Public Domain
List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1864List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1864Transcribers Note: A large number of obvious printers errors have been corrected, mostly around punctuation and accents, but more or less no attempt has been made to standardise the varying spelling...
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Shi Yi Ji Shi Yi Lu拾遺記 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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British BeesBritish Bees - An Introduction into the Studies of the Natural History and Economy of the Bees Indigenous to the British IslesIf perfection of instinct, and an organization exquisitely moulded to a complete adaptation to the many delicate and varied functions of that instinct,...
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Queen Anna's New World of Words or, Dictionarie of the Italian and English TonguesQueen Anna's New World of Words; or, Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues Throughout the Dictionary two different forms of the letters E and O are used, to represent the different sounds they can have in Italian. The close E is displayed in...
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Navajo New World Readers 1Away to school: 'Ólta'góóAt this writing (1951) there are approximately 26,000 children of school age on the Navajo reservation. About 40 percent of these are between the ages of 12 and 18. The great majority have never been inside a school, and do not...
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The Abandoned Country or, Frank Reade, Jr., Exploring a New ContinentThe Abandoned Country; or, Frank Reade, Jr., Exploring a New Continent.So you think the earth has been thoroughly explored, and that there is no such thing as an undiscovered continent, do you? asked Percy Randall, as he lit a cigar and seated himself comfortably...
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Cupid's Fair-Weather BookeCupid's Fair-Weather Booke - Including an Almanack for Any Two Years (True Love Ought to Last That Long)In bringing out this, the second volume of the Cupids Almanack, we have deemed it advisable to devote our principal effort to informing you, Good Hearticulturists, just...
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The Three Voyages of Captain Cook Round the World. Vol. I. Being the First of the First VoyageThe Three Voyages of Captain Cook Round the World. Vol. I. Being the First of the First Voyage.With Lieutenant Cook, in this voyage, embarked Joseph Banks, Esquire, a gentleman possessed of considerable landed property in Lincolnshire. He received the education of a scholar rather...
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The Boy Volunteers on the Belgian FrontThe Boy Volunteers on the Belgian FrontDescribes the adventures of two American boys who were in Europe when the great war commenced. Their enlistment with Belgian troops and their remarkable experiences are based upon actual occurrences and the book is replete with line drawings...
- ¥972 JPY
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Suomalaisia sankareita II: Historiallisia kertomuksiaSuomalaisia sankareita II: Historiallisia kertomuksiaNevajoen suulla, siell miss tm valtava vesivyl suuria kiemuroita tehtyn moniksi suuhaaroiksi jakautuen purkautuu Suomenlahteen, seisoi Kiveksten vanha talo. Noiden suuhaarojen vliss on joukko suurempia ja pienempi saaria, mutta kaikista vhptisimmlle niist oli Kiveksten kantais pirttins rakentanut. Saarta oli jo...
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Suomalaisia sankareita I: Historiallisia kertomuksiaSuomalaisia sankareita I: Historiallisia kertomuksiaNykyn, jolloin koko sivistysmaailma el Mars-jumalan merkeiss, on syyt palauttaa muistoomme niit omia urhojamme, jotka kuluneina aikoina ovat vertaan vuodattaneet synnyinmaansa puolesta, piirten miekankrjell nimens sen historian lehdille. Tasapuolisesti historian kulkua tarkastaessamme on meidn myntminen, ett sodilla ja miekkamiehillkin, erittinkin...
- ¥972 JPY
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Germaniens GötterGermaniens GötterVon den Gttern spricht dies Buch. Von Germaniens Gttern. Immerdar sind eines Volkes Gtter das Abbild seiner innersten Art gewesen, seiner Tugenden, seiner Fehler, seiner verlangenden Sehnsucht. Wenn unsere Vter zu den Gttern riefen, riefen sie an, was an Kraft und Zuversicht bewut...
- ¥972 JPY
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The Cruel Murder of Mina MillerThe Cruel Murder of Mina MillerOn Friday morning, the 13th of last May, a German, whose purpose was to gather green leaves to sell to florists in N. Y. city, entered the path leading from Bergen avenue, in the district known as Bulls Ferry,...
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Warren Commission (14 of 26): Hearings Vol. XIV (of 15)Warren Commission (14 of 26): Hearings Vol. XIV (of 15)The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume XIV: Curtis LaVerne Crafard, Wilbyrn Waldon (Robert) Litchfield II, Robert Carl Patterson, Alice Reaves Nichols, Ralph Paul, George Senator, Nancy Perrin Rich, Breck Wall (Billy...
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Erdély aranykora: RegényErdély aranykora: RegényA Drva mellkn vagyunk, egyikben azon vgtelen lankasgoknak, mikben a vad is eltved. Mindenfel erdk, szzados ihar- s gerfk, s az erdk tvben vz. Nagyszer mocsr, melybl vizi virgok s ss helyett risi szlfk nttek el, miknek lehajl galyairl gykereket hz az...
- ¥972 JPY
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Rämeissä: Kuvaus yhteiskunnan pohjakerroksestaRämeissä: Kuvaus yhteiskunnan pohjakerroksesta Piv! Kas, Eino! Piv, piv. No, kyhn peremm! Mit sit nyt kuuluu ja miss on oltu, kun ei ole nkynyt sitte viime kesn, laverteli Vanhalan pyylev emnt juuri tupaan tulleelle maalari Lytllle. Istu, siin on penkki! On, on se. Tnkin...
- ¥972 JPY
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Historical Manual of English ProsodyHistorical Manual of English ProsodyThe reception of the first two volumes of a larger work (since completed) on English Prosody suggested, to the author and to the publishers, that there might be room for a more compressed dealing with the subject, possessing more introductory...
- ¥972 JPY
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Argentina and UruguayArgentina and UruguayFor the majority of the Statistics and Statistical Diagrams contained in this book the Author is indebted to the Division of Commerce and Industry of the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture and particularly to the kindness and courtesy of Seor Ricardo Pillado, the...
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The Abounding AmericanThe Abounding AmericanGuywhy Guy diced and drabbed and ruffled away his inheritance, and to save his neck took shipping for the tobacco plantations where, they say, he married a daughter of Lo, the poor Indian, and none hath since heard of him. This is...
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Brother VanBrother Van This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These have been left unchanged unless indicated with a Transcribers Note. Grateful acknowledgment...
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