibble the BunnyThe air was blowing in at the mouth of his hole when Little Nibble Rabbit opened his eyes. That meant a cold south wind outside, a rainy wind. He could see the wet drops hanging from the top of his...
- ¥989 JPY
¥3,167 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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As It WasAs It WasIn a cruel Cosmos one lived only to be killer or killed. The One proved that. It killed a hundred times a day. Thisbe II was its blood-red preserve ... and now, throwing the challenge in Its myriad faces was Pritchard, the...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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The Pneumatic Despatch Tube System of the Batcheller Pneumatic Tube CoThe Pneumatic Despatch Tube System of the Batcheller Pneumatic Tube Co. - Also, Facts and General Information Relating to Pneumatic Despatch TubesI have been prompted to prepare this book by the frequent inquiries made regarding the details of our system of pneumatic tubes. These...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Les mariages de provinceLes mariages de province - La fille du chanoine, Mainfroi, L'album du régiment, Étienne.Les Mariages de Paris ont paru il y a douze ans sous les auspices de votre bonne et vnre grand'mre, Mme Hachette; je confie le destin des Mariages de Province votre...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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The psychotechnic league bk. 3Star ShipThe strangest space-castaways of all! The Terrans left their great interstellar ship unmanned in a tight orbit around Khazakdescended, all of them, in a lifeboat to investigate that weird, Iron Age worldand the lifeboat cracked up! He swore in a sulfurous mixture of...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Task to LunaTask to LunaIt wasn't really so strange a coincidence. Space navigation is governed by mathematics and logic, not politics. The fact that man-carrying spaceships happened to be developed concurrently on two sides of an iron curtain meant little to the Universe. It happened, that's...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Common Sense About WomenCommon Sense About WomenAllein, bevor und nachdem man Mutter ist, ist Man ein Mensch; die mtterliche Bestimmung aber, oder gar die eheliche, kann nicht die menschliche berwiegen oder ersetzen, sondern sie muss das Mittel, nicht der Zweck derselben sein. J.P.F. Richter: Levana, 89. But,...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Rue and RosesRue and RosesYou will like Anna, the heroine of "Rue and Roses," when you get to know her. But perhaps it will take some time before she becomes familiar to you, partly because she is intensely Teutonic, partly, also, because the little history she...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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Litauische GeschichtenLitauische Geschichten Wilwischken liegt am Haff. Ganz dicht am Haff liegt Wilwischken. Und wenn man von dem groen Wasser her in den Parweflu einbiegen will, mu man so nah an den Husern vorbei, da man Lust bekommt, ihnen vom Kahn aus mit ein paar...
- ¥989 JPY
¥1,980 JPY- ¥989 JPY
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