Public Domain
Standard methods for the examination of water and sewageStandard methods for the examination of water and sewageThe Committee on Standard Methods of Bacteriological Water Analysis was reorganized in 1918 with the following membership: F. P. Gorham, chairman, L. A. Rogers, W. G. Bissell, H. E. Hasseltine, H. W. Redfield, with M. Levine...
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JosuaJosuaNuorukainen, jota nin kskettiin, totteli mielelln; mutta hetkisen kuluttua huudahti hn: "Kaikkihan on turhaa; thden toisensa pern peitt synkk pilvi. Voi, ja valitushuuto kaupungista Se tulee kai meidnkin huoneestamme. Minua niin peloittaa, iso-is, koetas vain kuinka ptni polttaa! Tule alas, ehk tarvitsevat he apua."...
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Contes espagnols d'amour et de mortContes espagnols d'amour et de mortTraduits de lespagnol par F. MNTRIER PARIS ERNEST FLAMMARION, DITEUR 26, RUE RACINE, 26 Tous droits de traduction, dadaptation et de reproduction rservs pour tous les pays. {iv} Droits de traduction et de reproduction rservs pour tous les pays....
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The Governor of GlaveThe Governor of GlaveRetief turned back the gold-encrusted scarlet cuff of the mess jacket of a First Secretary and Consul, gathered in the three eight-sided black dice, shook them by his right ear and sent them rattling across the floor to rebound from the...
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Jehan de ParisJehan de Paris - varlet de chambre et peintre ordinaire des rois Charles VIII et Louis XII'est une tche difficile & douce tout la fois d'avoir parler d'un savant auquel des gots communs vous unissaient, & qui voulut bien vous tmoigner une affectueuse bienveillance....
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Charley's Log: A Story of Schoolboy LifeCharley's Log: A Story of Schoolboy Life October 4th.I am going to keep a log. I shall have to do it by-and-by when I am Captain Charles Stewart, and so, as I have been sent to school to prepare for my work in the...
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The Black Troopers, and other storiesThe Black Troopers, and other stories I. A MEETINGTHE RIDE ROUND THE RUN II. 'OLD MAN TOBY' III. THE NIGHT ATTACK IV. THE CONFESSION V. PREPARATIONS FOR PURSUIT VI. ON THE TRAIL VII. THE END OF THE CHASE The drays with which I was...
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Alone in LondonAlone in London It had been a close and sultry dayone of the hottest of the dog-dayseven out in the open country, where the dusky green leaves had never stirred upon their stems since the sunrise, and where the birds had found themselves too...
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Sketches of GothamSketches of GothamA great many years ago, when Tom Byrnes was the able and efficient chief of the detective force of New York, a certain class of women, very much in evidence around the hotels and resorts, were known, from the peculiar manner of...
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60 Years a Bookman, With Other Recollections and ReflectionsSixty Years a Bookman, With Other Recollections and ReflectionsAt the request of numerous friends, but with some hesitation, I have decided to issue a short account of certain of my experiences and impressions during a long and delightful association with the bookselling trade. In...
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Cumberland Island: Junior Ranger Program Activity Guide for Ages 5-7Cumberland Island: Junior Ranger Program Activity Guide for Ages 5-7Im Junior, the exploring Gopher Tortoise, here to go with you on your adventure today! Im calling all kids ages 5-7 ready for exploration and adventure! Were going to learn about Cumberland Island and its...
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A Friend in the Kitchen; Or, What to Cook and How to Cook ItA Friend in the Kitchen; Or, What to Cook and How to Cook It. - Sixteenth EditionThe object of this work is to furnish in an inexpensive and convenient form, plain directions on healthful cookery. Special attention has been given to the idea of...
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Kneetime animal storiesDido, the Dancing Bear: His Many AdventuresIn the woods, on top of a mountain, in a far-off country there once lived a family of nice bears. I call them nice bears for they were. Of course they had long claws, and sharp teeth, but...
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Persephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient GreecePersephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient GreeceIn this tale of Greece in the fifth century B. C., fact and fiction are so closely intervolved that a detailed explanation of their respective boundaries would be both tedious and superfluous. Suffice it to say that...
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De Scheepsjongen van "De Gouden Leeuw"De Scheepsjongen van "De Gouden Leeuw"Op een grauwen namiddag in de maand December van 't jaar onzes Heeren 1615, zat in de groote keuken van een hofstede, die, een half uurtje buiten den Briel, dicht bij het wagenveer naar Hellevoetsluis gelegen was, een vrouw...
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Wrecked in Port: A NovelWrecked in Port: A Novel"Ah! so likely Dr. Osborne would tell that old beast! Why was its name throughout doctors are the silentest fellows in the world. My uncle Robert is a doctor, and I know all about it." Under the pressure of this...
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Szegény gazdagok: RegénySzegény gazdagok: RegényA krdez egy nyolczvan v fel jr reg r, pomps virgos selyem kaftnban, fejn gyapot hlsveggel, lbain meleg poszt-harisnyk, kezein brillintos, turquoisos, rubinos gyrk; gy fekszik hanyatt az atlasz ottomnon, arcza olyan cserfak, mint a mumik, egyik rncz a msikat ri rajta;...
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A House Divided Against Itself (Complete)A House Divided Against Itself (Complete)The day was warm, and there was no shade; out of the olive woods which they had left behind, and where all was soft coolness and freshness, they had emerged into a piece of road widened and perfected by...
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A House Divided Against Itself vol. 3 of 3A House Divided Against Itself; vol. 3 of 3Lady Markham received young Gaunt with the most gracious kindness: had his mother seen him seated in the drawing-room at Eaton Square, with Frances hovering about him full of pleasure and questions, and her mother insisting...
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A House Divided Against Itself vol. 2 of 3A House Divided Against Itself; vol. 2 of 3Yes, I hope you will come and see me often. Oh yes, I shall miss my sister; but then I shall have all the more of papa. Good night. Good night, Captain Gaunt. No; I dont...
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