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England and the Orleans MonarchyEngland and the Orléans MonarchyIn this volume the story is told of the first entente cordiale and of the circumstances which led to its disruption. The questions which occupied the attention of the French and the British governments at that period have now passed...
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The Middle of the Road: A NovelThe Middle of the Road: A NovelFor the twentieth time Bertram Pollard went to the door of the little room he called his study and listened. He heard nothing but the slow tick-tock of a grandfathers clock at the end of the narrow hall;...
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English Surnames: Their Sources and SignificationsEnglish Surnames: Their Sources and SignificationsThere are several matters which I deem it advisable to mention to the reader before he turns his attention to the Index of Instances (pp. 514612). I. I have not, in the various chapters that form the body of...
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La filosofia italiana nelle sue relazioni con la filosofia europeaLa filosofia italiana nelle sue relazioni con la filosofia europea Questo libro, che ora si ristampa con note e un'aggiunta di lettere dell'autore e di suo fratello Silvio, utili a illustrarne l'origine e gl'intenti, vide la luce in Napoli nel 1862 col titolo di...
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The Shetland PonyThe Shetland PonyThis account of the Shetland Pony is intended to give, in brief outline, the chief facts of the history, and some idea of the present character, position, and use of the breed. The time seems opportune for placing on record some recent...
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Life Stories for Young PeopleGods and HeroesIn a rare little volume in my possession, written by William Sheldon, F.A.S., and published by Isaiah Thomas, Jr., at Worcester, Mass., in 1810, over a century ago, the author introduces his History of the Heathen Gods and Heroes of Antiquity in...
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Blue-beard: A Contribution to History and Folk-loreBlue-beard: A Contribution to History and Folk-lore - Being the history of Gilles de Retz of Brittany, France, who was executed at Nantes in 1440 A.D., and who was the original of Blue-beard in the tales of Mother GooseThe story of Bluebeard has become...
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Suomen kansan peikkosatuja ynnä legendoja ja kertomussatujaSuomen kansan peikkosatuja ynnä legendoja ja kertomussatuja - Toinen sarja suomalaisia satuja lapsilleEsittely. Peikon sikainosto. Peikko teett Matilla konstikkaan sillan. Peikko asettaa Matin raha-aittansa oven vartijaksi. Jrven kokoonkelaaminen. Hatun hopeilla tyttminen. Matti uhkaa kantaa pois peikon raha-aitan. Peikko ja Matti kilpailemassa. Peikko ja Matti...
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Arabian Nights 1001 NightsThe Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 02 [Supplement]To a consummate artist like yourself I need hardly suggest that The Nights still offers many a virgin mine to the Playwright; and I inscribe this volume to you, not only in...
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Greek Athletic Sports and FestivalsGreek Athletic Sports and FestivalsIt is my hope that the present volume may prove of interest to the general reader as well as to the student of the past. For though its subject may seem at first sight purely archaeological, many of the problems...
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New Witnesses for God (Volume 3 of 3)New Witnesses for God (Volume 3 of 3)III. The Difficulty of Passages from Isaiah Being Quoted by Nephite Writers, that Modern Bible Criticism Holds were not Written Until the Time of the Babylonian Captivityand not Written by Isaiah at all (Erratum.After using numerals in...
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Junior Park Ranger Program: Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National MonumentsJunior Park Ranger Program: Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National MonumentsNow that you are an official Junior Park Ranger we hope that you will continue to help us protect these special places so that others who come after you may enjoy them also. This Junior...
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Mesa Verde: Junior Ranger BookletMesa Verde: Junior Ranger BookletThe National Park Service and its park rangers care for special places like Mesa Verde for todays and future generations to enjoy. That means YOU, as well as your children and grandchildren! Hi! My name is Kathy and this is...
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The Green Thumb, Nov.-Dec. 1959, Vol. 16, No. 10The Green Thumb, Nov.-Dec. 1959, Vol. 16, No. 10To preserve the natural beauty of Colorado; to protect the forests; to encourage proper maintenance and additional planting of trees, shrubs and gardens; to make available correct information regarding forestry, horticultural practices and plants best suited...
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Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site: Junior Ranger WorkbookHubbell Trading Post National Historic Site: Junior Ranger WorkbookWe are looking for a few SPECIAL Junior Rangers! You will learn many things about the Site by doing your best to complete this workbook (hint: answers can be found in the Visitor Center by using...
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Shapes of Greek VasesShapes of Greek VasesThe appreciation of beautiful form, with the ability to create it, which was characteristic of the Greek people, is nowhere better illustrated than in the shapes of their pottery. These vasesthe jars, dishes, and cups made for household and religious usewere...
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Helvi: Kertomus nuorisolleHelvi: Kertomus nuorisolle Tnn min heti sen uudistan. Mutta tiedtk, iti, minua melkein pelottaa menn sinne kouluun. Niin ikv, ettei ollut useampia pyrkijit kolmannelle luokalle. Nyt min yksin tulen kaikkien entisten joukkoon, niinkuin vieras lammas karjaan. Niin, semmoinen hirve joukko! Min juuri laskin itsekseni,...
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Impressions of SpainImpressions of SpainTHERE is a character in current drama who devoted his whole life to the writing of a book. He called it a pamphlet, because he had intended it to be a pamphlet when he started on his task, but in its completed...
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Virgilio nel Medio Evo, vol. IIVirgilio nel Medio Evo, vol. II All'uomo odierno la poesia volgare del medio evo e la poesia classica appariscono come due cose tanto diverse per qualit di forme, per sentimenti e tendenze, che la prima pare debba essere figlia di una rivoluzione, prodotta e...
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Virgilio nel Medio Evo, vol. IVirgilio nel Medio Evo, vol. I Nel libro che qui pongo a luce io intendo esporre tutta intiera la storia della nominanza di cui godette Virgilio lungo i secoli del medio evo, segnarne le varie evoluzioni e peripezie, determinare la natura e le cause...
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