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Hirsipuumies: Sydäntalven tarinaHirsipuumies: Sydäntalven tarinaEVERSTI (heitt karvalakin pois: poimii taskuista ruutisarven, kuulapussin y.m. ja latoo tavarat sohvapydlle). Auta turkki yltni. (Maria vie sen porstuaan. Eversti istuu ja aikoo riisua saappaansa, mutta jtt sen tekemtt ja katselee Mariaa siristen silmin.) Ja nyt saappaat. (Maria svht, epri.) No,...
- ¥956 JPY
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The British Journal of Dermatology, April 1905The British Journal of Dermatology, April 1905The above provisional clinical title was suggested to me by my coadjutor at University College Hospital, Mr. George Pernet, for a well-defined affection of the skin, of which I have met with ten instances during the last three...
- ¥956 JPY
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First Stage: MoonFirst Stage: MoonThey were the first men on Earth to reach the Moon and return. They were heroes of the world; they would be welcomed and acclaimed and feted for the greatest achievement in history. Nations would seek them out.... "Well ... I suppose...
- ¥956 JPY
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Chats on Old SilverChats on Old SilverThe study of old silver usually begins when the inquiring possessor of family plate sets himself the task of ascertaining the date and the probable value of some piece long in his family and possibly lately bequeathed to him. With old...
- ¥956 JPY
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A Manual of Pyrotechny or, A Familiar System of Recreative Fire-worksA Manual of Pyrotechny; or, A Familiar System of Recreative Fire-works The term Pyrotechny is derived from pyr and techny, the two Greek words for Fire and Art; or it is the art of employing fire for purposes of utility or pleasure. The term...
- ¥956 JPY
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A Lost Leader: A Tale of Restoration DaysA Lost Leader: A Tale of Restoration Days LONDON: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, W.C.; 43, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. BRIGHTON: 129, NORTH STREET. NEW YORK: E. & J. B. YOUNG AND CO. Prologue"Under which King?" I. Vae Victis! II. A Noble...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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Soffrona and Her Cat MuffSoffrona and Her Cat MuffLITTLE Soffrona lived with a lady who loved her very much. She was not the ladys own child, but she was as dear to that lady as if she had been so, and the child always called her mamma. The...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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The Roses of Saint ElizabethThe Roses of Saint Elizabethrom a hill which overlooks the smiling little town of Eisenach, frowns the grim old castle of the Wartburg. It is a gloomy-looking place, with its vast chambers, and long, winding corridors of stone; and yet, that it has held...
- ¥956 JPY
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Handbooks of the great craftsmenThe Ivory Workers of the Middle AgesThis little book can do no more than humbly touch the fringe of a large subject; but if it leads the reader to a further study of this beautiful craft, it will have amply fulfilled its duty. I...
- ¥956 JPY
¥3,060 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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The Friendly Five: A StoryThe Friendly Five: A StoryThere were neither examinations nor graduation exercises at the Coventry Institute. The only ceremony peculiar to the last day of school, except the farewells, was a little sermon from Mrs. Abbott, the principal, preceded by reading the average of reports...
- ¥956 JPY
¥3,060 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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Superstition and ForceSuperstition and Force - Essays on the Wager of Law, the Wager of Battle, the Ordeal, TortureThe history of jurisprudence is the history of civilization. The labors of the lawgiver embody not only the manners and customs of his time, but also its innermost...
- ¥956 JPY
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Inducements to the Colored People of the United States to Emigrate to British GuianaInducements to the Colored People of the United States to Emigrate to British GuianaBritish Guiana includes a portion of this coast, extending some two hundred miles from east to west, bounded on the east by the river Corentyn which separates it from Dutch Guiana,...
- ¥956 JPY
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Escape VelocityEscape VelocityIt was a duel to the death and Kraag had all the advantages, including offense and defense. Jonner had neither, but he employed an old equation peculiarly adaptable to the situation. And the proper equation properly worked.... Murdering Stein was easy. Kraag waited...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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Holcomb, Fitz, and Peate: Three Nineteenth Century American Telescope MakersHolcomb, Fitz, and Peate: Three 19th Century American Telescope MakersRobert P. Multhauf The telescope was invented about 1600. It was brought to America about a half-century later, and within another century had become a commonplace appurtenance to the library of the cultivated gentleman.[1] Throughout...
- ¥956 JPY
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Memoir of the Life and Services of Vice-Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, Baronet, K.C.BMemoir of the Life and Services of Vice-Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, Baronet, K.C.B.In dedicating to you the Memoir of which I have been permitted to be the Editor, I cannot but feel how inadequate the portrait, which I have been endeavouring to sketch, must...
- ¥956 JPY
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Jean-Christophe IIJean-Christophe II - AamuMuutamia vuosia on kulunut. Christophe tytt pian yksitoista vuotta. Hn kehitt itsen edelleen musiikki-alalla. Hn perehtyy harmoniaoppiin Florian Holzerin johdolla, joka on Pyhn Martin urkuri, isoisn ystv, sangen oppinut mies; tm opettaa hnelle, ett akordit, yhteissointujen sarjat, joita hn enimmn rakastaa,...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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Money is the Root of All GoodMoney is the Root of All GoodThe reason is obvious if but considered. The galactic government and the equally large galactic businesses are so immense that they must be distributed throughout the whole galaxy, with only the very cream of the hierarchy located on...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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Little BoyLittle BoyHe dropped over the stone wall and flattened to the ground. He looked warily about him like a young wolf, head down, eyes up. His name was Stevenbut he'd forgotten that. His face was a sunburned, bitter, filthy eleven-year-old facetight lips, lean cheeks,...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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Esko Virtalan esittämiä kertomuksiaEsko Virtalan esittämiä kertomuksiaLehtovaaran talossa oli varsin vilkas elm muuanna syyskuun iltana. Vke liikkui edestakaisin kartanolla, pakinoiden ja keskustellen. Ainahan sit puhetta piisasi; mill oli mitkin selitettv ja kyseltv. Vkijoukossa nkyi vanhaa ja nuorta, ukkoja ja akkoja, miehi ja naisia, poikia ja tyttj sek...
- ¥956 JPY
¥1,913 JPY- ¥956 JPY
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The House of SleepThe House of Sleep The poems in this book are written in a new formthey are called twelve-tone poems. The form was adapted by the author from Arnold Schoenberg's musical system, using speech sounds in place of notes. Elizabeth Bartlett (1911-1994) was an American...
- ¥956 JPY
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