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Russian PortraitsRussian PortraitsIn defence I can only say that this was not written for publication. I have always kept a diary, in monotonous as in eventful days. In publishing a record of my stay in Moscow I am submitting to pressure without which I would...
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Le donne che lavoranoLe donne che lavorano La casa bell'e buona come rifugio per riposare dalle fatiche della lotta per l'esistenza; ma voi pure dovete combattere, uscire dal vostro guscio e procurare di aver la vostra parte al banchetto della vita. La ferrovia, l'elettricit, la diffusione delle...
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Hurrell Froude: Memoranda and CommentsHurrell Froude: Memoranda and CommentsTHE epistolary matter in the first section of this volume is drawn from material already in print: chiefly from Part I. of The Remains of the Reverend Richard Hurrell Froude, M.A., Fellow of Oriel, published by the Rivingtons in 1838,...
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The Glorious Law-Giver, and the Obedient SubjectThe Glorious Law-Giver, and the Obedient Subject - Being the Substance of a Sermon, on the Duty of All Believers to Commemorate the Death of the Redeemer, in the Lord's Supper. Intending to Set Forth the Authority of Christ; the Nature of the Ordinance;...
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History of the Eleventh Field Company Australian Engineers, Australian Imperial ForceHistory of the 11th Field Company Australian Engineers, Australian Imperial ForceThis History of the doings of a Field Company of Australian Engineers, this little book about a little unit in the Great War, has been written of the Company, by the Company, for the...
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Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England vol. 3 [of 3]Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England; vol. 3 [of 3]April 1st.The little buds of pear blossoms, which I told you had enlarged so much, have this day blown out completely. They are, I do think, a curiosity. They have been now about two...
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Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England vol. 2 [of 3]Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England; vol. 2 [of 3]Dec. 1st.Colonel Travers, who every day tells us something curious that he has seen in his travels, has been describing the cultivation of the pepper vine in the East Indies. In July, at the...
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Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England vol. 1 [of 3]Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England; vol. 1 [of 3]These little volumes consist of extracts from the Journal of a young person, who, having passed her childhood at Rio Janeiro, was sent, at the close of that period, on a visit to her...
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Spiritual Victories Through the Light of SalvationSpiritual Victories Through the Light of SalvationTO those Friends who requested the Publication of this SermonI have only to say, I have endeavored to recollect a considerable part of it; many ideas I have omitted, and others I have introduced, as I had not...
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Araukanien päällikkö: IntiaaniromaaniAraukanien päällikkö: IntiaaniromaaniI. Kohtaus puelka-intiaanien kanssa. II. Machi. III. Kummastuksia. IV. Mustan sydmen liitto. V. Antinahuel. VI. Kapina. VII. Don Pancho Bustamente joutuu vihollisen ksiin. VIII. Vlikohtaus. IX. Valmistuksia takaa-ajoon. X. Curumilla sotajalalla. XI. Antinahuelin vallassa. XII. Antinahuel neuvottelukokouksessa. XIII. Pakoyritys. XIV. Murskautuneita toiveita....
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The Tragedies of SenecaThe Tragedies of Seneca - Translated into English Verse, to Which Have Been Appended Comparative Analyses of the Corresponding Greek and Roman Plays, and a Mythological IndexThe place of the tragedies of Seneca in literature is unique. They stand as the sole surviving representatives,...
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On Sameness and Identity: A Psychological StudyOn Sameness and Identity: A Psychological Study - Being a Contribution to the Foundations of a Theory of KnowledgeResearches are in progress on: Memory and the Least Noticeable Difference in Sensation; Measurement in the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Nervous System; The Rate at...
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Kolme tyttöä tuntureillaKolme tyttöä tuntureillaSusanna oli todellakin kuukausi sitten tyttnyt kahdeksantoista vuotta, Dorthe oli seitsemntoista vuoden ja kolmen kuukauden ja min kuudentoista vuoden ja kahden kuukauden ikinen. Jos olisimme olleet aivan nuoria, esimerkiksi viisitoista-vuotiaita, niin asianlaita luonnollisesti olisi ollut toinen, Nyt saatoimme kaikin puolin selviyty erinomaisesti...
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Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders in the Yellowstone National ParkGrace Harlowe's Overland Riders in the Yellowstone National ParkThe arrival at Cinnabar. It takes more than a sign to make a hotel. The guide is missing. Stacy goes to look for Jake Coville and meets with a distressing experience. The stock car yields an...
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Rose and RoseRose and RoseFifty years ago, when I was a young medical student, I was in the habit of spending as many week-ends as possible at home with my father, to whose practice I was one day to succeed. On a certain Saturday the only...
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 4, April, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 4, April, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
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Kolarflickan eller En Wandring i Norrland: NovellKolarflickan eller En Wandring i Norrland: NovellEn vacker sommardag vandrade en munter yngling med bssan p axeln i en af ngermanlands dalar. Han sjng en lustig studentvisa och tycktes med frtjusning deltaga i den allmnna gldje, som rdde i hela den skna naturen, som...
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Des variations du langage français depuis le XIIe siècleDes variations du langage français depuis le XIIe siècle - ou recherche des principes qui devraient régler l'orthographe et la prononciationLa facult de penser est illimite, et rien n'est au contraire plus born, plus rebelle que la parole; en sorte que l'on pourrait presque...
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Ihmisen velvollisuudetIhmisen velvollisuudet"Pyh Allianssi", joka saatuaan tehtvkseen Euroopan olojen uudelleen jrjestmisen ryhtyi taas mrittelemn valtakuntien rajoja, ei tuntenutkaan ksitett "kansa". Se tunsi vain ksitteen "ruhtinas", tai ksitteen "valtio" ruhtinaan hallitseman maa-alueen muodossa, jonka rajojen sisll saattoi asua joko yksi tai useampia kansallisuuksia. Ja niin piirrettiin...
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PoemsPoemsAbout twenty-five years since, was published a Poem called The Library; which, in no long time, was followed by two others, The Village, and The Newspaper: These, with a few alterations and additions, are here reprinted; and are accompanied by a Poem of greater...
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