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Satuja ja tarinoita IIISatuja ja tarinoita III 30 Seljaemo. 31 Parsinneula. 32 Kello. 33 Isoiti. 34 Keijukaiskumpu. 35 Punaiset kengt. 35 Hyppyniekat. 37 Paimentytt ja nokikolari. 38 Holger Danske. 39 Pieni tulitikkutytt. 40 Kuva linnanvallilta. 41 Vartovin ikkunassa. 42 Vanha katulyhty. 43 Naapurukset. 44 Pieni Tuk. 45...
- ¥963 JPY
¥22,854 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Argonauts of the Western PacificArgonauts of the Western Pacific - An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New GuineaThe coastal populations of the South Sea Islands, with very few exceptions, are, or were before their extinction, expert navigators and traders. Several of them...
- ¥963 JPY
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From the Angle of 17From the Angle of SeventeenWhen the Doctor sent for me to his study, I hoped it was about the fireworks, because I was head boy that term, and, in a great position like that, there were advantages to make up for the anxiety. You...
- ¥963 JPY
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Jongens van Oudt-HollandJongens van Oudt-HollandEr bestaat over het verblijf van Czaar Peter den Grooten te Zaandam reeds een uitgebreide litteratuur. De Heer Jac. Scheltema, die als vrederechter in deze stad heeft gewoond, vond er belangrijke aanteekeningen door den Zaandammer lakenkoopman en vroedschap Jan Cornelisz Noomen over...
- ¥963 JPY
¥23,566 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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The Story of Lutheran MissionsThe Story of Lutheran MissionsThe author acknowledges her indebtedness to the many persons who have furnished data for The Story of Lutheran Missions, and to those who have read the manuscript. The authorities consulted have been chiefly The History of Protestant Missions by Gustav...
- ¥963 JPY
¥105,860 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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The Complete Testimony of the Fathers of the First Three Centuries Concerning the Sabbath and First DayThe Complete Testimony of the Fathers of the First Three Centuries Concerning the Sabbath and First DayThe testimony for first-day sacredness is very meager in the Scriptures, as even its own advocates must admit. But they have been wont to supply the deficiency by...
- ¥963 JPY
¥105,860 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Automata Old and NewAutomata Old and NewMay it please your Oddship, Brethren and Guests of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes. The origin of this little paper is very simple. Just eleven months ago we had the delight of listening to the very interesting and instructive communication upon...
- ¥963 JPY
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The Bird in the BoxThe Bird in the Box The soul of man at birth is immured in a prison. It is like a bird singing in a cage, heedless of the bars that confine it. But later the soul knows its bondage. I The Long Journey and...
- ¥963 JPY
¥14,282 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Peggy Lane Theater Stories, #2Peggy Plays Off-BroadwayFirst casting calls are so difficult, Peggy Lane said, looking ruefully at the fifty or more actresses and actors who milled about nervously, chatting with one another, or sat on the few folding chairs trying to read. With only nine roles to...
- ¥963 JPY
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The Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard, and Her DogThe Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard, and Her Dog - In which is shewn the wonderful powers that good old lady possessed in the education of her favourite animal Title: The Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard, and Her Dog Subtitle: In which...
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Autobiography of a Female SlaveAutobiography of a Female SlaveI was born in one of the southern counties of Kentucky. My earliest recollections are of a large, old-fashioned farm-house, built of hewn rock, in which my old master, Mr. Nelson, and his family, consisting of a widowed sister, two...
- ¥963 JPY
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Cuentos de navidad y reyes cuentos de la patria cuentos antiguosCuentos de navidad y reyes; cuentos de la patria; cuentos antiguosEn este volumen incluyo, bajo el ttulo de Cuentos de la Patria, algunos de los cuales cabra decir, como dijo el poeta del Canto Teresa, que son un desahogo de mi corazn y el...
- ¥963 JPY
¥14,282 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Aarteen etsijätAarteen etsijät1. Postireke tavoittamassa 2. Minnetaki metsrosvojen ksiss 3. Vungain jljill 4. Rod seuraa ihmisjalkaisen karhun jlki 5. Rod taistelee hengestn 6. Kuoleman varjo 7. Pohjoiseen 8. Kultainen luoti 9. Ombabika-jokea vastavirtaan 10. Salaperinen laukaus 11. ni rotkossa 12. Vabi tekee merkillisen keksinnn 13....
- ¥963 JPY
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Kaarle ja Sigismund I: Protestanttiko vai katolinen?Kaarle ja Sigismund I: Protestanttiko vai katolinen? - Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus 1. Hehkua tuhan alla. 2. Kolmenkymmenen thteet. 3. Katolilainenko vai luterilainen. 4. Taistelu ainoan autuaaksi tekevn kirkon puolesta. 5. Ensiminen yhteentrmys. 6. Nadokset. 7. Upsala. 8. Jlkinytelm. 9. Katolinen hallitus. 10. Luostarissa. 11. Uusi...
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The Squirrel Hunters of Ohio or, Glimpses of Pioneer LifeThe Squirrel Hunters of Ohio; or, Glimpses of Pioneer LifeAs an actor and interested witness of the marvelous changes which have occurred in the settlement and civilization of the North-west Territory, the author places before the reader this book, entitled, The Squirrel Hunters of...
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 734, January 19, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 734, January 19, 1878In a densely populated street of the quaint sea-port of Marseilles there dwelt a poor locksmith and his family, who were so hard pressed by the dearness of provisions and the general...
- ¥963 JPY
¥23,566 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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VersesVerses O soft, caressing sound, more sweet than scent Of violets in woody hollows! Tone As amorous as the ring-doves tender moan Beneath the spreading forests leafy tent; What mystery of earth or air hath lent Thee that bewitching music, where the drone Of...
- ¥963 JPY
¥23,566 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Ozoplaning with the Wizard of OzOzoplaning with the Wizard of OzI often have wondered about the Strat, have not you? Bet a bushel of peanuts you have! Well, while we've been wondering the Wizard of Oz has been inventing an Ozoplane to go Strato-sphering! Oh, there's some pretty high...
- ¥963 JPY
¥14,282 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Travels in a Tree-topTravels in a Tree-topThe several full-page illustrations have been repositioned slightly to avoid falling in mid-paragraph. The captions appeared on a separate page. These illustrations were not included in the pagination. Multiple unnumbered blank pages associated with them have been removed. A pearly mist...
- ¥963 JPY
¥14,282 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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Recollections of a Peninsular VeteranRecollections of a Peninsular VeteranTHE following pages have been selected from the autobiography of my grandfather, the late Colonel Joseph Anderson, who was born in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, on June 1, 1790, and died on July 18, 1877. It should be stated that this narrative...
- ¥963 JPY
¥23,566 JPY- ¥963 JPY
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