Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
Karl Gützlaff (1803-1851) Und Das Christentum in Ostasien: Ein Missionar Zwischen Den Kulturenmissions in China and intercultural exchange between East Asia and the West in the 19th century." Peter Vamos in: Acta Orient. Hung. Aus dem Inhalt: THORALF KLEIN und REINHARD ZOLLNER: Einleitung. Karl Gutzlaff als Kulturvermittler REINHARD ZOLLNER: Gutzlaffs Japanreise 1837 und das Bojutsu yumemonogatari....
- ¥5,473 JPY
- ¥5,473 JPY
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Mahamudra - The Ocean of True MeaningMeditation Manual of the Karma Kagy School of Tibetan BuddhismAuthor: Henrik Havlat, Wangchug Dorje KarmapaPublisher: Books on DemandPublished: 10/13/2017Pages: 352Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.84lbsSize: 8.00h x 5.00w x 0.79dISBN: 9783744889568This title is not returnable
- ¥9,661 JPY
- ¥9,661 JPY
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Records of the Transmission of the Lamp (Jingde Chuandeng Lu): Vol. 4 (Books 14-17) - The Shitou LineThis compilation of Buddhist biographies, teaching and transmission stories of Indian and Chinese Chan (Japanese 'Zen') masters from antiquity up to about the year 1008 CE is the first mature fruit of an already thousand year-long spiritual marriage between two great world cultures with...
- ¥8,747 JPY
- ¥8,747 JPY
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Theologische Schlusselbegriffe: Biblisch - Systematisch - DidaktischTheologie fur Lehrerinnen und Lehrer ist der Titel einer neuen Reihe, die theologisches Elementarwissen mit Blick auf die Unterrichtspraxis zuganglich macht. Die TLL mochte Religionslehrerinnen und Religionslehrern in Grundschule und Sekundarstufe I eine Hilfe fur die Ausbildung bzw. Vertiefung der eigenen hermeneutischen und systematisch-theologischen...
- ¥12,558 JPY
- ¥12,558 JPY
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Wo Glaube Ist, Da Ist Auch Lachen: Kabarettistische Leckerbissen Zur ReformationViele grossartige Kabarettisten sind Theologen - und wenn die anfangen, uber Martin Luther und die Reformation nachzudenken, wird es nicht nur irre komisch, sondern auch unglaublich geistreich. Lassen Sie sich von acht frechen Wortkunstlern erklaren, was es auf sich hat mit Christus, Gnade, Glaube...
- ¥4,432 JPY
- ¥4,432 JPY
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Der Wirkliche Jesus?: Eine Streitschrift Uber Die Historisch Wenig Ergiebige Und Theologisch Sinnlose Suche Nach Dem 'Historischen' JesusDie Suche nach dem historischen Jesus beginnt im deutschen Sprachraum mit Hermann Samuel Reimarus. Er meinte, man brauche nur die Tunche der Apostel wegzunehmen, um die tatsachliche Stimme Jesu zu vernehmen. An dem sich hier zeigenden Grundproblem hat sich seitdem nichts geandert und kann...
- ¥13,295 JPY
- ¥13,295 JPY
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Neues Testament. Evangelien: Erzahlungen Und GeschichteIm vorliegenden Band werden die vier Evangelien und damit in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang stehende Schriften in Genderperspektive untersucht: Markus, Matthaus, das lukanische Doppelwerk, das Corpus Iohanneum und apokryphe Texte. Neben herausragenden weiblichen Figuren wie Marta, Maria Magdalena und der Mutter Jesu sowie anonym bleibenden Frauen...
- ¥18,657 JPY
- ¥18,657 JPY
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Genesis 1-11This commentary offers a synthesis of close readings of Genesis 1-11 and up-to-date study of the formation of these chapters in their ancient Near Eastern context. Each interpretation of these evocative and multilayered narratives is preceded with a new translation (with textual and philological...
- ¥46,284 JPY
- ¥46,284 JPY
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Wunder Jesu - Protest- Und HoffnungsgeschichtenBrot vermehren, Blinde heilen, Damonen austreiben, uber das Wasser gehen - wie soll das jemals moglich gewesen sein? Die Wunder Jesu bereiten in Predigt und Unterricht nicht selten grosse Schwierigkeiten. Sie werden als antik belachelt und als vernunftwidrig abgetan. Dabei machen sie mehr als...
