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Kuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta IKuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta IIsien puu. (Juhani Aho: Lastuja III.) Suomen synty. (Elias Lnnrot: Mehilinen 1836.) Kansatieteellinen unelma. (A. Oksanen: Skeni.) Suomettaren kosijat. (Kanteletar.) Uhrivaara. (Juhani Aho: Panu.) Uhritoimitus. (Juhani Aho: Panu.) Yhteiskasken kaadanta. (Juhani Aho: Panu.) Metsnkvij. (Juhani Aho: Panu.) Tuhat vuotta...
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Harper's Young People, March 14, 1882Harper's Young People, March 14, 1882 - An Illustrated WeeklyPolly Gardner had been spending her vacation with Aunt Mary in the country. She would have been "perfectly happy" but that her father and mother were obliged to remain in the city. It was five...
- ¥971 JPY
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Shout Treason: The Trial of Aaron BurrShout Treason: The Trial of Aaron BurrThe story of Aaron Burr has been treated exhaustively by many writers in many ways. Oddly enough, aside from the stenographic report of the proceedings and a small volume which appeared nearly a century ago, there seems to...
- ¥971 JPY
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Pop-Guns: One Serious and One FunnyPop-Guns: One Serious and One FunnyIn these little books, I have complied with a request repeatedly expressed to me, to write stories avowedly for the purpose of pointing a moral. Any one who will take the trouble to look over the Nightcap, Mitten, or...
- ¥971 JPY
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The Great Lord Burghley: A study in Elizabethan statecraftThe Great Lord Burghley: A study in Elizabethan statecraftFor nearly half a century William Cecil, Lord Burghley, exercised greater influence over the future fortunes of England than ever fell to the share of a statesman before or since. It was a period when Medival...
- ¥971 JPY
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General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, Vol. 1 (of 3)General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, Vol. 1 (of 3)The work which I now offer to the public, will appear to them new, I trust, in three points of view; 1st, in the plan that has been adopted; 2d, in most of the...
- ¥971 JPY
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Genom mina guldbågade glasögonGenom mina guldbågade glasögonUnder det de andra frfattarna trots mina varningar fortfarande syssla med fnoskiga frsk att loda sina egna och tillflliga frbindelsers s. k. sjlsdjup och grva i dumheter och snusk nda upp till pennspetsen, bjuder jag p friska frukter frn livets trd....
- ¥971 JPY
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Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 6: NaimistavatKuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 6: Naimistavat Sislt: Niemeln Kaisa. Poikien tuumat kirkkomell. Junnolan Martin morsiusehdokkaat. Lippolan kirkonmiehen kynti morsianta kysymss. Miehikkln Antin yjalassa kynti morsianta kysymss. Lahtelan emnnn naittamishommat. Nuorison olo kirkkomell Prttylin pivn sunnuntaina. Tyttjen taikuus. Nuuskan valmistus ja kosioretkelle lht. Kaunein kaikista...
- ¥971 JPY
¥8,732 JPY- ¥971 JPY
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Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 5: KesäaskareetKuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 5: Kesäaskareet Sislt: Touonalkajaisten mrys. Paimenten taianteko. Karhun luvut. Juhlamurkina. Kauran kylv. Kylvjn luvut. Lehmin uloslaskeminen. Karjan luvut. Rukous karjan puolesta. Lammasten uloslaskeminen ja loitsiminen. Rukous karjan varjeluksesta. Karjan kulku ja loitsut maidon annin puolesta. Loitsu karjan kaitsemisesta. Loitsu paimentamisesta....
- ¥971 JPY
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Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 4: TalvitoimetKuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 4: Talvitoimet Sislt: Liinan loukuttaminen, harjaaminen ja hklminen. Hrn teurastaminen. Harakan pyynti. Nikko. Lammasten ja sikojen teurastaminen. Hamarakalat. Kuoleman ennustus lumen tulosta. Tarvepuut. Vanhan kekrin (pyhinmiestenpivn) perst ottivat Niemeln naiset liinaroivaat pellon aidalta ja ahtoivat ne riihen parsille. Ukko-Lauri lmmitti...
- ¥971 JPY
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Irrigation WorksIrrigation Works - The Principles on Which Their Design and Working Should Be Based, with Special Details Relating to Indian Canals and Some Proposed ImprovementsThe largest irrigation canals are fed from perennial rivers. When the canal flows throughout the year it is called a...
- ¥971 JPY
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The Man Behind the BarsThe Man Behind the BarsLest any one may charge me with extravagant optimism in regard to convicts, or may think that to me every goose is a swan, I wish to say that I have written only of the menamong hundreds of convictswho have...
- ¥971 JPY
¥13,971 JPY- ¥971 JPY
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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 989, December 10, 1898The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 989, December 10, 1898Mr. Bryce disclaimed any such meaning. He wondered privately what his wifes feelings would be, if one day a round shot from a French ship should rush through the room in which she might...
- ¥971 JPY
¥14,407 JPY- ¥971 JPY
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Führende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die PhilosophieFührende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die Philosophienunmehr ber 700 Bndchen umfassend, dient seit ihrem Entstehen (1898) den Gedanken, auf denen die heute sich so mchtig entwickelnde Volkshochschulbewegung beruht. Sie will jedem geistig Mndigen die Mglichkeit schaffen, sich ohne besondere Vorkenntnisse an sicherster Quelle, wie...
- ¥971 JPY
¥23,772 JPY- ¥971 JPY
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Bringing up the BoyBringing up the Boy - A Message to Fathers and Mothers from a Boy of Yesterday Concerning the Men of To-morrowA good portion of the material in this volume was printed in serial form in The Delineator, to whose editors and publishers I am...
- ¥971 JPY
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Erakkojärveläiset: Palanen saloelämääErakkojärveläiset: Palanen saloelämääKontiovirsi, loppuosa (Kalevalan 46:nnesta runosta). Anna ainaki Jumala (Kalevalan 46:nnesta runosta). Vieres kyynel, viere toinen (Vienan lnin runot I, 1, katkelmia runoista 233 ja 238). Tule tnne pieni lintu (Kantelettaren esipuhe, siv. XXXVI). Kannan mustoa muretta (Kanteletar, irtonaisia skeit). Elktte emot poloiset...
- ¥971 JPY
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Leppirannan Lauri: RomaaniLeppirannan Lauri: RomaaniTm piv oli ollut hnelle merkkipiv, ja senjohdosta oli hn pttnyt alkaa kirjoittaa muistiin ajatuksiaan ja tunnelmiaan. Pivllisaikana oli hn hakenut vinnilt kirstusta kansakoulun neljnnelt osastolta jneen melkein puhtaan kirjoitusvihon. Sen nimilappuun hn kirjoitti: Pivkirja. Ennestn siin jo oli opettajan ksialalla hnen...
- ¥971 JPY
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National Park Service History SeriesJohn Brown's RaidNational Park Handbooks are published to support the National Park Services management programs and to promote understanding and enjoyment of the more than 350 National Park System sites, which represent important examples of our countrys natural and cultural inheritance. Each handbook is...
- ¥971 JPY
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The Dickens CountryThe Dickens CountryIt seems but a week or two ago that Frederic Kitton first mentioned to me the preparation of the volume to which I have now the melancholy privilege of prefixing a few words of introduction and valediction. It was in my office...
- ¥971 JPY
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Walks about WashingtonWalks about Washington THIS is not a history. It is not a guide-book. It is not an encyclopedia. It is nothing more ambitious than the title would indicate: a stroll about Washington with my arm through my readers, and a bit of friendly chat...
- ¥971 JPY
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