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Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der FliegekunstDer Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst - Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Flugtechnik Es scheint, als ob die Forschung auf dem Gebiete des aktiven Fliegens durch ungnstige Umstnde in Bahnen gelenkt worden sei, welche fast resultatlos verlaufen, indem die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung die wirkliche...
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Time and Clocks: A Description of Ancient and Modern Methods of Measuring TimeTime and Clocks: A Description of Ancient and Modern Methods of Measuring TimeWhen we read the works of Homer, or Virgil, or Plato, or turn to the later productions of Dante, of Shakespeare, of Milton, and the host of writers and poets who have...
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The Birth and Babyhood of the TelephoneThe Birth and Babyhood of the TelephoneThomas A. Watson was born on January 18, 1854, in Salem, Massachusetts, and died December 13, 1934, at more than four-score years. At the age of 13 he left school and went to work in a store. Always...
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Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th CenturyDiscoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century Only by knowledge of Natures laws can man subjugate her powers and appropriate her materials for his own purposes. The whole history of arts and inventions is a continued comment on this text; and since the knowledge...
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Dirty Dustbins and Sloppy StreetsDirty Dustbins and Sloppy Streets - A Practical Treatise on the Scavenging and Cleansing of Cities and TownsSome portions of the following pages have already appeared in the monthly numbers of the Sanitary Engineer, and the complete work is now published with a view...
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Gunpowder and Ammunition, Their Origin and ProgressGunpowder and Ammunition, Their Origin and ProgressThe following works are frequently quoted, and are only designated by the authors name. Thus, Elliot, ii. 75, means Sir H. M. Elliots Hist. of India, as told, &c. &c., vol. ii. p. 75. Explosion.The sudden and violent...
- ¥963 JPY
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Gasoline and Oil Stoves, "New Process" and "Standard." 1901Gasoline and Oil Stoves, "New Process" and "Standard." 1901In presenting this catalogue to the trade, we beg to call attention to the completeness in detail of the various lines herein represented, embracing the largest variety of the latest improved cooking devices which inventive genius...
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Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., Past President of the Institute of Civil EngineersAutobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., Past President of the Institute of Civil Engineers - Comprising the history of his professional life, together with reminiscences dating from the commencement of the century to the present time.The following Autobiography was written by Sir John Rennie...
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Practical Methods of Sewage Disposal for Residences, Hotels and InstitutionsPractical Methods of Sewage Disposal for Residences, Hotels and InstitutionsThe problem of sewage disposal for a single house differs from the corresponding problem for a city chiefly in two ways: first, because in the city it is becoming, if it has not, indeed, already...
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The Jacquard Machine Analyzed and ExplainedThe Jacquard Machine Analyzed and Explained - With an appendix on the preparation of jacquard cards, and practical hints to learners of jacquard designingVery little has been written upon the Jacquard machine, and the fabrics produced by it; and nothing at all has been...
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How to Make CandyHow to Make Candy - A Complete Hand Book for Making All Kinds of Candy, Ice Cream, Syrups, Essences, Etc., Etc. I have never seen a health warning on a book before but I have been asked to provide one here. Some of the...
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Camp Cookery. How to Live in CampCamp Cookery. How to Live in CampThe first thing to parties bent on roughing it is the selection of a tent, which can be hired of any of the sail-makers, for any length of time, and at a reasonable price. For a party of...
- ¥963 JPY
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Bamboo, Considered as a Paper-making MaterialBamboo, Considered as a Paper-making Material - With remarks upon its cultivation and treatment. Supplemented by a consideration of the present position of the paper trade in relation to the supply of raw material.Of all the fibre-yielding plants known to botanical science there is...
- ¥963 JPY
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Windmills, Picturesque and Historic: The Motors of the PastWindmills, Picturesque and Historic: The Motors of the PastThe pessimist says that man is a lazy animal and that he invents machines to save himself work. The optimist, that man is an industrious creature who invents machines that he may accomplish the more. Whichever...
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Il nuovo lume delle gioieIl nuovo lume delle gioie - Opera utilissima ad'ogni persona, così a orefici, e speciali, per l'arte pratico. Sopra queste carte mi e parso bene dare al lume della cognitione delle Gioie per maggiormente sij meglio illuminato questo mio trattato di appoggiarlo V.A.S. essendo...
- ¥963 JPY
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The Economical Jewish Cook: A Modern Orthodox Recipe Book for Young HousekeepersThe Economical Jewish Cook: A Modern Orthodox Recipe Book for Young HousekeepersAdmirable as are many of the Jewish cookery books already before the world, they assume the use of ingredients and processes too expensive for ordinary use. The want of an orthodox book, dealing...
- ¥963 JPY
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Fast-Day Cookery or, Meals without MeatFast-Day Cookery; or, Meals without MeatEncouraged by the kindly manner in which the Press has dealt with my "Anglo-Indian and Oriental Cookery," and at the repeated request of friends, I am writing this little book. In its compilation, I have had in view both...
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Metropolitan Subway and Elevated SystemsMetropolitan Subway and Elevated Systems - Bulletin 49The transportation system of the city of Boston comprises a combination of both rapid transit and surface lines operated under a single fare arrangement with transfer privileges permitting a continuous ride in one general direction from one...
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Food Adulteration and Its DetectionFood Adulteration and Its Detection - With photomicrographic plates and a bibliographical appendixOf the various branches cognate to chemical research which excite public attention, that of food adulteration doubtless possesses the greatest interest. To the dealer in alimentary substances, the significance of their sophistication...
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A Book of SimplesA Book of SimplesThe original of this little book was found in the library of a distinguished Essex antiquary: the document has unfortunately no history, but from its appearance and comprehensive character it must have been the still-room book of some manor house or...
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