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A Treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy for the Veterinary ClinicianA Treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy for the Veterinary ClinicianIn presenting to the veterinary profession this treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy, I do so with the object of bringing into the light certain clinical facts that have to do with the topical application of...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Key to the Family Deed Chest: How to Decipher and Study Old DocumentsThe Key to the Family Deed Chest: How to Decipher and Study Old Documents - Being a Guide to the Reading of Ancient ManuscriptsBooks written to teach any branch of human knowledge are, in most cases, written by persons who have long known and...
- ¥994 JPY
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Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891)Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891) - Third Edition.In presenting this work I have no apology to make. After an experience with bees dating almost from childhood, and a careful study of all works published on the subject of...
- ¥994 JPY
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Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880)Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880) - First Edition.In presenting this work I have no apology to make. After an experience with bees dating almost from childhood, and a careful study of all works published on the subject of...
- ¥994 JPY
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Hand-book of Sanitary Information for HouseholdersHand-book of Sanitary Information for Householders - Containing facts and suggestions about ventilation, drainage, care of contageous diseases, disinfection, food, and water. With appendices on disinfectants and plumbers' materials.The preparation of this hand-book was suggested by persistent questioning about the matters it contains. Its...
- ¥994 JPY
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A MãeA MãeA Me no uma obra de pura imaginao. , antes de tudo, uma pintura exactapoderia at dizer-se uma vista cinematographicado movimento revolucionario na Russia. Este bello livro introduz na litteratura russa typos que faltavam nella quasi por completo: os revolucionarios operarios e camponezes,...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Discoveries of America to the Year 1525The Discoveries of America to the Year 1525It is a fact that America in the early ages was one of the inhabited parts of the earth. The Egyptians, who were among the first of the peoples of the eastern hemisphere to use letters and...
- ¥994 JPY
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Fighting King GeorgeFighting King GeorgeThe person to whom he spoke was a negro, young in years but of colossal size; as he sat amidships in the skiff, with the sheet rope in his hand, his sleeveless shirt showing his mighty arms bare to the shoulder, he...
- ¥994 JPY
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Shepherds of the WildShepherds of the WildThe mouth of the canyon was darkened with shadows when the bull elk came stealing down the brown trail through the dusky thicket. In all this mountain realm, a land where the wild things of the forest still held sway, there...
- ¥994 JPY
¥3,183 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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Pormestarin vaimo: RomaaniPormestarin vaimo: RomaaniTaivas oli sininen, hyttyset karkeloivat pivnpaisteessa, valkoisia perhosia kiikkueli sken puhjenneissa kullankellerviss kukkasissa, ja ojan vieress yhden noista monista, jotka viiltelivt tuota laajaa tasankoa, seisoi haikara, tavotellen muhkeata sammakkoa. Pianpa tuo raukka potkiskelikin vihollisen punaisessa nokassa. Naksaus vain ja virke hypiskelij oli...
- ¥994 JPY
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Kun elämä on ihanaa: YhteiskoululaisromaaniKun elämä on ihanaa: Yhteiskoululaisromaani Sehn on kiva aine. Min aion arkkitehdiksi ja silloin min suunnittelen koteja ihmisten mukaan. Lkrin salia ei saa tehd samanlaiseksi kuin papin. Varallisuus ei saa yksin mrt. Apteekkari kuihtuisi sellaisessa kodissa, jossa koululehtori kukoistaisi. Etenkin tulee jrjest huonekalut ja...
- ¥994 JPY
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Stories from History SeriesStories from the CrusadesTheir eagerness swept along with them not only men who had never dreamed the dream and who did not know for what end they fought, but bad men also who only wished to get what they could for themselves. The Crusades...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of WarThe Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur; or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of WarThe following narrative tells of the adventures of an American boy in German imprisonment from his capture November 30, 1917, to his release December 9,...
- ¥994 JPY
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The Demon Trapper of Umbagog: A Thrilling Tale of the Maine ForestsThe Demon Trapper of Umbagog: A Thrilling Tale of the Maine ForestsSo wrote the charming Cowper, giving us to understand, by the drift of the context, that he intended the remark as having a moral as well as a physical application; since, as he...
- ¥994 JPY
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Mandalay to MomienMandalay to Momien - A narrative of the two expeditions to western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace BrowneSeven years have elapsed since the date of the expedition which furnishes the subject of the larger portion of...
- ¥994 JPY
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George Meredith: A StudyGeorge Meredith: A StudyA couple of months ago I was asked to give a lecture in Paris on a modern English writer, and I naturally selected my favourite, the subject of this little book. It was afterwards suggested to me that the lecture would...
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,990 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, May 1905Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, May 1905Time in its tireless flight has brought us again to the full leaf and flower of another summer. The grass grows green about the dust of heroes; the roses twine once more about their tomb, and...
- ¥994 JPY
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Memorabilia Or Recollections, Historical, Biographical, and AntiquarianMemorabilia; Or Recollections, Historical, Biographical, and AntiquarianThe following pages have been compiled from various sources, and from an extensive course of reading. The Editor has in some instances placed his authorities in the notes at the bottom of the page; and, where he has...
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,990 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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Az urak: RegényAz urak: RegényMez-Mihlyfalva, mbr a legalkalmasabb kzelsgben fekdt a Dunhoz, egy szp emelkedett, termkeny rnn, s temetje mellett valsgos igazi orszgut huzdott el: mgis azt gondolom, lmban sem hitte, hogy valaha akarata ellenre mezvros legyen, elltva nagy vasajts adhivatalokkal, s piszkos, meszeletlen folyosj trvnyszki...
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,990 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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Don Miguel Lehumada: discoverer of liquid from the sun's raysDon Miguel Lehumada: discoverer of liquid from the sun's rays - an occult romance of Mexico and the United StatesHe was of purely Mexican origin, and his friends delighted in calling him Seor Gonzalesas was the custom of the people when Chihuahua was one...
- ¥994 JPY
¥1,990 JPY- ¥994 JPY
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