Public Domain
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 740, March 2, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 740, March 2, 1878A few months ago, in an article entitled The Gaelic Nuisance, we endeavoured to point out the impolicy of fostering Gaelic as the vernacular tongue in the Highlands and Islands. Our observations...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Technique of Eye DissectionsTechnique of Eye DissectionsIn eye dissections it is unnecessary to have either a large equipment of instruments or a special room. To have a laboratory at ones disposal is but a small added convenience. Not to have it, is no serious hindrance. The work...
- ¥970 JPY
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Siirtolaisia: Kertomuksia Ameriikan suomalaisten elämästäSiirtolaisia: Kertomuksia Ameriikan suomalaisten elämästäMutta siirtolaisia eivt ole ainoastaan ruumiillisen tyn tekijt, ne, jotka uupuvat taistelemasta kotimaan karua luontoa vastaan ja vaeltavat suureen lnteen hakemaan helpompaa toimeentuloa itselleen ja perheelleen. Nuo sydnmaalaiset, jotka tulevat suoraan soiltaan ja saloiltaan Pohjois-Suomessa, ovat kyll siirtolaisistamme miellyttvimmt, mutta...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Marines in World War II commemorative seriesInfamous Day: Marines at Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941In most browsers, you can see larger, more detailed versions of images marked with a bulls-eye by right-clicking the image and selecting "open image" or "view image" (wording varies by browser). If the Browser then shows...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Latin America: Its Rise and ProgressLatin America: Its Rise and Progress Permit me to offer you this book as a mark of admiration and gratitude. Often of an evening, in the sober hour of twilight, hearing you comment upon a page of Plato or a line of Goethe, or...
- ¥970 JPY
¥3,104 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Dikter af AlcesteDikter af Alceste P talismanens bud jag styrt min kosa ur diktens slott till jordelifvets flrd och flan, hvardagsstmningar och prosa, ett kungabarn frn diktens sagohrd. Midt i det lif, dr tviflet allfrhrjarn r dagens kung, uppsker Trnerosa nnu en gng den mktige besvrjarn,...
- ¥970 JPY
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Der Spielmann: Roman aus der GegenwartDer Spielmann: Roman aus der GegenwartDie ltere, auf einem Feldstuhl sitzend und ber eine Stickerei gebeugt, war von ganz besonders bestrickender Schnheit. Wenn sie die enzianblauen Augen unter schweren Wimpern langsam aufschlug, ging ein Leuchten ber die Umgebung. Alle Dinge wurden in dieser Beleuchtung...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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La leggenda di SaladinoLa leggenda di Saladino Il giovine erudito italiano, che ha pubblicato il breve studio del quale abbiamo letto il titolo,[1] non considera il suo se non come un saggio provvisorio e preparatorio; avrebbe in animo di riprenderlo pi tardi per allargarlo e domanda che...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Home Life in All Lands—Book III—Animal Friends and HelpersHome Life in All Lands—Book III—Animal Friends and HelpersIn the earlier volumes of this series, man, as the maker of and dweller in the home, was dealt with in the varied aspects of his existence. But man is not the only occupant of the...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Uttara, the Legend of the TurquoiseUttara, the Legend of the TurquoiseThree of the most powerful and most beautiful of all the gods, Indra, Surya and Soma, had fallen foolishly, hopelessly in love with a mortal woman. She was the daughter of a Brahmin priest, a twice-born man, and so...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Watson's Jeffersonian Magazine, January, 1907Watson's Jeffersonian Magazine, January, 1907is a mutual old line legal reserve company organized and doing business under The Legal Reserve Compulsory Deposit Law of Indiana, which is acknowledged by the best Insurance Authorities to be the most complete law for the protection of the...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Roberts' Chester Guide [1858]Roberts' Chester Guide [1858]The visit of the Royal Agricultural Society of England to Chester in July, 1858, seems a fitting occasion on which to present to the public an entirely NEW EDITION of the CHESTER GUIDE, which has been carefully revised throughout, with the...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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The Saint of the SpeedwayThe Saint of the SpeedwayIf the reader will cast a thought back to the classic sea mystery of the Marie Celeste, it will be clear how much this book owes its inception to the extraordinary derelict, the mystery of which remains unsolved to this...
- ¥970 JPY
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Dean's illustrated farthing booksBennie and the TigerA fair little English boy lay sleeping in the shady verandah of his Indian home. The servant who was left with him was unfaithful to her trust, and, while he slept, wandered away in search of pleasure. A treacherous tiger, prowling...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Luxurious BathingLuxurious Bathing Treatises and disquisitions sufficient to form a library of no inconsiderable dimensions have been written during the last three centuries on the subject of baths: boiling, freezing, variously medicatedincluding tar-water, steam, and spray; milk, whey, broth, mud, sand, and even earth-bathsin which...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Adventures in ThriftAdventures in ThriftThe incidents, the stores, the organizations and the individuals described in this book are real, not fictitious. At the time that this book goes to press, each one of the societies mentioned is actively engaged in the task of reducing the cost...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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The Life of Col. James GardinerThe Life of Col. James GardinerThe Colonels mother was a lady of very excellent character; but it pleased God to exercise her with uncommon trials; for she lost not only her husband and her brother in the service of their country, but also her...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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To a Youth at SchoolTo a Youth at SchoolYour parents regard you with tender affection and anxious hope. Should it please Almighty God to spare your life, you will certainly be an instrument of increasing the great mass of sin and misery, or the small sum of piety...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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Life Stories for Young PeopleMaria TheresaAmong the famous queens of the worldCatharine II of Russia, Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn, and Victoria of England, Mary Queen of Scots, Isabella of Spain, Louise of Prussia, Marie Antoinette, Marie and Catharine di Medici of France, and others, Maria Theresa of Austria holds...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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"Let Us Have Peace""Let Us Have Peace" - Remarks of Logan H. Roots on the Assassination of Hon. James Hinds, Delivered in the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C., on Friday, January 22, 1869.The sad subject occupying the attention of this honorable body is one that bears...
- ¥970 JPY
¥1,940 JPY- ¥970 JPY
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