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Practical House, Wagon and Automobile PainterPractical House, Wagon and Automobile Painter - including sign painting, and valuable hints and recipesTake a piece of firm, close-grained charcoal, and near one end of it scoop out a cavity about half an inch in diameter and a quarter of an inch in...
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The Radio GunnerThe Radio GunnerCertainly they give men rewards for doing such things, but what reward can there be in any gift of Kings or peoples to match the enduring satisfaction of having done them, not alone, but with and through and by trusty and proven...
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Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of RubberRubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber - A practical treatise on the manufacture of India rubber hand stamps, small articles of India rubber, the hektograph, special inks, cements, and allied subjectsThe present work hardly needs a preface. The object is to present...
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Wireless PossibilitiesWireless PossibilitiesThe effects of history upon the advance of science are often noted, but the result of the march of progress is more often entirely neglected. It would seem desirable that the future should be studied with reasonable accuracy if we are to protect...
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Keeping Down the Cost of Your WoodworkKeeping Down the Cost of Your Woodwork Keeping Down the Cost of Your Woodwork Restful Rooms Where First Impressions Count The Living Room That Deserves Its Name Making the Dining Room Inviting Lightening Kitchen Burdens Where You Spend Over One-third of Your Life Here...
- ¥956 JPY
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Our ShowOur Show - A Humorous Account of the International Exposition in Honor of the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence, from Inception to Completion, Including Description of Buildings, Biographies of Managers, Receptions of Foreign Dignitaries, Opening Ceremonies, Poem, Oration, Amusing Survey of All Departments, Incidents,...
- ¥956 JPY
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From Immigrant to InventorFrom Immigrant to InventorLooking back over the development of this volume throughout the year or more during which I have been writing it, it seems to me that I cannot better express the end I have had in view than to repeat here what...
- ¥956 JPY
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The Railway Conquest of the WorldThe Railway Conquest of the WorldThere is the unfathomable fascination of romance connected with the construction of great railways, though little is known of the beginning and the growth of the great trunk roads of the world; of the heavy tax which their construction...
- ¥956 JPY
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Survival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber CrewsSurvival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber CrewsTypographical errors (such as "COMAT" appearing for "COMBAT" in the title) and punctuation inconsistencies have been retained. The goal has been to provide a historically accurate representation of the original 1944 publication. "d. Dissemination of...
- ¥956 JPY
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Ditching Procedure, B-29s with Four-Gun TurretDitching Procedure, B-29s with Four-Gun Turret1. In accordance with 2AF Ltr. 50-36, 2 June 1945, the inclosed procedures are effective immediately and will be inserted in all copies of the above-listed manuals now in use or to be issued for use. 1. The first...
- ¥956 JPY
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Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply ExplainedWireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained - A Practical Treatise Embracing Complete and Detailed Explanations of the Theory and Practice of Modern Radio Apparatus and Its Present Day Applications, Together With a Chapter on the Possibilities of Its Future DevelopmentProbably no marvel of modern...
- ¥956 JPY
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All-Time Favorite Cranberry RecipesAll-Time Favorite Cranberry RecipesCranberries are truly North American berries. Before Columbus came to the new world, the tangy wild cranberries had an important place in everyday life here. Indian squaws used cranberries to brighten up food. Pilgrim women learned of this wild berry from...
- ¥956 JPY
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Es PercipiEs PercipiNicholson ducked into the room and squinted myopically through contact lenses which made his eyes look watery and far away. "Better scram out the back way, boss," he said. "That dame from the Department of Health and Public Welfare is here again." "Unfortunately,"...
- ¥956 JPY
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Illustrations of the Croton AqueductIllustrations of the Croton AqueductThe views which I have given of the important points on the line of the Croton Aqueduct, are from sketches taken for my own satisfaction; but the interest so generally taken in the work, has suggested to me the propriety...
- ¥956 JPY
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The World of Flying Saucers: A Scientific Examination of a Major Myth of the Space AgeThe World of Flying Saucers: A Scientific Examination of a Major Myth of the Space AgeBoth as scientists and as devotees of science fiction, we have long been interested in space travel. When reports of unidentified flying objects began to increase in the years...
- ¥956 JPY
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Elementary Course in WoodworkElementary Course in Woodwork - Designed for use in high and technical schools, with one hundred and thirty-four illustrations: First EditionThe character and object of this book is set forth on its title page. It is a manual designed principally for the practical assistance...
- ¥956 JPY
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Story of the automobile: Its history and development from 1760 to 1917Story of the automobile: Its history and development from 1760 to 1917 - With an analysis of the standing and prospects of the automobile industryWhat did Benjamin Franklin have to do with the automobile? a great many readers of this book will ask. Benjamin...
- ¥956 JPY
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The Wine Press and the Cellar: A Manual for the Wine-Maker and the Cellar-ManThe Wine Press and the Cellar: A Manual for the Wine-Maker and the Cellar-ManIn 1876 the Mission grape sold in California for from $7.50 to $10 per ton, and foreign varieties for from $14 to $18 per ton, and consequently many vineyardists in districts...
- ¥956 JPY
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The Curtiss Aviation BookThe Curtiss Aviation BookThe time has come when the world is going to need a new type of menalmost a new race. These are the Flying Men. The great dream of centuries has come true, and man now has the key to the sky....
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Star Book No. 236Aunt Lydia's DesignsEQUIPMENT: T-pins. Scissors. Tape measure or ruler. Knotting board (brown paper marked off in one inch squares for gauge. Place over knotting board of Celotex, cork, or padded cardboard). Rubber bands for bobbins (wind lengths overhand, secure with rubber band and release...
- ¥956 JPY
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