Public Domain
A View of Society and Manners in Italy, Volume 1 (of 2)A View of Society and Manners in Italy, Volume 1 (of 2) - With Anecdotes Relating to some Eminent CharactersThe following observations on Italy, and on Italian manners, occurred in the course of the same Tour in which those contained in a book lately...
- ¥953 JPY
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Where Animals Talk: West African Folk Lore TalesWhere Animals Talk: West African Folk Lore TalesThe typical native African Ekano or legend is marked by repetition. The same incidents occur to a succession of individuals; monotony being prevented by a variation in the conduct of those individuals, as they reveal their weakness...
- ¥953 JPY
¥3,050 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Journey WorkJourney WorkGet mad, old man, but don't give up; you're not through by a long shot. Somewhere there's a job for you, a job that youth can't do ... a dangerous job, but a good one that'll bring you fame, fortune and peace.... Ollie...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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From Paddington to PenzanceFrom Paddington to Penzance - The record of a summer tramp from London to the Land's EndBefore I set about the overhauling of my notes made on this tourafoot, afloat, awheelfrom London to Lands End, I confided to an old friend my intention of...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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The master of St. Benedict's, Vol. 1 (of 2)The master of St. Benedict's, Vol. 1 (of 2)There had been room in these eight decades for all the things that men desire: for ambition, for wealth, for the world's favour, for successwell-earned successand for love. There had also been distinction, and the soft,...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Harper's Young People, August 1, 1882Harper's Young People, August 1, 1882 - An Illustrated Weekly"I tell you what it is," said Joe, sagely, after he had walked awhile in silence as if studying some matter, "we'd better get about six big chains an' fasten Mr. Stubbs's brother to the...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Bombers' Training, and Application of Same in Trench WarfareBombers' Training, and Application of Same in Trench WarfareThis work is intended to be used as a guide for officers and N.C.O.s in training bombers. The lectures given at intervals as the men advance in the training will emphasize the features to be observed....
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of ScotlandWitchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland - Tales and Traditions Collected Entirely from Oral SourcesThe border line of fairyland once crossed is a bourne from which few antiquaries return. We have had great difficulty in getting back ourselves, led...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Race RiotRace RiotMcCullough was not a native lover, nor was he particularly bull-headed. He just felt there was a certain difference between right and wrong and nobody was going to change his mind. Take that Sunday afternoon.... Sunday is thirty hours long on Centaurus II,...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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The Kentish CoastThe Kentish CoastThe seaboard of Kent, and indeed the south coast of England in general, is no little-known margin of our shores. It is not in the least unspotted from the world, or solitary. It lies too near London for that, and began to...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Islannin kalastajatIslannin kalastajatViisi tavattoman harteikasta miest istui, kyynspt pydn nojassa, juoden, hmrss kojun tapaisessa, joka haisi suolavedelt ja merelt. Kajuutta, joka oli liian matala mokomille kookkaille miehille, kapeni perlt ja nytti suuren kalalokin ontolta sisustalta; se heilui hiljalleen, hitaasti kun unessa, synnytten valittavan yksitoikkosen nen....
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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The Mysteries and Miseries of San FranciscoThe Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco - Showing up all the various characters and notabilities, (both in high and low life) that have figured in San Franciso since its settlement.The dwellings of the more fortunate classes loomed pleasantly on the side of the...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon, Volume 3 (of 3)Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon, Volume 3 (of 3)Then the Hare having said, What? We two are friends indeed. From our friendship what will be the profit? Should you find and give me a mate we should indeed be friends, afterwards the Parrot said, If...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 4, October 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 4, October 1847The Countess de Moncar had just inheritedby the death of an uncle, who had lived at a great distance, and was little regretted by heran old castle which she had never even seen, although it was scarcely...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Aviation in Canada, 1917-1918Aviation in Canada, 1917-1918 - Being a Brief Account of the Work of the Royal Air Force Canada, the Aviation Department of the Imperial Munitions Board, and the Canadian Aeroplanes LimitedThe battle of the Somme in the latter half of 1916 was the principal...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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The Crescent MoonThe Crescent MoonWhen I stepped on to the platform at Nairobi I hadnt the very least idea of what I was in for. The train for which we were waiting was due from Kisumu, bringing with it a number of Indian sepoys, captured at...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Aarnihauta ja muita juttujaAarnihauta ja muita juttujaVene lheni maata. Lahden poukama lepsi tulijain edess, ja sen pohjukassa oleva tyrskytn paikka, miss ei nkynyt valkoista vaahtoa, osoitti mill kohtaa mereen laskevan pienen joen suu oli; aarniometsn tihempi kasvu ja tummempi vihreys osoitti joen juoksua kaukaisten kukkuloiden vlitse. "Nethn...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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The OsbornesThe OsbornesFOR the last five hours all the windows along the front of the newest and whitest and most pretentious and preposterous house in Park Lane had been blazing with lights, which were kindled while the last flames of the long July day had...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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The Men of BoruThe Men of BoruThere is always a breed immune to mass hypnosis, and to them falls the duty of rebellion.... The story, by a Brigham Young University senior, that won the second award of $500 in IF's College Science Fiction Contest A swirl of...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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Our Family Affairs, 1867-1896Our Family Affairs, 1867-1896MY father was headmaster of Wellington College, where and when I was born, but of him there, in spite of his extraordinarily forcible personality, I have no clear memory, though the first precise and definite recollection that I retain at all,...
- ¥953 JPY
¥1,906 JPY- ¥953 JPY
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