Public Domain
Frankenstein, ou le Prométhée moderne Volume 2 (of 3)Frankenstein, ou le Prométhée moderne Volume 2 (of 3)Rien n'est plus pnible pour le cur de l'homme, que le calme glacial qui succde aux sentiments divers soulevs par une suite rapide d'vnements, et la certitude qui enlve en mme temps l'esprance et la crainte....
- ¥974 JPY
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Frankenstein, ou le Prométhée moderne Volume 1 (of 3)Frankenstein, ou le Prométhée moderne Volume 1 (of 3)Le fait sur lequel repose cette fiction, n'a point paru impossible au docteur Darwin, et quelques-uns des crivains physiologiques de l'Allemagne. Je ne veux pas laisser croire que je suis port y ajouter srieusement foi. Cependant,...
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Sketches in Holland and ScandinaviaSketches in Holland and ScandinaviaThe slight sketches in this volume are only the result of ordinary tours in the countries they attempt to describe. Yet the days they recall were so delightful, and their memoryespecially of the tour in Norwayis so indescribably sunny, that...
- ¥974 JPY
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Galileo and His JudgesGalileo and His JudgesThere is no name in the annals of science which has been the occasion of so long and fierce a controversy as that of Galileo. The historian, the astronomer, and the theologian have all had a share in it. Sometimes there...
- ¥974 JPY
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Mason's Norwich General and Commercial Directory & HandbookMason's Norwich General and Commercial Directory & Handbook - Including the hamlets of Earlham, Eaton, Heigham, Hellesdon, Lakenham, Pockthorpe, Thorpe, Trowse, Carrow and Bracondale.p. 3The immense utility of a Directory, in a city of such great importance as Norwich, can only be fairly estimated...
- ¥974 JPY
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La Carrozza di tuttiLa Carrozza di tutti Era il primo di gennaio del 1896. Salii la mattina sul tranvai del corso Vinzaglio, in via Roma. Per tutto il tragitto, di l a via Garibaldi, fu un continuo salire e scendere di signore e di signori, che pareva...
- ¥974 JPY
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Éloge du petÉloge du petProfondment afflig de voir le Pet banni loin de ces murs, s'loigner de la socit des hommes, en gmissant tout bas; ma douleur s'est infiniment accrue, lorsque j'ai considr que cette injuste proscription toit contraire la conservation de la rpublique, et dans...
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- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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Colonel Edward Buncombe, Fifth North Carolina Continental RegimentColonel Edward Buncombe, Fifth North Carolina Continental Regiment - His Life, Military Careeer, and Death While a Wounded Prisoner in Philadelphia During the War of the RevolutionIt is no small privilege which the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati enjoys when it meets in...
- ¥974 JPY
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Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors, Vol. IParodies of the Works of English and American Authors, Vol. II HAVE, for many years past, been collecting Parodies of the works of the most celebrated British and American Authors. This I have done, not because I entirely approve of the custom of turning...
- ¥974 JPY
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Phantom Out of TimePhantom Out of TimeGraed Garroway's empire on Earth was toppling, smashed by the flaming vengeance of Dirk Morris who struck from nowhere with blinding speed and true justice. Yet such a thing could not befor Dirk Morris was dead, slain at the brutal command...
- ¥974 JPY
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Ascendo al Monto-Blanka en 1787Ascendo al Monto-Blanka en 1787(Naskiis en 1740. Li faris serion da botanikaj kaj geologiaj studvojaoj en diversaj landoj, sed precipe en la Alpoj. Klasikaj estas liaj elseroj pri la glaciejoj; al li estas uldata la eltrovo de multaj mineraloj kaj la elpenso de diversaj...
- ¥974 JPY
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Oeuvres de Marcel Schwob. Volume 1 of 2, SpicilègeOeuvres de Marcel Schwob. Volume 1 of 2, SpicilègeLes pomes de Franois Villon taient clbres ds la fin du XVe sicle. On savait par cur le Grand et le Petit Testament. Bien qu'au XVIe sicle la plupart des allusions satiriques des legs fussent devenues...
- ¥974 JPY
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Päivän koittaessa: NovelliPäivän koittaessa: NovelliV:n puoliasemalla ja sen lhimmss ympristss vallitsi muuten uninen ikvyys; asemapllikk istui huoneessaan, joi teet, luki "Svjeti" ja haukotteli; virantoimituksessa oleva telegrafisti ajatteli niin kauvan 20:tt piv [virkamiesten palkanmaksupiv], kunnes hnen pns vaipui apparaattipydn laitaa vasten ja silmt menivt kiinni; vahtimestari istui...
- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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Little Susan and her lambLittle Susan and her lambOne fine summers morning, little Susans mother called her to come and have her breakfast. She took her porringer, and sat down on a green bank near the cottage door to eat the bread and milk she had that morning,...
- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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The Family Letters of Oliver GoldsmithThe Family Letters of Oliver Goldsmith - A Paper Read Before the Bibliographical Society, October 15th, 1917IN a paper which I was privileged to read before this honourable Society three years ago as to New Lights on Chatterton, I mentioned incidentally that the researches...
- ¥974 JPY
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Künstler-Monographien: XVIIHolbein der jüngereEinige Abbildungen wurden zwischen die Abstze verschoben und zum Teil sinngem gruppiert, um den Textfluss nicht zu beeintrchtigen. Die Abbildungen 55, 56 und 93 wurden aus Grnden der bersichtlichkeit in vergrerten Ausschnitten nochmals dargestellt. Links zu vergrerten Abbildungen (GRSSERES BILD) sind mglicherweise...
- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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Laatokan kalastajat: 3-näytöksinen kansannäytelmä lauluineen ja tansseineenLaatokan kalastajat: 3-näytöksinen kansannäytelmä lauluineen ja tansseineenJuho Prssinen, pientilallinen ja kalastaja. Loviisa, hnen vaimonsa. Ylli, heidn poikansa. Mauno, heidn renkins. Simo Tiira, talokas ja kalastaja. Kalle, hnen poikansa. Mari, heidn emnnitsijns. Perttu, heidn renkins. Vappu Inkinen, orpo tytt. Iivan, | munkkeja. Stepan, | Soittoniekka,...
- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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Ilman vaan aikojaan: Pieniä juttujaIlman vaan aikojaan: Pieniä juttuja Ilman vaan aikojaan Tuusniemelt. Keskustelu oli pttynyt thn ja tuskinpa sit olisi ansainnut kertoa, ell'ei siit saisi nime semmoiselle kirjaselle, joka tahtoo vaatimuksitta esiinty, s.o. ilman vaan aikojaan Elkt mys lukijatkaan kirjasen suhteen mitn vaatimuksia asettako, vaan hankkikoot sen...
- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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Clorinda Walks in HeavenClorinda Walks in HeavenTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. The...
- ¥974 JPY
¥1,948 JPY- ¥974 JPY
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