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Class Book for the School of Musketry, HytheClass Book for the School of Musketry, Hythe - Prepared for the Use of Officers[iii] Extended Table of Contents [iv] Page 6, para. 5, line 6, for have before stated read shall state. Page 20, last line but one, for altogether read all together...
- ¥970 JPY
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London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 2London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 2In commencing a new volume I would devote a few pages to the consideration of the import of the facts already collected concerning the London Street-Folk, not only as regards the street-people themselves, but also in connection...
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KotkatKotkatNuori tytt istui flyygelin luona ja soitti. Hn ei voinut nhd koskettimia, sill pimentyv hmr kietoi hnet huntuunsa. Svelkin oli hunnutettu, niinkuin kieli, joka syvll soi ja helhtelee, vaan on liian pyh kaikuaksensa vierasten korvain kuultavaksi. Mit hn soitti? Sellaista, jota ei yksikn voi...
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Chile and Her People of To-dayChile and Her People of To-day - An Account of the Customs, Characteristics, Amusements, History and Advancement of the Chileans, and the Development and Resources of Their CountryTo the jealousy of Francisco Pizarro was due the discovery and conquest of Chile. Reports having reached...
- ¥970 JPY
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Umwege: ErzählungenUmwege: ErzählungenDer junge Herr Alfred Ladidel wute von Kind auf das Leben leicht zu nehmen. Es war sein Wunsch gewesen, sich den hheren Studien zu widmen, doch als er mit einiger Versptung die zu den oberen Gymnasialklassen fhrende Prfung nur notdrftig bestanden hatte, entschlo...
- ¥970 JPY
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Banks and Their CustomersBanks and Their Customers - A practical guide for all who keep banking accounts from the customers' point of viewBY A LONDON BANKER I confess that when a publisher asked me to write an introduction to Mr. Warrens little book I experienced some surprise;...
- ¥970 JPY
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The Emblems of Fidelity: A Comedy in LettersThe Emblems of Fidelity: A Comedy in Letters There is nothing so ill-bred as audible laughter.... I am sure that since I have had the full use of my reason nobody has ever heard me laugh. Lord Chesterfield's Letters to his Son. I have...
- ¥970 JPY
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Learning TheoryLearning TheoryI am writing this because I presume He wants me to. Otherwise He would not have left paper and pencil handy for me to use. And I put the word "He" in capitals because it seems the only thing to do. If I...
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Letters of John Keats to Fanny BrawneLetters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne - Written in the years MDCCCXIX and MDCCCXX and now given from the original manuscriptsThe sympathetic and discerning biographer of John Keats says, in the memoir prefixed to Moxons edition of the Poems[1], The publication of three...
- ¥970 JPY
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The Real TsaritsaThe Real Tsaritsa List of Illustrations. Facsimilia. Foreword. Part IOld Russia, Chapter I, II, III, IV, V, VI, Part IIThe Revolution, Chapter I, II, III, IV, V, VI. Lenvoi. Index. In giving to the world my memories of the Empress Alexandra of Russia, I...
- ¥970 JPY
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Wissenschaft und Bildung (Katalog)Wissenschaft und Bildung (Katalog) - Einzeldarstellungen aus allen Gebieten des WissensDie Sammlung bringt aus der Feder unserer berufensten Gelehrten in anregender Darstellung und systematischer Vollstndigkeit die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung aus allen Wissensgebieten. Sie will den Leser schnell und mhelos, ohne Fachkenntnisse vorauszusetzen, in das...
- ¥970 JPY
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Kyläisiä laulujaKyläisiä laulujaRunovarsani Tn pojan kevtrallatus Juro Heikki Nurja knne Hurri ja hnen eukkonsa Heilani on kuin helluntai Kaajan keinulla "Pitjn pomo" Tukalassa pulassa Mkinpojan laulu Erkki paimen Kosiovarsa Aittalaulu Kala-Aapon sunnuntai Matkalla maailmaan Tukkipoikia tulossa Suutar'eukon hmypuhetta Suutar'Jussin ryyppypuhetta Kahden vaiheilla Ken kukkuessa Aamun...
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Hermano kaj Doroteo: Eposo idiliaHermano kaj Doroteo: Eposo idiliaDepost la jaro 1790 Goethe travivis periodon, dum kiu esis lia kapableco kaj anka lia emo, krei kiel verkisto de dramoj. Li okupis sin nunprecipe sub la influo de sia nova amiko Schillerpri la eposa poezio. Krome li nun havis...
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Dahinten in der Haide: RomanDahinten in der Haide: RomanEr hielt seine Pfeife abseits und atmete den Geruch der blhenden Postbsche, den der Wind aus dem Bruche mitbrachte, und den Juchtenduft, der aus dem Birkenlaube kam, tief ein, und ihm war, als sei er noch in den Wldern von...
- ¥970 JPY
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Introducing Irony: A Book of Poetic Short Stories and PoemsIntroducing Irony: A Book of Poetic Short Stories and PoemsSome of the poems and stories in this book have appeared in The Dial, Harpers Bazaar, The Little Review, The Nation, Cartoons Magazine, Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, The New York Globe, The Bookman, Vanity...
- ¥970 JPY
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History of Greece, Volume 04 (of 12)History of Greece, Volume 04 (of 12)Different tribes of Illyrians. Conflicts and contrast of Illyrians with Greeks. Epidamnus and Apollonia in relation to the Illyrians. Early Macedonians. Their original seats. General view of the country which they occupied eastward of Pindus and Skardus. Distribution...
- ¥970 JPY
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Zina: the Slave Girl; or, Which the Traitor?Zina: the Slave Girl; or, Which the Traitor? - A Drama in Four ActsZina. She seems to stop mourning for Nelly when I sing to her, and her face lights up with the old smile as it used to do, when I used to...
- ¥970 JPY
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A treatise on the art of making good wholesome bread of wheat, oats, rye, barley and other farinaceous grainsA treatise on the art of making good wholesome bread of wheat, oats, rye, barley and other farinaceous grains - Exhibiting the alimentary properties and chemical constitution of different kinds of bread corn, and of the various substitutes used for bread, in different parts...
- ¥970 JPY
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Harper's Round Table, January 12, 1897Harper's Round Table, January 12, 1897It was a strange fact that those in authority at Washington and those in charge of the immediate conduct of the Union armies in the field did not early in the war recognize the immense importance of a well-organized...
- ¥970 JPY
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Outlines of a Critical Theory of EthicsOutlines of a Critical Theory of EthicsAlthough the following pages have taken shape in connection with class-room work, they are intended as an independent contribution to ethical science. It is commonly demanded of such a work that its readers shall have some prefatory hint...
- ¥970 JPY
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