Public Domain
Proverbs and Their LessonsProverbs and Their Lessons - Being the Subject of Lectures Delivered to Young Men's Societies at Portsmouth and ElsewhereIt may be as well to state, that the lectures which are here published were never delivered as a complete course, but only one here and...
- ¥959 JPY
¥22,760 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Tyburn Tree: Its History and AnnalsTyburn Tree: Its History and AnnalsHow our fathers lived is a subject of never-failing interest: of some interest it may be to inquire how they diedat Tyburn. The story has many aspects, some noble, some squalid, some pathetic, some revolting. If I am reproached...
- ¥959 JPY
¥13,794 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, Volume 4 (of 5)Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, Volume 4 (of 5) - In the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773It was on the 10th of November 1770 we left Geesh in our return to Gondar, and passed the Abay, as before,...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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A Comic History of the United StatesA Comic History of the United StatesP.S.The illustration opposite is intended to take the place of a gift chromo, which we at first contemplated giving away with this book. It is to some extent allegorical, and will be explained at some future time, if...
- ¥959 JPY
¥14,224 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Memorie: Edizione diplomatica dall'autografo definitivoMemorie: Edizione diplomatica dall'autografo definitivo Da quando il bipede umano ha comunicato al suo simile il proprio pensiero, per desiderio fraterno di illuminarne la buaggine, o per vanit di sopravvivere a se stesso nell'opera dell'immaginazione, tracciasse giroglifici, incidesse collo stile sulla cera o scrivesse...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Der Spiegel: Anekdoten zeitgenössischer deutscher ErzählerDer Spiegel: Anekdoten zeitgenössischer deutscher ErzählerIm Schatzkstlein steht die Geschichte des deutschen Binnenlnders, der in die groe Stadt Amsterdam kommt und vor einem stolzen Schiff, einem prchtigen Haus und einem gewaltigen Begrbnis fragt: Wer ist es, dem dies gehrt? Kannitverstan, ist die Antwort, und...
- ¥959 JPY
¥22,760 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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La mandragola - La Clizia - BelfagorLa mandragola - La Clizia - BelfagorPer il testo della Mandragola, mi sono attenuto all'edizione curatane per la Bibliotheca romanica (Strasburgo, J. H. Ed. Heitz, 1912) da Santorre De Benedetti. Ne ho per tolto e modificato quelle peculiarit grafiche che gi al principio del...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Elias Lönnrotin matkat II: 1841-1844Elias Lönnrotin matkat II: 1841-1844 Yleiskatsaus. 1. Pivkirjasta 12.III.41. 2. Pivkirjasta 15.III.41. 3. Pivkirjasta 19.III.41. 4. Arkiaterinrouva Trngrenille 20.III.41. 5. Tohtori Rabbelle 20.III.41. 6. Akademikko Sjgrenille 21.III.41. 7. Pivkirjasta 22.III.41. 8. Pivkirjasta 24.III.41. 9. Pivkirjasta 26.III.41. 10. Pivkirjasta 27.III.41. 11. Pivkirjasta 30.III.41. 12. Tohtori...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Elias Lönnrotin matkat I: 1828-1839Elias Lönnrotin matkat I: 1828-18391. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuralle 8.III.38. 2. Tohtori Rabbelle 15.IX.36. 3. Lehtori Keckmanille 24.XI.36. 4. Luutnantti rnhjelmille 24.XI.36. 5. Kruununvouti Wichmannille 25.XI.36 (konsepti). 6. Postinhoitaja Gosmanille 25.XI.36 (konsepti). 7. Tuomari Flanderille 25.XI.36 (konsepti). 8. Lket. kandid. Ingmanille 25.XI.36 (konsepti). 9. Tohtori...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Our Women in the WarOur Women in the WarIn the writings of Count Montholon there is the following passage: On great occasions, it is almost always women who have given the strongest proofs of virtue and devotion. The reason is that, with men, good and bad qualities are,...
- ¥959 JPY
¥14,224 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Ecclesiastical Vestments: Their development and historyEcclesiastical Vestments: Their development and historyWithin comparatively recent years the discovery has been made that it is possible to treat the Bible, for critical purposes, as though it were an ordinary item of national literature, while maintaining a fitting reverence for it as the...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Monsoreaun kreivitär II: Historiallinen romaaniMonsoreaun kreivitär II: Historiallinen romaani 1. Keskustelu. 2. Guisen herttua. 3. Castor ja Pollux. 4. Kuuntelemalla kuullaan parhaiten. . Liigan allekirjoittaminen. 6. Prinssi ja ystv. 7. Kohtaus. 8. Chicot onkin itse asiassa Ranskan kuningas. 9. Muuan vierailu. 10. Kuningas nimitt liigan pllikn. 11. Jatkoa....
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Monsoreaun kreivitär I: Historiallinen romaaniMonsoreaun kreivitär I: Historiallinen romaani1. Saint-Luc'in ht. 2. Saint-Luc'in ht (jatkoa). 3. Se joka avaa portin, ei aina astukaan siit sislle. 4. Unta on joskus hyvin vaikea erottaa todellisuudesta. 5. Vastanaineet. 6. Vastanaineet (jatkoa). 7. Miten kuningas vietti illan. 8. Kuninkaan kntymys. 9. Kuningas...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Hänen isiensä jumalaHänen isiensä jumalaKoskematon, neitseellinen mets levisi joka suuntaan, meluisten huvinytelmien ja hiljaisten murhenytelmien paikka. Tll kytiin taistelua olemassaolosta alkuaikaisella petomaisuudella. Englantilaiset ja venliset riitelivt viel Sateenkaaren maan omistamisesta ja tss oli psyy, sill kultaa jnkit eivt viel olleet nist rettmist maa-alueista tavanneet. Susilaumat iskivt...
- ¥959 JPY
¥14,224 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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History of Spanish Literature, vol. 3 (of 3)History of Spanish Literature, vol. 3 (of 3)The Literature that existed in Spain from the Accession of the Austrian Family to its Extinction, or from the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century To the End of the Seventeenth. Satirical Poetry: The Argensolas, Quevedo, and others....
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Apparitions and thought-transference: an examination of the evidence for telepathyApparitions and thought-transference: an examination of the evidence for telepathyThe following pages aim at presenting in brief compass a selection of the evidence upon which the hypothesis of thought-transference, or telepathy, is based. It is now more than twelve years since the Society for...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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An Apology for the True Christian DivinityAn Apology for the True Christian Divinity - Being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called QuakersA Servant of Jesus Christ, called of God to the Dispensation of the Gospel now again revealed, and, after a long and...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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The War of ChupasThe War of ChupasPedro de Cieza de Len was, on the whole, the most important historian, and is now the best authority, on ancient Peru, so far as his work has reached us; for he was a great traveller, and an eye-witness of much...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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Hyde Park, Its History and RomanceHyde Park, Its History and RomanceHyde Park. What a world of memories is suggested by the name. Standing right in the heart of London, it is almost the only surviving out-of-door public pleasure resort left in the West-End, wherein fashion may display itself and...
- ¥959 JPY
¥8,621 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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- ¥959 JPY
¥14,224 JPY- ¥959 JPY
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