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BacteriaBacteria - Especially as they are related to the economy of nature, to industrial processes, and to the public healthWe live in a world that is teeming with life. From the earliest times of man that life has been studied and the observations recorded....
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Autobiography of Matthew Scott, Jumbo's Keeper Also Jumbo's Biography, by the same AuthorAutobiography of Matthew Scott, Jumbo's Keeper; Also Jumbo's Biography, by the same AuthorI have travelled through the United States, North, East, South, and West, and have received in my travels the greatest kindness. If Jumbo could but speak, I know he would endorse what...
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A Year with the BirdsA Year with the Birds - Third Edition, EnlargedThis little book is nothing more than an attempt to help those who love birds, but know little about them, to realize something of the enjoyment which I have gained, in work-time as well as in...
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Cassell's book of birds vol. 1Cassell's book of birds; vol. 1 e were some time ago both delighted and astonished by the performances of a German artist, who imitated with wonderful exactness the notes of a variety of birds. The song of the nightingale and the warblings of the...
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Gestalten der WildnisGestalten der WildnisDie weitabgelegene und eng begrenzte Waldflche, die sie abzuholzen hatten, lag in dem Tal, in dem der wilde Ottanoonstrom aus einem Teich entspringt. Aus unerforschlichen Grnden haben die Holzfller es das Zwei-Seen-Tal genannt. Heute, es war heiliger Abend, war viel Unzufriedenheit im...
- ¥988 JPY
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Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 5, December 1900Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 5, December 1900 - Illustrated by Color PhotographyAmong the birds of prey (Raptores) none are better known, more written about or more cosmopolitan than that nocturnal division (Family Strigidae), which includes the two hundred or more species of...
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Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 4, November 1900Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 4, November 1900 - Illustrated by Color PhotographyThe Western Willet is one of the largest of the Limicolae or Shore Birds. The body is about the size of a common pigeon, the long neck, legs and extent of...
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Wasserjungfern: Geschichten von Sommerboten und SonnenkündernWasserjungfern: Geschichten von Sommerboten und SonnenkündernDas vorliegende Bchlein ist eine seiner liebenswrdigsten Naturstudien. Wie klein und eng scheint das Thema dem Uneingeweihten, wie wenig kann darber geschrieben werden, dnkt es ihm wohl. Und doch was hat Lns aus seinem Stoffe gemacht. Mit Verzicht auf...
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Birds and Nature Vol. 08, No. 3, October 1900Birds and Nature Vol. 08, No. 3, October 1900 - Illustrated by Color PhotographyBotanically the Columbine is called Aquilegia, from the Latin word Aquila, meaning an eagle, in reference to a fancied likeness of the spurs of its flowers to the talons of an...
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Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 2, September 1900Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 2, September 1900 - Illustrated by Color PhotographyA number of interesting plants are found grouped under the name of the Mallow Family (Malvaceae). They are the common Mallow, a weed of waysides and cultivated grounds; the Indian Mallow...
- ¥988 JPY
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Curiosities of Science, Past and PresentCuriosities of Science, Past and Present - A Book for Old and YoungThere have been in the history of Art, four grand styles of imitating NatureTempera, Encaustic, Fresco, and Oil. These, together with the minor modes of Painting, we propose arranging in something like...
- ¥988 JPY
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Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 1, June 1900Birds and Nature, Vol. 08, No. 1, June 1900 - In Natural ColorsFLOWERS are of very many patterns, and it must not be supposed that there is any special pattern for them all. There are four parts which belong to flowers in general, and...
- ¥988 JPY
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Birds and All Nature, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1900Birds and All Nature, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1900 - Illustrated by Color PhotographyTHIS is a rare winter visitor and not much known. Its nest is a very bulky and somewhat remarkable structure, composed exteriorly of sticks of various sizes, forming a spherical...
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Das Mikroskop und seine AnwendungDas Mikroskop und seine Anwendung - Ein Leitfaden bei mikroskopischen UntersuchungenSeit ungefhr fnf Jahren hat das Mikroskop aufgehrt ausschliesslich ein Instrument des Naturforschers zu sein. Es hat sich seit dieser Zeit nicht nur als ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel denen erwiesen, welche in ihren Berufsgeschften in...
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The Rocky Mountain GoatThe Rocky Mountain GoatThe white or Rocky Mountain goat shares with the musk-ox the honor of being the least known of the game animals of North America and descriptions of it written even as recently as ten years ago are valueless, as in many...
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The Atomic Fingerprint: Neutron Activation AnalysisThe Atomic Fingerprint: Neutron Activation AnalysisYou are a physicist investigating the properties of semiconductors, which are materials used to make transistors. The electrical properties of one specimen are not quite like the others that youve studied. What makes this specimen different? OR You are...
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An Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New ZealandAn Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New Zealand - The Scale Insects (Coccididae)The number and variety of the insect pests which live on the plants of New Zealand, whether native or introduced, and the damage which they frequently do,...
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Birds and All Nature, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1900Birds and All Nature, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1900THIS curious bird has several local names. It is called the "stake-driver," "booming bittern," and "thunder-pumper," in consequence of its peculiar cry. It was once thought that this noise was made by using a hollow...
- ¥988 JPY
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Birds and All Nature, Vol 7, No. 3, March 1900Birds and All Nature, Vol 7, No. 3, March 1900 - Illustrated by Color PhotographyIT WAS a saying among the ancients, "As beautiful as is the peacock among birds, so is the tiger among quadrupeds." The birds are of many varieties, some white, others...
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- ¥988 JPY
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