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Az erkölcsi világAz erkölcsi világE knyvben az 1894. oktbertl 1895. oktberig rt dolgozataim nagyobb rszt van szerencsm kzztenni. Remlem, hogy a ki elolvassa, vilgos fogalmat alkothat magnak az erklcsi vilg trvnyrl; hogy elhigyje, hogy meggyzdjk felle, erre tbb is kell, mint lapos realis gondolkods, mely 1520...
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 12, December, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 12, December, 1883 John H. Washburn, Chairman; A.P. Foster, Secretary; Lyman Abbott, A.S. Barnes, J.R. Danforth, Clinton B. Fisk, S.B. Halliday, Edward Hawes, Samuel Holmes, Charles A. Hull, Samuel S. Marples, Charles L. Mead, S.H. Virgin, Wm....
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Records of the Kirk of ScotlandRecords of the Kirk of Scotland - containing the Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies from 1638 downwards, as authenticated by the clerks of assembly.The object of the present work is to present to the public, in a form that may be generally...
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From India to the planet Mars: A study of a case of somnambulism with glossolaliaFrom India to the planet Mars: A study of a case of somnambulism with glossolaliaIn the month of December, 1894, I was invited by M. Aug. Lematre, Professor of the College of Geneva, to attend some seances of a non-professional medium, receiving no compensation...
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Story of the Life of St. Paul, the ApostleStory of the Life of St. Paul, the Apostle Of all the Christians that have ever lived, there is, perhaps, not one whose life is invested with a greater interest than that of St. Paul the Apostle. A Jew of the tribe of Benjamin,...
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St. Francis of AssisiSt. Francis of AssisiA sketch of St.Francis of Assisi in modern English may be written in one of three ways. Between these the writer must make his selection; and the third way, which is adopted here, is in some respects the most difficult of...
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Ruins of Buddhistic Temples in Prågå Valley—Tyandis Båråbudur, Mendut and PawonRuins of Buddhistic Temples in Prågå Valley—Tyandis Båråbudur, Mendut and PawonWhen in 1896 I was obliged to retire from practice, on account of sickness, I shortly after took up my residence at Jogykart again in order to devote myself to the antiquarian and ethnological...
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HypatiaHypatia - or, The history of a most beautiful, most vertuous, most learned, and every way accomplish'd lady; who was torn to pieces by the clergy of Alexandria, to gratify the pride, emulation, and cruelty of their archbishop, commonly but undeservedly styled St. CyrilOR,...
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Lead Kindly Light: Its Origin and Its RomanceLead Kindly Light: Its Origin and Its Romancerom the earliest eras of history, religion has been wedded to song. In every stage of civilisation and in well-nigh every form of worship this has been true. From the rude ululations of savage medicine-men, with the...
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Studies in the faiths. IIIslamPerhaps mutual understanding and sympathy are more difficult between Christianity and Islam than between any two of the worlds living Faiths. On the side of Islam is the too-little remembered fact that the only Christianity of which she is, so to speak, officially conscious,...
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The Complete Manual of Catholic PietyThe Complete Manual of Catholic Piety - Containing a Selection of Fervent Prayers, Pious Reflection, and Solid Instructions, Adapted to Every State of Life. To Which is Annexed a Supplement, Containing Excellent and Approved Devotions, With the Epistles and Gospels for All the Sundays...
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Experiments of Spiritual Life & Health, and Their PreservativesExperiments of Spiritual Life & Health, and Their Preservatives - In Which the Weakest Child of God May Get Assurance of His Spirituall Life and Blessednesse Etc.As the existence of the following tract was, until quite recently, unknown,[A] a few words of introduction, exhibiting...
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History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, Vol. 8 (of 8)History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, Vol. 8 (of 8)With this volume we complete the publication of the work of M. Merle d'Aubign on the history of the Reformation. The ten volumes published by the author himself and the...
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Vampires and VampirismVampires and VampirismThe awakened interest in supernormal phenomena which has taken place in recent years has included in its wake the absorbing subject of Vampirism. Yet there has not been any collection published of vampire stories which are common to all the five continents...
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A Treatise of Human NatureA Treatise of Human Nature - Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method Into Moral Subjects; and Dialogues Concerning Natural ReligionHumes doctrine of morals parallel to his doctrine of nature. 1. In his speculation on morals, no less than on knowledge, Hume follows...
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Ecclesiastical History of England, from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the Death of Oliver Cromwell. Volume 1—The Church of the Civil WarsEcclesiastical History of England, Volume 1—The Church of the Civil WarsOn the third of November, 1640, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, the Earl Marshal of England came into the outer room of the Commons' House, accompanied by the Treasurer of the King's Household...
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Margaret and Her FriendsMargaret and Her Friends - or, Ten conversations with Margaret Fuller upon the mythology of the Greeks and its expression in art, held at the house of the Rev. George Ripley, Bedford Place, Boston, beginning March 1, 1841In 1839, Margaret Fuller, delicate in health...
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A GentlemanA GentlemanIn offering this little book to that public for which it is intendeda public made up of young men from fifteen to twenty years of agethe author fears that he may seem presumptuous. He intends to accentuate what most of them already know,...
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A Beginner's History of Philosophy, Vol. 2: Modern PhilosophyA Beginner's History of Philosophy, Vol. 2: Modern Philosophy The pedagogical purpose of this history of philosophy is stated in the Preface to the first volume. It may be desirable in this place to restate what that purpose is. This book is intended as...
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