Public Domain
The seven stairsThe seven stairsThe few minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. In a real sense, this book is...
- ¥992 JPY
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The golden verses of PythagorasThe golden verses of PythagorasIN this twentieth century, the sacred books of the ancients are undoubtedly better understood than they were even by their contemporaries, for their authors, by the greatness of their genius, are as much nearer to us, as they were distant...
- ¥992 JPY
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The Spoilt Child: A Tale of Hindu Domestic LifeThe Spoilt Child: A Tale of Hindu Domestic Life The author of this novel, Babu Peary Chand Mitter, was born in the year 1814. He represented the well-educated, thoroughly earnest, and courteous Bengali gentleman of the old school. His life was devoted to the...
- ¥992 JPY
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Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche ZüchtungÜber die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche ZüchtungDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der Buchausgabe von 1863 so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Es werden teils stark veraltete Formen verwendet (z.B. mittlem statt mittlerem; gyptier statt...
- ¥992 JPY
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Mother Hubbard's cupboard: Recipes collected by the Young Ladies' Society, First Baptist Church, Rochester N.Y. Fourth EditionMother Hubbard's cupboard: Recipes collected by the Young Ladies' Society, First Baptist Church, Rochester N.Y. Fourth EditionBoil a soup bone the day before wanting it; skim the grease off next day, and melt the jelly; add spices to taste, a little brandy, a small...
- ¥992 JPY
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The Essenes: Their history and doctrinesThe Essenes: Their history and doctrinesIt is very surprising that the Essenes, whose exemplary Virtues elicited the unbounded admiration of even the Greeks and Romans, and whose doctrines and practices contributed so materially to the spread of Christianity, should be so little known among...
- ¥992 JPY
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In sloot en plasIn sloot en plasHet succes van het eerste deeltje dezer serie, de critiek, die zonder uitzondering gunstig en welwillend was, en de vele betuigingen van instemming door onze bekende natuurhistorici met onze plannen, hebben ons de zekerheid gegeven, dat wij geen werk verrichten, waarvoorzooals...
- ¥992 JPY
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Beadle's pocket novels No. 93The phantom hunter; or, love after deathAmong the earliest settlements of Kentucky was that which figures in our story. At the time of the following events it contained some fifty dwellings, surrounded by strong palisades to defend them from the savages, besides a well-constructed...
- ¥992 JPY
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Body-snatchingBody-snatchingTHE following pages are reprinted, with some modification, from the third Number of the Westminster Review. They treat of a subject on which it is of great importance that the public should be well informed, and it is in order to facilitate the circulation...
- ¥992 JPY
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A short sketch of the evidence for the abolition of the slave trade, delivered before a committee of the House of CommonsA short sketch of the evidence for the abolition of the slave trade, delivered before a committee of the House of CommonsVIRTUE, say moralists, is so transcendently beautiful, that she need but be seen, to be universally admired: and is not VICE so hateful,...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Roi de CamargueRoi de CamargueProduced by: Vronique Le Bris, Laurent Vogel, Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from scanned images of public domain material from the Google Books project.) Une ombre, tout coup, obstrua la fentre troite. Livette,...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Cuentos chilenos de nunca acabarCuentos chilenos de nunca acabarEl recuerdo de las personas que conocimos i el de las acciones, casi siempre insignificantes, que ejecutamos en el rpido curso de nuestra infancia, son, sin duda, los que mas persisten en nuestra memoria. La zancadilla que dimos al compaero...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Vlindertje: een Haagsche romanVlindertje: een Haagsche romanZiezoo Pim, dat is dus uitgemaakt, wit serge zal het zijn, en natuurlijk tailor-made, dat waren we allebei ns. Maar nu de voering, dat is altijd een heel ding, zie je, wat denk je dr van, gele zij of wit satijn?...
- ¥992 JPY
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Hunters three: Sport and adventure in South AfricaHunters three: Sport and adventure in South Africa For the last fifty years or more South Africa has been an attractive field for the hunter in search of large game. Along in the middle of the century it was the paradise of the sportsman,...
- ¥992 JPY
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Akli Miklós cs. k. mulattató történeteAkli Miklós cs. k. mulattató történeteA kalapos kirly halla utn mindenfle erlkdsek indultak meg visszalltani az udvari bolond stallumot, akkppen okoskodvn az udvari hatalmak, hogy egy uralkodt okvetlenl megillet egy bolond, aki kedlyessgre hangolja. Lm, Jzsefnek nem volt bolondja, ht maga csinlta a bolondsgokat....
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Das Buch vom eisernen Kanzler: Eine Erzählung für Deutschlands JugendDas Buch vom eisernen Kanzler: Eine Erzählung für Deutschlands JugendEin lachender Sommertag! Weie Wlkchen schwimmen langsam ber den blauen Grund des Himmels und spiegeln sich in dem glitzernden Teiche. Leise rauscht das Rhricht an dessen Ufersaum, und in den Kronen der alten Bume ringsumher...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (2 de 5)Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (2 de 5)Primer sitio y defensa de Zaragoza. Asiento de la ciudad. Estado apurado de la misma. Salida de Palafox, 15 de junio. Primera embestida de los franceses contra Zaragoza y su derrota, 15 de junio....
- ¥992 JPY
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Professor JamesonDoomsday on AjiatProfessor Jameson had looked for a means of preserving his body foreverand he had found it. But it was not by the art of embalming, for, after all, the mummies of the Egyptians proved to be only horrible caricatures of their former...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Lord Lister No. 0376: De moord in Short GardensLord Lister No. 0376: De moord in Short GardensVan dergelijke rechtbanken vindt men tegenwoordig een groot aantal in de Engelsche hoofdstad en ze hebben tot taak, kleine delicten, zooals straatschenderij, buurtgetwist, kleine diefstallen en andere zaken op staanden voet te berechten. Deze rechters moeten...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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Observations on the slave trade and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a voyage, made in 1787, and 1788, in company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Captain ArreheniusObservations on the slave trade and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a voyage, made in 1787, and 1788, in company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Captain ArreheniusIN communicating to the publick the result of my observations lately made...
- ¥992 JPY
¥1,985 JPY- ¥992 JPY
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