Public Domain
Star PeopleStar PeopleWhat the Princesss name was isnt to be told, and she was not a real princess. But that made no difference to the Others. She was the most wonderful person they knew, and everything a princess should be, and they loved her loyally....
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Le fourbeLe fourbeDenis, bien qu'il ait mon ge, prside une imposante socit anglaise qui fabrique des explosifs de guerre en Ecosse, prs d'Aberdeen: c'est un personnage considrable, sans cesse occup d'affaires mouvantes avec le War Office et l'Amiraut, sinon avec les pays balkaniques, ou le...
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Le Grand ÉcartLe Grand ÉcartComme il cachait ses petites larmes dans l'ombre d'une loge ou seul avec un livre et que les vraies larmes sont rares il passait pour un homme insensible et spirituel. Sa rputation d'homme spirituel venait d'une rapidit d'esprit. Il appelait des rimes...
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The White Heart of Mojave: An Adventure with the Outdoors of the DesertThe White Heart of Mojave: An Adventure with the Outdoors of the DesertBeyond the walls and solid roofs of houses is the outdoors. It is always on the doorstep. The sky, serene, or piled with white, slow-moving clouds, or full of wind and purple...
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The Millennium, and Other PoemsThe Millennium, and Other Poems - To Which is Annexed, a Treatise on the Regeneration and Eternal Duration of MatterWhen these Poems were first written, the Author had no intention of compiling them in one volume: they sprang into existence one after another as...
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An Englishwoman in Utah: The Story of a Life's Experience in MormonismAn Englishwoman in Utah: The Story of a Life's Experience in MormonismDuring my residence in France, my parents had left St. Heliers and returned to Southampton, England. To visit them now I had to take a sailing vessel from Portrieux to the Isle of...
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A Memoir of Thomas BewickA Memoir of Thomas Bewick - Written by himselfThe anxiety necessarily attendant upon the publication of this volume being now brought to a close, it only remains to apologise for the delay, for which many reasons might be adduced, and to express a hope...
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The Mysterious Stranger and Other CartoonsThe Mysterious Stranger and Other CartoonsThese cartoons have been reprinted in the hope that they may have a permanent interest because of the great historical importance of the period they encompass. In the last two or three years the world has moved with more...
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The Forlorn Hope: A Novel (Vol. 2 of 2)The Forlorn Hope: A Novel (Vol. 2 of 2)Mr. Foljambe did not easily throw off the painful impression which his interview with Chudleigh Wilmot had made upon him. The old gentleman had always found Wilmot, though not an expansive, a singularly frank person; he...
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The Forlorn Hope: A Novel (Vol. 1 of 2)The Forlorn Hope: A Novel (Vol. 1 of 2)The half-hour dressing-bell rung out as Sir Duncan Forbes jumped from the hired carriage which had borne him the last stage of his journey to Kilsyth, and immediately followed his servant, who had put in a...
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Principles of politeness, and of knowing the worldPrinciples of politeness, and of knowing the worldThe two parts of this work, which have heretofore been printed separate, are now offered to the Public in one volume, as a system of polite and moral instruction for both sexes: This edition is critically corrected,...
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Texas GemstonesTexas GemstonesThroughout history man has sought stones and minerals for personal adornment and ornamentation. Stones and minerals that are sufficiently beautiful, durable, and rare are known as gemstones. A gemstone with only one of these qualities is less desirable than one with all three....
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Ritratti letterariRitratti letterari Il Daudet lo scrittore francese pi popolare in Italia dopo lo Zola. Molti, anzi, li mettono alla pari, e le nature miti antepongono all'autore dell'Assommoir l'autore del Nabab, naturalista meno spietato. La differenza che passa fra loro pi nell'indole che nell'arte. Nell'arte...
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An ethical philosophy of life presented in its main outlinesAn ethical philosophy of life presented in its main outlines3 What this book offers is a system of thought and of points of view as to conduct, as these have jointly grown out of personal experience. It will be useful to introduce them with...
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Leave it to PsmithLeave it to PsmithFreddie Threepwood and his uncle are in difficulties. Freddie wants a thousand pounds to start a bookmakers business and to marry Eve, while his uncle wants to raise three thousand pounds, unbeknown to his wife, to help a runaway daughter. Freddie...
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Kiana: a Tradition of HawaiiKiana: a Tradition of HawaiiStrictly speaking, there is no such thing as Fiction. Every emotion, thought, or action embodied into literature has been human experience at some time. We can imagine nothing within the laws of nature, but what has had or may have...
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Wings and Stings: A Tale for the YoungWings and Stings: A Tale for the YoungWHAT is the use of a preface? Most of my young readers will regard it as they would a stile in front of a field in which they were going to enjoy haymaking; as something which they...
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Dorothea Beale of CheltenhamDorothea Beale of CheltenhamMiss Beale left ample materials for the history of her work. Not only were all business documents, such as minutes of council meetings, nomination papers, examination questions carefully preserved, she kept also all letters which could be of any interest. She...
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I filtrati dolciI filtrati dolci - Monografia della filtrazione dei mosti e della preparazione dei cosidetti "filtrati dolci" e "lambiccati". Nel linguaggio enotecnico e commerciale chiamasi oggi in Italia filtrato dolce o semplicemente filtrato o lambiccato, il mosto di uva fresca, appena spremuto, ovvero gi fermentato...
- ¥966 JPY
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Die Frauenfrage im MittelalterDie Frauenfrage im MittelalterDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1910 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Begriffe wurden nicht korrigiert. Das Beste, was Frauen...
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