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The MentorThe Mentor - A little book for the guidance of such men and boys as would appear to advantage in the society of persons of the better sortTo be welcome in the society of persons of the better sort, who are always persons of...
- ¥953 JPY
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Twice-born Men in AmericaTwice-born Men in America - or, The Psychology of Conversion as Seen by a Christian Psychologist in Rescue Mission WorkI taught psychology for fifteen years at the Atchison Institute, the predecessor of Midland College, located at Atchison, Kan. I was there greatly impressed by...
- ¥953 JPY
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Geology and RevelationGeology and Revelation - or, the Ancient History of the Earth, considered in the geological facts and revealed religion.Dr. Molloy has, in the present work, made an important contribution to a department of scientific and theologic literature, which has already been enriched by the...
- ¥953 JPY
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Elämän tarkoitus ja arvoElämän tarkoitus ja arvoJohdanto. Ajan vastaukset. Vanhemmat elmnksitykset. Uskonto. Immanenttinen idealismi. Uudemmat elmnmuodostukset. Tykulttuuri. Vlittmn maailmaan supistuvan kulttuurin elmnkuvat. Naturalistinen ja intellektualistinen elmnprobleemin ratkaisu. Pelkn ihmiskulttuurin riittmttmyys. Harkintaa ja valmistelua. Thnastisen tutkimuksen tulos. Vallitsevan tilan sekavuus. Positiivisen knteen valmistelu. Rakentamiskoe. Peruskeh. Pvite. Elmn lujittaminen....
- ¥953 JPY
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Revelations of Divine LoveRevelations of Divine LoveDomini, refugium factus es nobis, a generatione in generationem. Respice in servos tuos, et in opera tua: et dirige filios eorum. Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos, et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos: et opus manuum nostrarum dirige....
- ¥953 JPY
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Jean Jacques Rousseau ja hänen filosofiansaJean Jacques Rousseau ja hänen filosofiansaI Rousseaun herminen ja hnen elmnkysymyksens II Rousseau ja hnen tunnustuksensa III Elm, Luonne ja Teokset 1. Nuoruus 2. Rousseau ja rouva De Worens 3. Oleskelu Parisissa 4. Rikkautuminen ensyklopedistein kanssa 5. Rikkautuminen Voltairen kanssa 6. Rousseaun ptkset ja...
- ¥953 JPY
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Antikristus: Arvostelukoe kristinopistaAntikristus: Arvostelukoe kristinopistaTm kirja kuuluu harvimmille. Tuskin yksikn sen lukijoista on viel syntynyt. Ne ovat niit, jotka ymmrtvt Zarathustrani: kuinka saisin sekoittaa itseni sellaisiin, jotka jo tnn saavat kuulijoita? Vasta ylihuomenna on minun aikani. Muutamat syntyvt isn kuoltua. Ne ehdot, joilla minua ymmrretn, ja...
- ¥953 JPY
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Reformed LogicReformed Logic - A System Based on Berkeley's Philosophy with an Entirely New Method of DialecticPhilosophies are either Ideal or Substantial. The ideal are those which resolve all things, actual and possible, into thought or consciousness. They seek to find in consciousness the reason...
- ¥953 JPY
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Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 2 of 2Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 2 of 2 - Containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations...
- ¥953 JPY
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Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 1 of 2Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 1 of 2 - Containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland In preparing this work for a second impression, Ihave endeavoured carefully to correct mistakes which had escaped me in the first, both as...
- ¥953 JPY
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A Bible History of BaptismA Bible History of BaptismThe history of the ritual ordinances of Gods appointment is full of painful interest. Passing any reference to the times preceding the transactions of Sinai,the institutions then given to Israel constituted a system of transparent, significance, perfect in the congruous...
- ¥953 JPY
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The Will to Power: An Attempted Transvaluation of All Values. Book III and IVThe Will to Power: An Attempted Transvaluation of All Values. Book III and IV Third Book. the Principles of a New Valuation. I. The Will to Power in Science (a) The Method of Investigation 3 (b) The Starting-Point of Epistemology 5 (c) The Belief...
- ¥953 JPY
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The Will to Power: An Attempted Transvaluation of All Values. Book I and IIThe Will to Power: An Attempted Transvaluation of All Values. Book I and II PREFACE 1 FIRST BOOK. EUROPEAN NIHILISM. A Plan 5 I. Nihilism 1. Nihilism as an Outcome of the Valuations and Interpretations of Existence which have prevailed hitherto 8 2. Further...
- ¥953 JPY
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The Joyful Wisdom ("La Gaya Scienza")The Joyful Wisdom ("La Gaya Scienza")The Teachers of the Object of Existence.Whether I look with a good or an evil eye upon men, I find them always at one problem, each and all of them: to do that which conduces to the conservation of...
- ¥953 JPY
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Cours de philosophie positive. (5/6)Cours de philosophie positive. (5/6)Ce cinquime volume avait t primitivement annonc comme destin former la seconde partie du tome quatrime, par lequel l'ouvrage devait d'abord se terminer. Dans un sujet aussi neuf, aussi vaste, et aussi difficile, le public comprendra aisment que, sans apporter...
- ¥953 JPY
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Knights in ArmourKnights in ArmourA feature of peace manoeuvres used to be the "sham fight." In war there are no sham fights. One has to deal then with stern realities, and to carry burdens which seem to be quite beyond one's powers to sustain. Especially is...
- ¥953 JPY
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Salvation UniversalSalvation UniversalFor this grand and glorious purpose, worlds are created by him and peopled with his children. He gives to them his commandments, granting the power to choose for themselves whether or not they will obey. Those who obey him in all things he...
- ¥953 JPY
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Psychology: an elementary text-bookPsychology: an elementary text-bookPsychology has a long past, yet its real history is short. For thousands of years it has existed and has been growing older; but in the earlier part of this period it cannot boast of any continuous progress toward a riper...
- ¥953 JPY
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Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future MetaphysicsKant's Prolegomena to Any Future MetaphysicsTHESE Prolegomena are destined for the use, not of pupils, but of future teachers, and even the latter should not expect that they will be serviceable for the systematic exposition of a ready-made science, but merely for the discovery...
- ¥953 JPY
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Defense of the Faith and the Saints (Volume 2 of 2)Defense of the Faith and the Saints (Volume 2 of 2)No word of Preface is necessary to this Volume, except to say that in presenting it to his readers, the author feels that that he is fulfilling a promise made to them when Volume...
- ¥953 JPY
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