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The Buckaroo of Blue WellsThe Buckaroo of Blue WellsJames Eaton Legg hooked his heels over the rounds of his high stool, stretched wearily and looked out through the none-too-clean windows to where a heavy fog almost obscured the traffic. Heavy trucks lumbered past, grinding harshly over the cobbles....
- ¥995 JPY
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CricketCricketKayuna was the loveliest home in the world. At least, the Ward children said so. The family usually went out of the city as soon as the childrens schools closed, in June, and stayed in the country till quite the first of October. Kayuna...
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The Thing Beyond ReasonThe Thing Beyond ReasonThe house was very quiet to-night. There was nothing to disturb Miss Alexandra Moran but the placid ticking of the clock and the faint stir of the curtains at the open window. For that matter, a considerable amount of noise would...
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Type and Presses in AmericaType and Presses in America - A Brief Historical Sketch of the Development of Type Casting and Press Building in the United StatesA study of type founding and of the development of presses and other printers machinery in America presents many interesting considerations. If...
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L'Ingénue LibertineL'Ingénue Libertine Le feu parle tout bas, la lampe huile compte goutte goutte les secondes, Maman soupire. Sur la toile cire de sa broderieun grand col pour Minnel'aiguille, chaque point, toque du bec. Dehors, les platanes du boulevard Berthier ruissellent de pluie, et les...
- ¥995 JPY
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Bantu Beliefs and MagicBantu Beliefs and Magic - With particular reference to the Kikuyu and Kamba tribes of Kenya Colony; together with some reflections on East Africa after the warThe author of this book, Mr C.W. Hobley, has long been known to anthropologists as one of our...
- ¥995 JPY
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Knightly Legends of Wales; or, The Boy's MabinogionKnightly Legends of Wales; or, The Boy's Mabinogion - Being the Earliest Welsh Tales of King Arthur in the Famous Red Book of HergestIn the library of Jesus College, Oxford, is an ancient Welsh MS. called Llyfr[1] Coch[2] O Hergest;[3] that is, The Red...
- ¥995 JPY
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NedwNedwAdeg hel cnau a chrabas yn y Tyno oedd hi. Does ene ddim coed yn y Tyno, ond coed cnau a choed crabas. Ac ar yr adeg yma ar y flwyddyn, mae hi bron bod yn nefoedd ar y ddaear arnom ni, fel mae...
- ¥995 JPY
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The Elizabethan Stage (Vol 2 of 4)The Elizabethan Stage (Vol 2 of 4)I have found it convenient, especially in Appendix A, to use the symbol < following a date, to indicate an uncertain date not earlier than that named, and the symbol > followed by a date, to indicate an...
- ¥995 JPY
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The Black Cat (Vol. I, No. 1, October 1895)The Black Cat (Vol. I, No. 1, October 1895)HE was straight, and grizzled, and keen of eye. He had worked, and fought, and gambled his way through the lawlessness and passion of the State's early life into the decency and uprightness of a successful...
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- ¥995 JPY
¥1,992 JPY- ¥995 JPY
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Letters of Alexander von Humboldt to Varnhagen von EnseLetters of Alexander von Humboldt to Varnhagen von Ense. - From 1827 to 1858. With extracts from Varnhagen’s diaries, and letters of Varnhagen and others to HumboldtThe following letters of Humboldt furnish a contribution of the highest importance to the true, correct, and unveiled...
- ¥995 JPY
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The English Home from Charles I. to George IVThe English Home from Charles I. to George IV. - Its Architecture, Decoration and Garden DesignIn England, more than in any other country, the affections of people in all ranks of life have clung round their homes; and to learn something of how those...
- ¥995 JPY
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The Wilderness TrailThe Wilderness Trail The year 1810 was more commonly known, at least in the Kentucky wilderness, as the thirty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States. Backwoods folk are simple folk, proud of what they and their fathers have done. Although split with...
- ¥995 JPY
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L'uomo, la bestia e la virtùL'uomo, la bestia e la virtù Il trasparente signor Paolino, professore privato La virtuosa signora Perella, moglie del Capitano Perella Il dottor Nino Pulejo Il signor Tot, farmacista, suo fratello Rosaria, governante del signor Paolino Giglio e Belli, scolari Non, ragazzo di 11 anni,...
- ¥995 JPY
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West Port MurdersWest Port Murders - Or an Authentic Account of the Atrocious Murders Committed by Burke and His Associates; Containing a Full Account of All the Extraordinary Circumstances Connected With Them. Also, a Report of the Trial of Burke and M'Dougal. With a Description of...
- ¥995 JPY
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GeronaGeronaEn el invierno de 1809 a 1810 las cosas de Espaa no podan andar peor. Lo de menos era que nos derrotaran en Ocaa, a los cuatro meses de la casi indecisa victoria de Talavera: an haba algo ms desastroso y lamentable, y era...
- ¥995 JPY
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Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 (of 2)Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 (of 2)The acknowledgment at the foot of page 308, of the source of the symbols illustrated on that page, is incorrect. The symbols in question are reproduced from Mr. C. J. S. Thompsons book, The Mystery and Romance of...
- ¥995 JPY
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Ecclesiastical History of England, Volume 4—The Church of the Restoration [part 2]Ecclesiastical History of England, Volume 4—The Church of the Restoration [part 2]Perhaps, in the history of the civilized world, there never occurred a period when the passions of men were more deeply moved, than in the autumn of the year 1678, when England was...
- ¥995 JPY
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The Corsican LoversThe Corsican LoversThe person to whom the words were addressed was a man of about forty. He was smooth-shaven, and the black, shaggy eyebrows which met above the bridge of his nose, gave to his face a stern and almost forbidding expression. He did...
- ¥995 JPY
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