- ¥11,840 JPY
- ¥11,840 JPY
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Reforming Music: Music and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth CenturyFive hundred years ago a monk nailed his theses to a church gate in Wittenberg. The sound of Luther's mythical hammer, however, was by no means the only aural manifestation of the religious Reformations.This book describes the birth of Lutheran Chorales and Calvinist Psalmody;...
- ¥12,107 JPY
- ¥12,107 JPY
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Ayorama: That's the Way It IsInternational bestseller Ayorama is a close look at de Coccola's observations of the way of life of the Krangmalit. This classic portrait of cultures in collision, includes stunning black & white photographs.Author: Raymond De CoccolaPublisher: Novalis Press (CN)Published: 09/01/2007Pages: 469Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 1.68lbsSize: 8.90h...
- ¥8,777 JPY
- ¥8,777 JPY
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La Guerre, Le Prince Et Ses Sujets: Les Finances Des Pays-Bas Bourguignons Sous Marie de Bourgogne Et Maximilien d'Autriche (1477-1493)Author: Amable Sablon Du CorailPublisher: Brepols PublishersPublished: 08/30/2019Pages: 614Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 2.60lbsSize: 9.10h x 6.10w x 1.30dISBN: 9782503580982Language: FrenchThis title is not returnableThis title is only available via back order
- ¥61,353 JPY
- ¥61,353 JPY
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Gnose Et Manicheisme. Entre Les Oasis d'Egypte Et La Route de la Soie: Hommage a Jean-Daniel DuBoisAuthor: Anna Van Den KerchovePublisher: Brepols PublishersPublished: 12/15/2016Pages: 970Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 3.30lbsSize: 9.40h x 6.20w x 2.00dISBN: 9782503567631Language: FrenchThis title is not returnableThis title is only available via back order
- ¥67,165 JPY
- ¥67,165 JPY
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A Confession: Leo TolstoyThe book is a brief autobiographical story of the author's struggle with a mid-life existential crisis. It describes his search for the answer to the ultimate philosophical question: "If God does not exist, since death is inevitable, what is the meaning of life?." Without...
- ¥4,591 JPY
- ¥4,591 JPY
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The Original New Testament: Edited and Translated from the Greek by the Jewish Historian of Christian BeginningsThe story of Jesus as the writers of the New Testament meant it to be told. Astonishingly unlike the New Testament as it has been handed down to us today, this remarkable new translation makes the story come alive as never before. Impelled by...
- ¥3,982 JPY
- ¥3,982 JPY
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Molla Ramayanam ( Telugu Edition )Molla Ramayanam and is still one of the simplest of many Ramayans written in Telugu.She primarily used simple Telugu and only used Sanskrit words very rarely. Poets that had written earlier than her like Potana used Sanskrit words freely in their works. She was...
- ¥2,286 JPY
- ¥2,286 JPY
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Fuimos Llamados: Mi vida y caminar junto a Yiye AvilaEste hermoso escrito es una narrativa sencilla pero profunda, la cual lleva al lector a recorrer las memorias m s atesoradas por su autora. Podr amos decir que es un tapiz de recuerdos y sucesos, entretejidos por la sabidur a del cielo, para presentar...
- ¥3,230 JPY
- ¥3,230 JPY
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Forty Weeks: An Ignatian Path to Christ with Sacred Story Prayer (Contemporary Art Second Edition)What kind of person becomes a saint? The answer is any kind of person. Sacred Story Institute's pioneer program Forty Weeks is based on the spiritual practices of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the last man anyone expected to become devoted to God, let alone...
- ¥4,560 JPY
- ¥4,560 JPY
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A Course in Meditation: A 21-Day Workout for Your ConsciousnessA 21-day course for modern meditators It can be difficult for the hyperactive 21st century mind to relax into an experience of silence and awareness. Recognizing this, the revered mystic Osho developed new meditation techniques to address the challenges of the modern mind. A...
- ¥4,270 JPY
- ¥4,270 JPY
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Las MoradasLas moradas, llamado tambi n El castillo interior es una obra de Teresa de vila, monja carmelita descalza, escrita en 1577 como gu a para el desarrollo espiritual a trav s del servicio y la oraci n. Inspirada en su visi n del alma...
- ¥3,904 JPY
- ¥3,904 JPY
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