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The Making of the Great West, 1512-1883The Making of the Great West, 1512-1883 "Time's noblest offspring is the last." This history is intended to meet, so far as it may, the want for brief, compact, and handy manuals of the beginnings of our country. Although primarily designed for young people,...
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The great white way;The great white way; - a record of an unusual voyage of discovery, and some romantic love affairs amid strange surroundingsFor more than ten generations my maternal ancestors have been farers of the sea, and I was born within call of high tide. At...
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Sarah Winnemucca's Practical Solution of the Indian ProblemSarah Winnemucca's Practical Solution of the Indian Problem - A Letter to Dr. Lyman Abbot of the "Christian Union"Because you so cordially announced Sarah Winnemuccas New Departure, a year or more ago, as the Christian Unions solution of the Indian problem, I send you...
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OEuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 6: Trois contes, suivis de mélanges inéditsŒuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 6: Trois contes, suivis de mélanges inéditsPour cent francs par an, elle faisait la cuisine et le mnage, cousait, lavait, repassait, savait brider un cheval, engraisser les volailles, battre le beurre, et resta fidle sa matresse,qui cependant ntait...
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Index for Works of Mary GauntIndex for Works of Mary Gaunt - Hyperlinks to All Chapters of All Individual Ebooks Title: Index for Works of Mary Gaunt Subtitle: Hyperlinks to All Chapters of All Individual Ebooks Author: Mary Gaunt and David Widger Release Date: July 17, 2018 [EBook #57524]...
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Confidential Chats with BoysConfidential Chats with BoysIt has been my fortunefor so I consider itto have been brought into intimate relations with men who are failures. Not the down and out men, but those who are struggling along dissatisfied with what they are doingwhat false and wrong...
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The Junior Classics, Volume 9: Stories of To-dayThe Junior Classics, Volume 9: Stories of To-dayBrother Rabbits Cradle, Joel Chandler Harris; Copyright, 1904, by McClure, Phillips & Co. A Story of Decoration Day for the Little Children of To-day, Elisabeth Harrison; Copyright, 1895, by Elizabeth Harrison. The Taxes of Middlebrook, R. S....
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The Junior Classics, Volume 2: Folk Tales and MythsThe Junior Classics, Volume 2: Folk Tales and MythsThe character of the contents of volumes 1, 2 and 3 is so closely related that they may be said to constitute three volumes under one general title. There are myths of Greece and Rome in...
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Folk Lore Notes. Vol. II—KonkanFolk Lore Notes. Vol. II—KonkanWorship of minor local deities. Sun-worship. The Swastika. Circumambulation round images and other sacred objects. Moon-worship. Days of special importance. Eclipses. Worship of planets and stars. The milky way. The rainbow. Worship of the earth. Thunder and lightning. Earthquakes. Worship...
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A fekete vér Lenczi fráterA fekete vér; Lenczi fráterPrbltk gygytani, vdekezni ellene. Megtiltottk megyeszerte a dinnye-, uborka-, gymlcsevst; a plinkaivst; a szobk padljra chlormeszet hintettek, kmfort ktttek zsacskba s azt viseltk nyakba ktve; fstltek fenymaggal s kmnynyel, mosdottak boreczetben; ittak czitromf-herbatt. Mind nem hasznlt semmit. Megkisrtk elzrni az...
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Catalogue of the Retrospective Loan Exhibition of European TapestriesCatalogue of the Retrospective Loan Exhibition of European TapestriesTapestry is a compound art. It stands at the meeting-point of three other arts, and so is beset by the problems of all three. In the first place, it is illustrative, for while there are tapestries...
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Imported AmericansImported Americans - The Story of the Experiences of a Disguised American and His Wife Studying the Immigration QuestionThat there was a tremendous increase in immigration in prospect was announced by the agents of the great immigrant-carrying lines of steamships as early as January...
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Die PharisäerDie Pharisäer - Ein Beitrag zum leichern Verstehen der Evangelien und zur SelbstprüfungDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1824 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Rechtschreibvarianten wurden nicht vereinheitlicht; ungewhliche und altertmliche Wortformen wurden unverndert bernommen, sofern...
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The Shipwrecked OrphansThe Shipwrecked Orphans - A true narrative of the shipwreck and sufferings of John Ireland and William Doyley, who were wrecked in the ship Charles Eaton, on an island in the South SeasFor this volume of Tellers Tales, I have selected the Shipwrecked Orphans,...
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Index for Works of Bill NyeIndex for Works of Bill Nye - Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Words About Washington Wrestling With the Mazy You Heah Me, Sah! {Illustration: WE WERE NOT ON TERMS OF INTIMACY.} ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 57514 Author:...
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Plutarch's Romane QuestionsPlutarch's Romane Questions - With dissertations on Italian cults, myths, taboos, man-worship, aryan marriage, sympathetic magic and the eating of beansPlutarch's Romane Questions. Translated A.D. 1603 by Philemon Holland, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Now again edited by Frank Byron Jebons, M.A., Classical...
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John Bull's Womankind (Les Filles de John Bull)John Bull's Womankind (Les Filles de John Bull)At the Concours Hippique, we noticed a striking fact this year, that nearly all THE people were dressed la Redfern. And also in the Bois, one is not considered at all pschutt in the morning unless habittee...
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Index for Works of Ruth OgdenIndex for Works of Ruth Ogden - Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Title: Index for Works of Ruth Ogden Subtitle: Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Author: Ruth Ogden and David Widger Release Date: July 15, 2018 [EBook #57511]...
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 3, March, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 3, March, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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The Mercer Boys at WoodcrestThe Mercer Boys at WoodcrestThe mystery of Clanhammer Hall, at Woodcrest Military Academy, interested Don and Jim Mercer and their friend Terry Mackson from the moment of their arrival at Woodcrest. But their curiosity about the old, empty building faded into the back of...
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