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The Insect WorldThe Insect World - Being a Popular Account of the Orders of Insects; Together with a Description of the Habits and Economy of Some of the Most Interesting SpeciesThis popular French book on Insects has been placed in my hands in order that the...
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Experiments and Observations on Electricity Made at Philadelphia in AmericaExperiments and Observations on Electricity Made at Philadelphia in AmericaIt may be necessary to acquaint the reader, that the following observations and experiments were not drawn up with a view to their being made publick, but were communicated at different times, and most of...
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Flatland: A Romance of Many DimensionsFlatland: A Romance of Many DimensionsTo The Inhabitants of Space in General And H. C. in Particular This Work is Dedicated By a Humble Native of Flatland In the Hope that Even as he was Initiated into the Mysteries Of Three Dimensions Having been...
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Insect ArchitectureInsect ArchitectureThe proprietors of this interesting work having felt that much additional knowledge of the subject has been obtained since the book was written, have asked me to supply characteristic examples of Insect Architecture which were not to be found in its pages. I...
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Die Entstehung der Kontinente und OzeaneDie Entstehung der Kontinente und OzeaneDas vorliegende Buch ist die vllig umgearbeitete und wesentlich vermehrte zweite Auflage meiner gleichnamigen, 1915 in der Sammlung Vieweg (Nr. 23) erschienenen Schrift, die vergriffen ist. Die bernahme der neuen Auflage in die Sammlung Wissenschaft erfolgte wegen des vergrerten...
- ¥988 JPY
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Makers of ElectricityMakers of ElectricityThis volume represents an effort in the direction of what may be called the biographical history of electricity. The controlling idea in its preparation was to provide brief yet reasonably complete sketches of the lives of the great pioneer workers in electricity,...
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The Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 2 (of 2)The Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 2 (of 2)Mr. Faraday's introduction to Sir H. Davy.A renewed correspondence on the subject of the Gunpowder Manufactory.Davy obtains permission from Napoleon to visit the Continent.He embarks in a Cartel from Plymouth.Is arrested at Morlaix.Arrives...
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The Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 1 (of 2)The Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 1 (of 2)The reflecting portion of mankind has ever felt desirous of becoming acquainted with the origin, progress, habits, and peculiarities of those whom the powers of genius may have raised above the plane of...
- ¥988 JPY
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The Life of an InsectThe Life of an Insect - being a history of the changes of insects from the egg to the perfect being.Chapter I.The Nest.The Microscope and TelescopeTerror caused by InsectsDeath-watchLife-boat of EggsThe Water BeetleFloating Ark of EggsThe Gnather difficultiesher Egg-raftThe Sand-boring WaspTowers of rubbishCaptive CaterpillarsWood-boring...
- ¥988 JPY
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Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, July 1899Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, July 1899 - Volume LV, No. 3, July 1899The popular mind persists in thinking that there is a wide difference between science and knowledge in general. Yes, there is a wide difference, but it is just the difference that there...
- ¥988 JPY
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New Theories in AstronomyNew Theories in AstronomyThat a little knowledge is a dangerous thing to the possessor, has been pointed out often enough, probably with the idea of keeping him quiet, but it is very certain that the warning has not always had the desired effect; and...
- ¥988 JPY
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RiverbyRiverbyA YEAR IN THE FIELDS. Selections appropriate to each season of the year, from the writings of John Burroughs. Illustrated from Photographs by Clifton Johnson. Uniform with the Riverside Edition of Burroughs's works. 12mo, $1.50. I have often said to myself, "Why should not...
- ¥988 JPY
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Carlo DarwinCarlo Darwin....Non ancora deliberato dove debbano essere sepolti i suoi avanzi mortali, ma il posto della sepoltura deve essere nel tranquillo cimitero del villaggio di Down presso il luogo dove Darwin pass quasi quarant'anni della sua vita.... Ma la voce potente del popolo inglese...
- ¥988 JPY
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Eläinten sankareitaEläinten sankareitaMurhanhimoisten muuttohaukkojen pes haltijoineen ja poikasineen on nyt nhtvn New Yorkissa, Amerikan luonnontieteellisess museossa. Museon virkamiehet ovat kertoneet minulle, ett pesst lydettiin seuraavat kyyhkysrenkaat 9970-S, 1696, LL 63, J.F. 52, Ex. 705, 6-1894, C 20 900. Ehk joku kyyhkyjen ystv saa nist riveist...
- ¥988 JPY
¥3,161 JPY- ¥988 JPY
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Villejä eläimiäVillejä eläimiäNm kertomukset ovat tosia. Vaikka en aina ole tarkasti seurannut historiallista totuutta, niin kuvaamani elimet ovat silti todellisia. Niiden elm on ollut sellaista kuin olen tss kertonut, ja todellisuudessa niiden urheus ja yksillliset ominaisuudet ovat ilmenneet paljon voimakkaampina kuin olen kyennyt kuvaamaan. Luonnonhistoria...
- ¥988 JPY
¥3,161 JPY- ¥988 JPY
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How to Know the FernsHow to Know the FernsIn its lowest forms vegetable life is a very simple affair. The minute Alg which clothe damp surfaces with a green film show few indeed of the characteristics with which we are familiar in the higher plants. Certainly they are...
- ¥988 JPY
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Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, June 1899Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, June 1899 - Volume LVBoth the interest and the importance of the subject make it worth while to follow out every clew that may lead to the approximate determination of the age of Niagara Falls. During this past season, in...
- ¥988 JPY
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Astronomy for Young FolksAstronomy for Young FolksAstronomy, it has been said, is the oldest and the noblest of the sciences. Yet it is one of the few sciences for which most present-day educators seem to find little, if any, room in their curriculum of study for the...
- ¥988 JPY
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Beautiful FernsBeautiful FernsAdiantum pedatum:Root-stock creeping, scaly, and copiously rooting; stalks scattered, a foot or more high, dark-brown and polished, forked at the top; fronds six to fifteen inches broad, membranaceous, smooth, spreading nearly horizontally, composed of several (six to fourteen) slender divisions radiating from the...
- ¥988 JPY
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Notes on Collecting and Preserving Natural-History ObjectsNotes on Collecting and Preserving Natural-History Objects BY J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S. E. F. Elwin. Thos. Southwell, F.Z.S. Dr. Knaggs. E. C. Rye, F.Z.S. J. B. Bridgman. Professor Ralph Tate, F.G.S. Jas. Britten, F.L.S. Professor Buckman, F.G.S. Dr. Braithwaite, F.L.S. Worthington G. Smith,...
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