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What We Saw at Madame World's FairWhat We Saw at Madame World's Fair - Being a Series of Letters from the Twins at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to Their Cousins at HomeFOR many years it has been the dream of Madame World to have a canal cut through the narrow...
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From Kitchen to Garret: Hints for young householdersFrom Kitchen to Garret: Hints for young householdersIn presenting this book in a completed and augmented form to the public, I think a few words of explanation are necessary, lest the way in which the chapters are written may lay me open to a...
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Die Geschichte der Dampfmaschine bis James WattDie Geschichte der Dampfmaschine bis James WattDie Sammlung wendet sich an jeden, der an die wahren Quellen unseres Wissens herantreten will, sei es in ernstem Studium, sei es zur belebenden Vertiefung seiner Kenntnisse, sei es aus Freude an gediegener und doch spannender Leseunterhaltung. Die...
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The Story of the Airship (Non-rigid)The Story of the Airship (Non-rigid) - A Study of One of America's Lesser Known Defense WeaponsTo Admiral William A. Moffett, and the men his leadership inspiredto Landsdowne, McCord and Berryto Calnan and Dugan and other able juniors, to Maxfield and Hoyt, Hancock and...
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The Just-Wed Cook BookThe Just-Wed Cook Book - A Present from The Merchants of Reno, NevadaThe making of bread is, to a large degree, a chemical operation, and should be carried on with as much accuracy as a chemist would use in his laboratory. The flour should...
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Descriptive Pamphlet of the Richmond Mill Furnishing WorksDescriptive Pamphlet of the Richmond Mill Furnishing Works - All sizes of mill stones and complete grinding and bolting combined husk or portable flouring mills, portable corn and feed mills; smut and separating machines; zigzag and oat separators, dustless separators, warehouse separators, water wheels;...
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Flying Machines TodayFlying Machines TodaySpeaking with some experience, the writer has found that instruction in the principles underlying the science and sport of aviation must be vitalized by some contemporaneous study of what is being accomplished in the air. No one of the revolutionizing inventions of...
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The Valuation of Public Service Corporation PropertyThe Valuation of Public Service Corporation Property - Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, With Discussion by Messrs. F. Lavis, Charles H. Higgins, S. D. Newton, William V. Polleys, C. P. Howard, J. E. Willoughby, Henry C. Adams, Carl C. Witt, R....
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The Pantropheon Or, History of Food, Its Preparation, from the Earliest Ages of the WorldThe Pantropheon; Or, History of Food, Its Preparation, from the Earliest Ages of the World T H I S W O R K Is Dedicated by the Author TO THE G E N I U S O F G A S T R O...
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Electricity in LocomotionElectricity in Locomotion - An Account of Its Mechanism, Its Achievements, and Its ProspectsIn the following pages an attempt is made to give a clear picture of the part which electricity has taken and will continue to take in the development of locomotion. Some...
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Billy in BunburyBilly in BunburySift together flour, cocoa, sugar, salt, cinnamon and baking powder. Add raisins, then milk slowly to make a smooth batter. Add shortening and mix thoroughly. Put 1 tablespoon batter in each greased muffin tin and bake in moderate oven (400) for about...
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Corticelli Home Needlework, 1898: A Manual of Art, Embroidery and KnittingCorticelli Home Needlework, 1898: A Manual of Art, Embroidery and KnittingIN the endeavor to make this book larger and better than any previous edition we have called to our aid some of the best needleworkers and designers in this country, and the result is...
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What to Eat, How to Serve itWhat to Eat, How to Serve itTHE apartment in which the members of a family assemble three times a day for meals must be pleasant. There is a chance to escape from any other part of the house. The business man rarely sees his...
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The Train Wire: A Discussion of the Science of Train DispatchingThe Train Wire: A Discussion of the Science of Train Dispatching - (Second Edition)In the first edition of this book, issued in 1883, Mr. Anderson, then Superintendent of the Belvidere Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, modestly disclaiming perfection for his work, ventured the prediction...
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The Mentor: The Story of Coal, vol. 6, Num. 6, Serial No. 154, May 1, 1918The Mentor: The Story of Coal, vol. 6, Num. 6, Serial No. 154, May 1, 1918While the vegetable origin of coal is beyond question, two rival views are current among geologists to account for the deposit of ancient plant material in the form of...
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A Story of the TelegraphA Story of the TelegraphThe Electric Telegraph is unquestionably one of our most valuable public utilities. In commercial life the telegraph has revolutionized business methods. Transactions are now effected between New York, London and other financial centres in minutes, which formerly occupied weeks, and...
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Mechanics of the HouseholdMechanics of the Household - A Course of Study Devoted to Domestic Machinery and Household Mechanical AppliancesThis book is intended to be a presentation of the physical principles and mechanism employed in the equipment that has been developed for domestic convenience. Its aim is...
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Grocers' GoodsGrocers' Goods - A Family Guide to the Purchase of Flour, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods, Cigars, Wines, and All Other Articles Usually Found in American Grocery StoresIn the ancient times of twenty-five or thirty years ago, the grocers goods consisted chiefly of...
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Longmans' Civil Engineering SeriesRailway ConstructionThe construction and maintenance of a railway calls for the application of so many branches of engineering that several volumes would be required to do ample justice to a subject so comprehensive and ever-extending. To avoid attempting so wide a range, the object...
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The 15 Watt Tungsten LampThe Fifteen Watt Tungsten LampSince the introduction of the tungsten lamp some five years ago, the manufacturers have attempted continually to produce smaller and smaller units in the standard voltages. The latest lamp offered today is the 115 volt, 15 watt, tungsten, and it...
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