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Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 76, no. 2History of electric lightAbout the same time Lontin, a Frenchman, improved Serrins arc lamp mechanism by the application of series and shunt magnets. This is the differential principle which was invented by Lacassagne and Thiers in 1855 but which apparently had been forgotten. Several...
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Uit de dierenwereld van het waterUit de dierenwereld van het water - Schetsen in woord en beeld van het lever der lagere diersoortenDe fraaie platen van Dr. Aug. Schleyer: Aus der Tiefen der Gewsser geven zulk een uitmuntend beeld van de lagere dierenwereld uit het water, dat ik niet...
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Happy: The life of a beeHappy: The life of a beeYears ago, banished into the far Rio Grande region, I became a keeper of bees. As a child I had loved them, even caressed them, and many a time have I held them one and a hundred at once...
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Jahreszahlen der ErdgeschichteJahreszahlen der ErdgeschichteDie Gesellschaft Kosmos bezweckt, die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes zu verbreiten. Dieses Ziel sucht die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu erreichen im Geschichte...
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The life story of a squirrelThe life story of a squirrelIt was a perfect June morning, not a breath stirring, and the sun fairly baking down till the whole air was full of the hot resinous scent of pine-needles; but, warm as it was, I was shivering as I...
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Personality of plantsPersonality of plantsThe natural world, so to speak, is the raw material of the spiritual. Therefore, ere man can understand the spiritual, he must understand the natural, writes Thomas Gentry. The authors of this book would go a step further and say that the...
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Insect life: Souvenirs of a naturalistInsect life: Souvenirs of a naturalistThis little volume introduces the work of a great French naturalist to the reader of English. Raumur, another Frenchman, is the greatest naturalist devoting himself to the observation of insects the world has yet seen. His six quarto volumesMmoires...
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A világegyetem élete és megismerésének története a legrégibb időtől napjainkigA világegyetem élete és megismerésének története a legrégibb időtől napjainkigA vilgok keletkezse cm munkmat oly nagy jakarattal fogadtk, hogy azt elgg meg nem ksznhetem. Ennek egyik kvetkezmnye volt az is, hogy gy ismersk, mint ismeretlenek a legklnbzbb krdsekkel fordultak hozzm. E krdsek gyakran azon...
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Report of an autopsy on the bodies of Chang and Eng Bunker, commonly known as the Siamese twinsReport of an autopsy on the bodies of Chang and Eng Bunker, commonly known as the Siamese twinsThe few minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling...
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From North Pole to Equator: Studies of Wild Life and Scenes in Many LandsFrom North Pole to Equator: Studies of Wild Life and Scenes in Many LandsTO THE GERMAN EDITION. Six years have passed since the grave at Renthendorf closed over the remains of my esteemed father, whose deathall too earlywas as great a loss to Science...
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The Hollow EarthThe Hollow EarthA Crank that revolves only half way will not always accomplish much of a change, and in many cases would only aggravate the situation. Were it not for Cranks nearly all mechanical appliances would be motionless. Mens thoughts and opinions would all...
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Report on the New York Botanical GardenReport on the New York Botanical GardenThis Report[1] is submitted at your request to set forth the results to date of our investigation and study of the grounds of the Botanical Garden, as a basis for comprehensive plans for their improvement. It is a...
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Cambridge Natural Science Manuals. Biological SeriesFossil plants, Vol. 1: [A text-book] for students of botany and geologyIN acceding to Mr Shipleys request to write a book on Fossil Plants for the Cambridge Natural History Series, I am well aware that I have undertaken a work which was considered too...
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A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet)A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet)Galilei sorsban ppen tban volt a dnt fordulat, mikor Regensburgban 1630 novemberben bezrult az egyetlen embernek lete, aki teljes nagysgban llott mellette: Kepler Jnos (szl. 1571-ben, a svbfldi Weil-der Stadt-ban). Kepler plyja valsgos regny, rdekfesztbb, mint amilyet klt fantzija...
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A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet)A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet)Mintegy tkrkpe ennek a nagy, vajud kzdelemnek, ami szkebb keretben elnkbe lp, amikor megprbljuk nyomon kvetni a vilgrl val szellemi felfogst, amint az emberi kultura csekly szmu vezredeinek folyamn utat trt magnak. Itt is, ott is kezdetben ttova kdk...
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Revue de l'histoire de la Licorne, par un naturaliste de MontpellierRevue de l'histoire de la Licorne, par un naturaliste de MontpellierLorsque vous me demandtes dernirement ce que je pensais de la licorne, vous voultes bien me laisser le loisir de faire quelques recherches ce sujet, pour appuyer une ngation, qui parut vous surprendre d'abord:...
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A Further Investigation of the Symmetrical Chloride of Paranitroorthosulphobenzoic AcidA Further Investigation of the Symmetrical Chloride of Paranitroorthosulphobenzoic AcidThe sulphobenzoic acids have been the subject of investigation in this laboratory for a number of years past. Among the many interesting facts that have been brought to light in the course of this study,...
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A Hermit's Wild Friends or, Eighteen Years in the WoodsA Hermit's Wild Friends; or, Eighteen Years in the WoodsThat the cow-bunting watches over its young, assists the foster parents in providing food, and gradually assumes full care of the young bird, and takes it to the pasture to associate with its kind; that...
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Volcanoes: What They are and What They TeachVolcanoes: What They are and What They TeachIn preparing this work, I have aimed at carrying out a design suggested to me by the late Mr. Poulett Scrope, the accomplishment of which has been unfortunately delayed, longer than I could have wished, by many...
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Field, Forest and FarmField, Forest and Farm - Things interesting to young nature-lovers, including some matters of moment to gardeners and fruit-growersBread is made of flour, he began, and flour is wheat reduced to powder under the millstone. What an interesting mechanism that is, the flour-mill, driven...
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