Public Domain
Biblioteca Calleja, 1. serEl poema de la Pampa: "Martín Fierro" y el criollismo españolNO tiene fcil disculpa el hecho triste, vergonzoso, de la separacin intelectual entre las diferentes porciones del mundo castellano, y sobre todo entre Espaa y sus hijas las repblicas de Amrica. Un siglo de...
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The Silver PlagueThe Silver PlagueFermin, the Arch-Mutant, had risen before dawn and in the garnet-colored light that passed for morning on Ganymede, repaired to the magnificent austerity of his cloister where he received an endless series of reports. He had been reading Seville-Lorca the previous evening,...
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Coming of the GodsComing of the GodsRo moved cautiously. He knew the jungles of Mars well, knew the dangers, the swift death that could come to an unwary traveler. Many times he had seen fellow Martians die by the razor fangs of Gin, the swamp snake. Their...
- ¥998 JPY
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The Amazing CityThe Amazing CityThis selection from the writings of the late John F. Macdonaldbetween 1907 and 1913finds, naturally, and without any arbitrary arrangement, its unity of character, as the middle volume of the book, in three parts, that it was this authors ruling desirerather than...
- ¥998 JPY
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Raiders of the Second MoonRaiders of the Second MoonBeyond earth swings that airless pocked mass of fused rock and gray volcanic dust that we know as Luna. Of this our naked eyes assure us. But of the smaller satellite, hidden forever from the mundane view by Luna's bulk,...
- ¥998 JPY
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An American Crusader at VerdunAn American Crusader at VerdunMany young Americans in sympathy with the Allied cause, and particularly the cause of France, and many Americans anxious to uphold the honor of their own country, when others were holding back the flag, went over as crusaders in advance...
- ¥998 JPY
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Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National ParkFossil Forests of the Yellowstone National ParkIsolated pieces of fossil wood are of comparatively common and widespread occurrence, especially in the more recent geological deposits of the West. Not infrequently scattered logs, stumps, and roots of petrified or lignitized trees are brought to light,...
- ¥998 JPY
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Vandals of the VoidVandals of the VoidArt Douglas saw one of the very first of them, found and brought in by two drivers from the huge steel burrowing worm which was at that time conducting the sub-crust explorations many miles below the rolling Kansas prairies. Why the...
- ¥998 JPY
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A Practical Manual of the Collodion Process, Giving in Detail a Method For Producing Positive and Negative Pictures on Glass and PaperA Practical Manual of the Collodion Process, Giving in Detail a Method For Producing Positive and Negative Pictures on Glass and Paper.The object of this little Manual is to present, in as plain, clear and concise a manner as possible, the practice of a...
- ¥998 JPY
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The Vanishing VenusiansThe Vanishing VenusiansFor years they had wandered the eternal seas of Venus, seeking the home that was their birthright, death walking in their wake. And now they were making their final bidthree of them fighting toward the promised land, battling for a hopeless cause....
- ¥998 JPY
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Tanskan prinssi OttoTanskan prinssi OttoOli tyyni keskuun ilta, kolme piv jlkeen pyhn Knuut marttyyrin ja kuninkaan suuren juhlan v. 1333. Holbekin kihlakunnan rajalla, ern vesimyllyn kohdalla, yhtyi kaksi sivutiet Holbekista ja Kallundborgista siihen leven maantiehen, joka johti eteliseen Sjllantiin. Tien risteyksess oli rnsistynyt puinen ristiinnaulitun kuva...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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Boys and GirlsBoys and Girls - The Verses of James W. FoleyTHANKS are due to the Editors of The Saturday Evening Post, The Century Magazine, The New York Times, and The Youths Companion, in which papers the greater number of these verses originally appeared, for permission...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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A nazarénusokA nazarénusokOkom az, hogy a trgy klns. Valami sok knyvet nem irhattak rla, mita irnak az emberek. Effle knyvet nem olvastam s nem is hallottam, hogy volna effle. Tbb, mint szzezer knyvet irtak mr hitrl, vallsrl, szentegyhzrl, de oly mdon, miknt n, mg nem...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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A' bölcseség vigasztalásaiA' bölcseség vigasztalásaiInprimis hominis est propria veri inquisitio, atque investigatio. Itaque cum sumus necessariis negotiis, curisque vacui, tum avemus aliquid videre, audire, addiscere, cognitionemque rerum aut occultarum, aut admirabilium ad beate vivendum necessarium ducimus. Ex guo intelligitur, quod verum, simplex, sincerumque sit, id esse...
- ¥998 JPY
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The Negro Laborer: A Word to HimThe Negro Laborer: A Word to HimMany friends have invited me to deliver addresses at various points upon the Labour Question. Being unable to attend all the appointments, I have concluded to reach them through the following pages. The Labour Question is one of...
- ¥998 JPY
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The Kernel and the Husk: Letters on Spiritual ChristianityThe Kernel and the Husk: Letters on Spiritual ChristianityThe time is not perhaps far distant when few will believe in miracles who do not also believe in an infallible Church; and then, such books as the present will appeal to a larger circle. But,...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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Edipo rey Edipo en Colona AntígonaEdipo rey; Edipo en Colona; AntígonaNuevos retoos del antiguo Cadmo, hijos mos. Qu motivo os obliga a venir as a prosternaros en los escalones de este palacio, llevando en la mano las ramas reservadas para los suplicantes? El humo del incienso, los cantos lgubres,...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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The Boy Fortune Hunters in YucatanThe Boy Fortune Hunters in YucatanI know, he replied; but the torpedo fleet is there, doin target practice, an Admiral Seebre has asked us to drop some mail an dispatches there, as well as a few supplies missed by the transport that left last...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 749, May 4, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 749, May 4, 1878We have on several occasions called attention to the Power of Draw. It is a force which for good as well as for evil pervades the whole social system. Every centre of...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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Boy Scout Explorers at Emerald ValleyBoy Scout Explorers at Emerald ValleyOnly ten more minutes, Jack, and well be off duty. That gives us just time enough to get to the Scout meeting by seven oclock. Ill be glad to call it a night too! He and Jack Hartwell, a...
- ¥998 JPY
¥1,997 JPY- ¥998 JPY
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